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Reviews for Torrid

By : KageKitsuneXXX
  • From ANON - Ivy on February 08, 2011
    Great to read a new chapter!
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  • From ANON - softwelshrain on February 08, 2011
    Happy New Year! Great and much appreciated update .. and the story has skipped a year too! I'm not even going to bother to try to guess where this is going now - Naruto is obviously a busy man jetting all over the place, and things will only get worse if Shikamaru's prediction for the future is correct. Will Sasuke give it all up to follow him? So many ways this could go now, but I wait, as usual, patiently. Great work
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 08, 2011
    Oh my lord, I was so exciiiited to see there was a new chapter. I stared at it in shock for hecka long!
    That was a GREAT chapter, I seriously can't wait for the next one, hopefully that one won't take as long!
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  • From AngelTalion on February 08, 2011
    Oh I am SOOOO glad to see ythis updated. Its awesome because I was just going through my favorites list and checking for any updates I might have missed! :) Thank you sooo much I liked this chapter a lot! I can't wait to see what Sasuke comes up with. I love the wise Kakashi... except for the all alone thing! :( Poor kakashi. ADORE yoour Shikamaru and description of him. Its so... right.
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  • From satterb on February 08, 2011
    Awwww! It's coming together so nicely! But not cheated or forced. I've really enjoyed this story, I still liked Neji and Naruto together, but that's not what this story was about. I hope to see you give us a Neji/Naruto story later (hint, hint). I was surprised to see you'd updated. Thanks for all your hard work! And don't worry about the absence...anyone who can't understand that this sometimes happens, needs to purchase their reading material already finished! LOL
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  • From nivell on February 08, 2011
    Welcome back! Honestly, I don't think Naruto and Sasuke will work out as lovers. As friends yes, but to gain their previous relationship back? That'll be damn hard. For one, Naruto's career as a diplomat will take first priority and he will be out of the country most of the time. Plus, there would be tongue wagging from higher ups and bureaucratic shit-heads wondering why such a fine young man isn't married. Sasuke's lucky, his parents accept him for who he is and he's working in the family company. Unless in your universe, the government and foreign affairs department is quite open to same sex couples (ala Britain), it will be Naruto this time who is keeping Sasuke as a dirty secret. Lol, am getting analytical about this. But who knows, maybe you'll surprise me. All I know is that Kakashi is right. Sasuke is turning into a pussy and he needs to regain his fiery bitchy self, quick!
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  • From Gingitsune32 on February 08, 2011
    Another chapter! Woot!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read how this is going to end :D Go big or go home? :D
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  • From ANON - qwerty on February 07, 2011
    ah you're back! yay! oh man, can't wait for the next chapter (which should be coming out soon since you had to split it the original one, righttt?)
    keep going!
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  • From suzannecmc on February 07, 2011
    oh and happy new year!
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  • From suzannecmc on February 07, 2011
    "why..., why has the Goddess forsook us?"
    (weeps in front of shrine while clutching small bunny that is partially bald from being petted out of anxiety)


    (shrine maiden spins and is confronted by the Goddess' sparkly magnificence)

    "'s you."
    (deadpans shrine maiden with a raised eyebrow that Sasuke would be proud of)

    "Go big, or go home"
    YAY!!! I have a feeling Sasuke's heading to Paris:)

    and look, we all know life get's in the way. if being busy at your job is the worst of it,
    then good for you!
    so thank you for this kind of wonderful.

    PS - I like odd numbers ... my quirk ... just saying ... --- ... a bonus chapter wouldn't
    go unappreciated ... just sayin'...

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  • From Prism0467 on February 07, 2011
    ROFL Kakashi, you crazy son of a bitch! I'm going to erect a monument in your honor! I LOVE YOU!

    Missing you around these parts, KKXXX.
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  • From Silkylove on January 24, 2011
    omg i think i'm going to cry! You can't keep doing this to me! They need to be together! Nothing is in the way, why can't you just make them happy and stop tearing apart my heart :,( I love the story so update soon okay? And please don't torcher me for too much longer i don't think my heart can take it. *hands over some cookies* (this is not a flame!)
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  • From ANON - Eien on December 12, 2010
    Now, where should I start?

