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Reviews for The Upside of Food Poisoning

By : SumiHatake
  • From ANON - Anise on September 25, 2010
    You're so mean to Sasuke but for some reason it reminded me of something I heard someone say about him when talking about bad guys - Sasuke isn't bad he's just having a tantrum.^^ It's funny how some hate him and others think he could never measure up to a really evil bad guy like Orochimaru, it will be interesting to see how he turns out.

    Anywho on to the story, I love the whole lack of cooking ability on Iruka's part since realistically he probably wouldn't have had anyone to teach him, although I'm guessing because I don't remember the details of MI. I think at some point if I ever find the time I should go and reread MI, it would be fun to go back to something I had enjoyed reading before :)

    There was a couple of little things like, 'Heaving for seemed like the hundredth time...' that didn't sound quite right to me, I think you might be missing a word ;) I decided I should at least point it out even though I hate to be nitpicky, I'm always afraid to point something out in case I'm actually wrong.

    Hope you're staying dry and having a good night ^_^
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  • From suzannecmc on September 24, 2010

    tthank you!
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