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Reviews for Violet Beast in Konoha

By : Wicked_Elagabalus
  • From Majin-kun on January 06, 2015
    That was really stupid...the equivalent of tentacle porn...Tentacle porn=girl gets into really fast for no reason. So much for being in love with Naruto Hinata...she could've been raped by Akamaru and it really wouldn't have been different here, would it?

    I'm guessing you're just picturing yourself as the OC like most authors do...weirdos. But oh well...that's the internet. You would've gotten a lot better critics and a lot more views if you gone with Feral Naruto instead of "random beast dude who is handsome and has a big dick just so he isn't lame like a caveman".
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  • From ANON - So What? on October 09, 2012
    So i'm trying to not hate this but I cant read this anymore. ON a site where theres nothing but gayness i find one with out only it be an OC ging after the girls>? Will naruto go 9tials or die like everyone elas has it going when they do an OC thing. All well i'll give one more chpater if it's bad then i'll stop reading this.
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  • From frix on October 09, 2012
    I don't get this story. So a completely out of place beast that has no ties with anything in the Naruto-universe pops op and starts having sex with all the women out of the blue? And apparently Hinata agrees with this in less than 5 minutes after being kidnapped and tied down?

    What the hell is the purpose of this? This story makes no sense, it's just random sex for the sake of random sex without any regards to plot or staying in character. And why bother with Kei? Why should we care about an OC that gets all the glory?

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  • From ANON - Shatter the Sky Comes Quietly on October 08, 2012
    I have to say, no one is going to go from 'please let me go' to 'do me now' in the space of five minutes no matter what their captor is doing to their body. If she's being influenced via some means, that would make it more believable. With what Kei is, that seems the most likely scenario. The story tags mention mpreg, who are the unlucky boys? I see Kei with special tentacles for the guys for some reason. The tentacles would initiate a change in the males to allow them to carry. And is Kei purple, I don't remember. The title says violet, is it meant to be violent?
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  • From ANON - Hithere on October 08, 2012
    Wow that was intense! I can't wait for you to continue! I ally like the way that you chose Keis style of speech, third person and incomplete, it just spun so sexy and primal and I like your choice of Hinata and Sakura as the ladies of interest! Keep going your doing very well!
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