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Reviews for Therapy (17)

By : Anestshia
  • From flameofthenight on December 10, 2009
    Steamy. i prefer kakashi with Iruka but hey kakashi in almost any form is good. :D
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  • From LordOfMeh on September 02, 2009
    I hope Kakashi keeps saying "no more" to Ibiki, then!
    I've actually avoided reading uke Kakashi 'till now - I was afraid it would feel all wrong - but I have to say, writing Ibiki like you did somehow made it work. Maybe because it was a short & very sweet PWP? Interesting pairing! Do it again! :D
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  • From Paradox13 on September 02, 2009
    An uke Kakashi for a seme Ibiki, yeah that's really good. The whole going down after thing, well that was kinky, don't see that too often. I liked it.
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  • From ANON - Googledi on September 02, 2009
    I love this story, a uke Kakashi always makes my day and I really hope you write more of this pairing!
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  • From arabuzumaki on September 01, 2009
    i fell in love with the ibiki/kashi pairing from another author. this was hot. uke kashi is always sexy ^_^. the end was a bit weird if that's a way to put it. hmm the challenge part made me think of gai, not sure why. but this was nice.
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