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Reviews for Therapy (6)

By : Anestshia
  • From Sasuke on August 27, 2009
    -gives box of cookies- Thank you for the good work ^_^
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  • From ANON - I_Want_Vassalord on June 11, 2009
    awwwwww~~~~~~ I swear I could use this in my tea. It's so sweet!!! ^-^ lol And it's always the quiet ones!
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  • From ANON - halloween on June 11, 2009
    XD nice! I loved your Kiba and Sai one as well!

    >.> You said Kiba is your slut right >.>


    How about... Kiba and Naruto OR.. Kiba and Iruka
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 11, 2009
    i really like you therapy seris i have a pairing for you that is a crossover i have only seen it once but i think it would be totally hot if its done right which i am sure that you can accomplish.

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