    I wandered through the internet looking for a good piece of fanfiction to read after a long absence, because I guess I exhausted the list of memorable and great naruto slash and even the Harry Potter slash (and more fandom in a list too long to write.Lol) Or so I thought... There are probably more treasures out there but I have not found them yet, like "Torrid". And I'll have you know, I'm french, and I kind of exhausted the archieves in the french fandom too XD. Okay, maybe not, but you know what I mean...Well writen stories are such rare occurences. There are stories that have great plot but poor characterization, in desperate need of a beta(my english is not that great, so when I spot so many mistakes there's definitely something wrong), or underdevelopped plots...Etc.

    Now why am I saying all this? This is to say that it was like a walk in the desert for me until I found an oasis. This fic. It hasn't happened for a long time in the multiple fandoms I'm part of. At first I just went on AFF, and then selected naruto/sasuke. The title caught my eyes immediately, and then I'm not going to lie, the number of reviews too(on AFF,it has so be something to get this much review), and then saw the summary.

    I wasn't really convinced by the latter, but I decided to give it a shot. I was in a mood for anything. I confess the first chapters didn't really spark anything. Why is that? There were scenes I felt like something was majorly missing or it was a bit rushed. I thought, for an introduction it was quickly wanning my interest as a reader, because I thought that the way things were writen was a bit off. I re-read it again, and now that I know more of Naruto and Sasuke, it has more meaning and became brilliant, you know? Anyway, I was ready to abandon this when I read the memory of how Naruto and Sasuke became involved physically and the whole overused "this is just sex , no strings attached" idea. BUT, but, every author has their way of viewing a concept, an idea, even the most overused ones. They always find something to make it original. After years reading and writing fanfiction, I know that those little details are never indicator of the potential of a story. Not the only ones, at least.
    How glad I was that I continued...Because you got me hooked from chapter four. Your writing style has A LOT to do with that, more so than the story itself. There is a certain way you phrase things, that fascinated me, and I found myself glued to each word.

    One of the greatest things in your writing has to be the characterization. I attach so much importance to that, and at first, I thought it was not that great for a start. I mean, some people get me hooked from the start with the way they present their characters, (even if some always end up being disapointing after a few chapters) What intrigued me however, was the plot and your writing style(I'll never cease to say something about it through this review so prepare to get an overdose.)I said to myself everything is never perfect from first chapters. So back to the amazing characterization: I was blown away by the sheer genius of it. Your dialogue is one of the most realistic I encountered. I had a hard time to warm up to Sasuke's character at first. There was something about him I didn't like. He had the tendency to fade in the background in my mind, as I focused interely on Naruto. Maybe that was intended, I don't know. Naruto was struggling so much, and he was seating between two whairs. The way you handled him was heartbreaking, as he tried to cling and live or rather survive. I felt his desperation and I was depressed for him. I'm kind of a cynical person at times, and I have hard time relating to fictional characters when it's poorly writen, but your Naruto touched me. It's so funny, because there are situations in the fic that I've read so many times somewhere else, I usually just roll my eyes when I encounter them now and again, but here...There was a twist and an author personal touch that I couldn't ignore. Did I say that this is realistic?

    I am sorry my review won't be much of a review however. It's like just a bunch of nonesense put together and a lot of fangirling over the writing style and characterization...Oh, and the dialogue, the plot: basically everything O_O. There are so much favorite quotes I might as while just quote every dialogue. One I particularly liked was Naruto's speech to Jirayia I believe. It was about love and loving a person even if one knows about their bad sides. It was in the earlier chapters, I have to look for it again.

