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Reviews for Into the Fire

By : sesshabattousai
  • From fyrbyrd074 on July 28, 2009
    As far as I'm concerned you are a five star author, ten if I could rate it that high. You and another author make coming to this site worth it. I love a uke Kakashi, and you do it so well. I was in tears last night, and I admire how you can get a chapter up almost every day while I struggle to get a paragraph some nights. Keep up the good work and I hope to read more from you.
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  • From thelastroses on July 26, 2009
    I think you should try and get in touch with the admins of this site - I just noticed, after checking your author page - that all of your stories have 2 star ratings. This is terrible as so many people (myself included) are faithfully reading and rating your story. Those rating numbers seem extremely high (1000+ ppl) for each story. My guess is that some vindictive girl/guy got a sick pleasure in hitting that rating button a ridiculous amount of time. This is unfair, cruel and simply outrageous. Perhaps the admins can look for the IP address of whoever did this and ban them from the site? At the very least they should somehow reset your ratings as some awful person has skewed your ratings to all of your wonderful pieces. Hope they can fix this!
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  • From thelastroses on July 26, 2009
    I don't know what happened, but noticed a huge spike in the number of people who gave ratings for this story. Well I don't know who or how they did it - but two stars?! That's insane, I a, rating 5 stars every time I read it and hope to counteract whoever is skewing the number. This is a FIVE STAR story...and I hope everyone who is reading does their part and reviews it for 5 stars whenever a new chapter comes out!!!! Keep up the great work!
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  • From arabuzumaki on July 25, 2009
    lol kashi won't piss on jiji even if he was on fire lmao that was a good one.
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  • From arabuzumaki on July 24, 2009
    does iruka get any work done with genma on the prowl? lol. yea itachi is the the kage ^_^
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  • From hayhaychan on July 24, 2009
    I absolutlly LOVE your story!!!!!!! Its so romantic and still incrediblly sexy!!! By far one of the best I've ever read! PLEASE CONTINUE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From arabuzumaki on July 23, 2009
    i wish i could see where this is going but i guess i have to go back a couple of chapter and read them through. it's so sad oro-sama died and jiji didn't make peace with him. hmm and ibiki is angry why? he needs to consider kashi's feelings. i think gai needs to pay him another visit lol
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  • From arabuzumaki on July 17, 2009
    lmao. why is gai even allowed in the hospital? he is loud on so many different levels. hmm i thought there would be jiji/oro action lol. would there be any?
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  • From BelladonnaLaMorte on July 11, 2009
    Now this was an absolutely wonderful chapter. Every time I think that you can't possibly come up with another twist you come up with something like this. The concept of Iruka as Sandaime's son is one that has intrigued me before but I think yours is the first story where I've actually seen it. I loved the way you portrayed the relationship between Genma and Iruka and the inclusion of Asuma and Kurenai and subsequently their relationship. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter. Belle
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  • From thelastroses on July 11, 2009
    This is EPIC! I love this story, especially the Iruka/Genma and how they've been together's adorable. Hurrah for the threesome - Genma's that much closer to his long sought foursome! Loved Ibiki taking charge of those two, and then Iruka - I adore your Iruka!!

    Love the twist with Asuma too - unexpected. Poor Iruka, good he's got his protective/playful guard dog/adoring puppy of a lover to see him through!

    The way you write all of these characters is brilliant and I hope there are many, many, many more chapters to come!
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  • From BelladonnaLaMorte on July 06, 2009
    I'm still struggling with the various pairings in this but there is absolutely no denying that you've come up and are weaving a truly original and gripping plot. I love the way that you've brought Itachi in here and the twist with Tsunade/Dan. You even have me feeling some sympathy for Orochimaru. Ooh, and I love the fact that Jiraiya is related to Kakashi. The one thing that I definitely do like is the relationship that has emerged between Iruka and Ibiki in the last couple of chapters - it's been nice to get some details and insight into Iruka and Genma's relationship. Regardless of how much it squicks me, I am intrigued to seeing where you're going to take this next. Belle
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  • From thelastroses on July 05, 2009
    I ADORE this story...and so excited to see another update. That said, pleasepleasepleaseplease don't take Iruka's 'night guard' away! Kakashi and Genma both have to make it back to their men, afterall there's a foursome to be had ^_~
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  • From butterflies1974 on July 04, 2009
    Good Chapter. I really liked how this one went. Thank you and I look forward to Kakashi and Ibiki getting back together. But in some strange way I feel really sorry for Oorchimaru.
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  • From butterflies1974 on July 03, 2009
    This story is so great! I love how you are doing this story is makes a captivating tale. Thank you and I look forward to another chapter.
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  • From arabuzumaki on July 03, 2009
    i applaud you for this chapter. iruka finally got ibiki. wow ibiki lives to serve lmao makes me wish i was hokage lol ^_^ you have made me fall in love with ibiki, just the picture you paint of him having a monster member makes my squeel ^_^
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