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Reviews for Missed Opportunities

By : AngelTalion
  • From RyuEarth on January 25, 2011
    I agree that this is fantastic! I like the way that Iruka and Kakashi are written!

    I hope there is more to this!
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  • From roro237 on January 22, 2011
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  • From MyGrandioseEgo on January 22, 2011
    For someone who never wrote about this pair, you did well. You must pay a little more attention to the flow of events to avoid confusions. You described very well Iruka's turmoil and feelings, but it would be better if could do same thing for Kakshi. It's looking like he become interested when he listened the conversation between the two shinobi about "dating" Iruka and how easy he is. Obviously, it was somethin there before, I think, and the sparks only grew in time, ready to set the real thing. Keep going with it, because is well written and I'm sure that what you want from this story is great too.
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