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Reviews for Road to You

By : Xiophelia
  • From ANON - G on May 08, 2013
    This was a bittersweet story in a very nice way. It's a bleak world that Naruto has found himself in and the story rightfully didn't end in sunshine and roses, but with a hint of hope, which was nice.

    I'm wondering because of the title and because of how the story begins, with a father and son traveling together in a post-apocalyptic world, if you've read the book/watched the movie of "The Road"? It has a lot of similar themes to this story with people turning into absolute savages after the apocalypse (I think I remember rape gangs in that story rather than communities of cannibals), but I like how in this fic the father and son do run into a decent group of people. There was pretty much no hope for society anymore in that story, which was way depressing. In this fic, even if the rest of the world has gone to hell, at least there's Konoha.
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