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Reviews for Hearts Entangled by fate

By : OrexisGrimm
  • From statnin on May 11, 2009
    too short and, well yeh too short
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  • From TerriSmith on May 09, 2009
    Hi sorry I've been gone so long, I'm not to blame, please blame exams assignments and a really bad internet connection. I love NaruHina fluff so that last chapter weas good. I'm waiting for more trouble from Danzou etc but I prefer NaruHina moments. I'm a real romantic at heart!

    Looking forward to the next!
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  • From TerriSmith on May 03, 2009
    HEY!! Aw I love Naru Hina moments, they make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! I really have trouble with any other pairing!

    I have updated. About my friend on she's called allconspirer so if you search for her you should find her. When I have more time I'll add a link on my profile but I have to get back to studying!!

    Update soon!
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  • From Necroleviathan on May 01, 2009
    My penname is weird i know :P Mice story mate i really like where its going so keep up the good work and keep updating :D
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  • From TerriSmith on April 30, 2009
    Another good chapter and I alwys love when Naruto finds out that Hinata has a crush on him! My unofficial editor has a story on and that just happened in hers. She made the very good point that Naruto was unlikley to tell that Hinata only blushed when he was around because he was never around her not as Naruto!! I'll be updating after the weekend damn revision keeps getting in the way.

    Anyways... still liking this! I always feel sorry for Hinata (I know what it's like to blush around your crush!) but I'm hoping that your story is leaning towards Naru Hina.

    update soon!!
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  • From TerriSmith on April 24, 2009
    Hey, well thanks for reading my fic so here's me returning the favour!! BTW I know my story's a bit explicit but thats why I'm writing on this site, I was going to go on but allconspirer knows that a lot of kids go on there so it could corrupt people! (heh heh heh)

    I think you've written it well, it's got quite an interesting beginning but I never get really into a story until I've read quite a few chapters. I do wonder if Neji is trying to get Naruto and Hinata together or if he just can't be bothered to train for long!

    Update soon.
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