    About Sasuke...I really LOVED the way you handled his realtionship with his dad. It's funny how authors, no matter the fandom, write the patriarch as some cold hearted bastard who see their child as nothing but tools to get more heirs and live up to their last name's expectations. It's not necessarily bad to write that, but at least develop it and explain WHY is that person like that so the reader won't feel like it's just some gratuitious character bashing.(Like Lucius Malfoy. I cried in victory when J.K.R actually showed the fans that he was still a father and a human being despite the evil things he did. It does not justify his actions, but it was showing that he was human).I can count with my digits the number of times I actually cried while reading a fic. Sasuke throwing himself at Fugaku, like the little child he was still inside, the teenager, and the adult: Sasuke as a whole, who craved his father's love...That, my friend was a powerful scene. I cried, because eventhough Fugaku's character didn't appear that much, his character development was writen brilliantly and kind of undergound. The build up leading to that scene was great.
    What is really noticeable in your writing, I think, is the fact that you can handle a character's development without writing said character's POV or even his direct antagonist. Few authors manage to do that. It's the details that make all the difference. The little mentions fleeting through secondary characters'POV.THAT contribute greatly to the main character's development without him being present. You cleverly used the side characters to highlight you main characters. For example, you didn't have do write tons of paragraphs about Naruto's influence on people, and cite them all and how he did what to change whomever...It was subtle, and well incorporated in the scenes, the minds of each people around him instead. Sai's drawings and his brief scene/interaction with Naruto showed how much Naruto could socialize with the oddest people. Even the mention of Gaara, though he doesn't appear, but the impressed tone used by other people over the fact that Naruto was friends with him spoke more volumes than a whole paragraph would have achieved.

    Kiba was amazing in this. I like the way you showed your readers the way he realized something and went to Sasuke afterwards.Aww. I am a detail freak and I HATE fast paced stories(I love the sentence saying how Fugaku decided to reach out to Itachi too.That was a nice touch, and the scene with him and Mikoto just made it impossible to loathe the man). So this was like my heaven, my eldorado among others. The pace of this story and the amount of cleverly placed details killed me in a oh-so-good way. When I reached the 20th chapter I was craving for more. Of course, this fiction has a few flaws as nothing is perfect, but they're just little things that can be easily overlooked, entirely missed by some readers. Naruto's encounter with Sarutobi Hiruzen, while entertaining and a positive thing in Naruto's life felt a bit unrealistic. But that was just like a relief from all the angst going on, and he needs something positif in his life damit! lol. The things I liked the most were the way you "healed" the characters, each one of them, put on the right path by other people. I particularly appreciated when Sasuke was put in his place by Shizune. I like the fact that after Sasuke's confession, everything was not rainbows and flowers. I like the fact that Sakura has such a good friend and is being helped by others. I like that all of these characters are so believable. I LOVE your sense of Humor. My brother just called me insane when I laughed out loud at many scenes: the first Time Naruto fought with neji, the dialogue about the "gentle fist" was so hilarious I could barely breathe.

    I have so much more to say, but I forgot all the things I promised myself I would put in this review when I'm done reading all 20 chapters. Lol. There are too many epic quotes and ideas. Also, I struggle a bit writing this because I want you to understand me well because I tend to have odd ways to phrase things. My mind is racing far too quickly and my poor fingers can't catch up. Unfortunately, I understand english 100% fine, but when it comes to actually expressing myself in this language, it's a bit difficult. I hope you'll overlook the typing mistakes and the grammar mistakes I know are scattered around this huge wall of text.

    Frankly I have no clue what my intentions were when I started writing this but...I'm left speechless by the brilliance, genius of your writing. The last time I was this in love with a writing style in this fandom was when I read "Spiral falling" by Becca Amon and one or two others, but I can't remember which one was it again.I know I saved those stories though.
    To conclude...Despite a rather average start, this is probably one of the most memorable piece of writing I've ever read. Not for the plot itself, but for the writing, the characters, the dialogue...There is something magical in your ink, or your pen. I have to read your other stories immediately! it's almost midnight where I am though, and the professor I have at first period tomorrow can't handle yawning people and faces that look too tired XD. I don't know how she expect college studets to behave. She has to know that people party twice more in college lol. Or just sleep late. Whatever, I talk too much. Bye!

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  • From ANON - jj on October 31, 2010
    ((Whatever it is that needs done, I can do it))___except pass a written test.

    i don't know what makes naruto qualified for the job other than he knows other leaders through his travels and his adoptive mother/sensei. i think you had him go to school in this story. i don't recall him having a major or a degree in anything. i don't recall him having any job. and he admitted neji was a rebound just like i said in a review earlier. i liked neji's words and actions this chapter- you really evolved his character this chap. you really evolved sasuke's character this chap. naruto got 2 things he wanted: the job and sasuke to say 'i love you'_ but he still refuses sasuke_ even after all the sacrifices and pain they went through to be 2gether----so hating naruto. you had sakura tell 'the story' to a room full of strangers- confidential hyuuga and uchia business and personal life information: i really don't think that should have happened. i still want sakura and fugaku to suffer for what they put naruto and sasuke through. and even through all sasuke's sacrifices, suffering and pain- he still doesn't have naruto. you've been terribly hard on sasuse this story and this chapter. and you've let all the other characters off easy.
    the hyuuga business thing is unusual- i know you're trying to stick to canon by keeping the branch family as 2nd class citizens. but you're writing a modern story. what kind of politically correct businesses would want to do business with a clan that discriminates among its own blood lines. it should be a civil rights issue if they're doing business outside of the clan. like the u.s. gov't wouldn't do business with them because they have slaves (that's what you had neji refer to them as).
    i re-read the entire story today- old chapters and the newer ones. i couldn't stop it was so good- and i wished there was more to read cause it's only 9pm.
    thanks for sharing. hope to read you later.
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  • From ANON - jj on October 31, 2010
    i'm guessing you had all the shitty things or incomplete or inadequate actions take place the last couple of chapters because you were saving all the good moments and lines for this this chapter is AWESOME_ your dialog is always good- but in this chapter it is fo filled with the emotion that goes with it, it packs a more powerful punch. so many good lines/dialogs in this chapter.

    (You need to wake up and start realizing that you're an adult and that you deserve to be treated like one. You're a man, Sasuke- it's time you act like it.")--

    ---i felt both vindicated and cheated when i read kiba's dialog here. when you had naruto say his age to kakashi- it made me realize again that these guys are 25 and 26 and sasuke should not be needing daddy. he's old enough to be a daddy himself. that he cotows and kneels and bows and fears his father as a child instead of a 26 year old man kind of disgusts me. I was going to tell you that sasuke needs to man up---and then you had kiba come in and say it all to sasuke much better than i ever could. liked it very much.

    (("It would be harder, I guess, making you love me again." Sasuke's voiced hitched as he spoke. "Because I have absolutely no clue what I did to make you love me in the first place."))

    how beautiful is that- pretty damn beautiful....made my eyes go misty. the 'wind' stuff was nice too.
    ((You're still the wind."Naruto felt his heart stop))


    (( When you're gone, it feels like there's a part of me missing; and everything's just empty and cold, and nothing fills that space, no matter how I try."

    Sasuke paused, shoulders stooped, actually panting with the alien effort of baring his emotions. He was grateful for the cover of rain, but swiped self-consciously at his eyes anyway. "Is that it? Is that right? Is that the way it feels when you're not with the person you love?"

    "Yeah…" Naruto whispered, voice breaking in the middle of the simple word. "Something like that."
    "Oh," Sasuke responded softly, a small smile of relief as he straightened to his full height. "That's good to know, because at a time like this, I don't want either of us to misunderstand anything."))

    (("I would never say it unless I was sure, Naruto. I've done a lot of things I wish I could take back, but I'm a little better now, and I think I've grown up enough to finally admit that you're the person most important to me. I took too long to wake up and realize what's been staring me in the face all this time. But it's not too late for me to tell you, is it Naruto? You'll let me say it now, and maybe accept my feelings?"

    "Say what, Sasuke?" Naruto stared down into the dark, earnest eyes and waited. What he was waiting for, he wasn't sure, finding himself suspended between fear and eternal hope.

    "Uzumaki Naruto," Sasuke started, heart feeling as if it was trembling in his chest as he prepared to take a blind leap of faith. The world flew apart and reshaped itself in the moment it took for Sasuke to draw in a shaky breath. "Naruto…"

    "I love you…"))

    the dialog leading up to the above was really great---and then the part above was just brilliant. for this character to be able to verbalize this after all the years he's been with naruto. for a character who was so against verbalizing or couldn't verbalize his love or didn't know he was 'in love'---it was a really great moment.
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