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Reviews for Still Standing

By : TheSimi
  • From Kingcobra on April 19, 2009

    Please update.
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  • From ANON - Charm and Strange on April 19, 2009
    WRITE IT! 8D
    I will review this every day and give you internet cookies if you keep going!!! It already has me on edge, and it's just the damn first chapter!...Though if you kill Naruto I might have to kill YOU... >:( lol
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  • From LadyWolf on April 19, 2009
    OMG!!!! Doesn't he have Sasuke's # in his phone as an emergency contact too!!! He can not die!!!!

    Don't let him die!!! I hate death fics!

    Post soon!
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  • From hup on April 19, 2009
    please finish. someone needs to know if Naruto will make it.
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  • From solitare1 on April 19, 2009
    You can't just leave him not knowing what happened. A second chapter is really the way to go with this one if Naruto dies. A third if he survives.(1 vote for survival here)
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  • From ItaNarulover on April 19, 2009
    CONTINUE!!!!!!!! OMG!!! CONTINUE!! *O.O* (picture of me glued to the screen)
    You can't leave it like that, I will cry if you do!
    This story is unbelievable, I was literally shaking from anticipation, I can't wait to see how things will turn out.
    Will Sasuke find out, and when? Will Naruto be alright? If he does, will there be any physical damage? Amnesia or comatose? Will they still be together? Will Sasuke propose? Argh, this is making me all the more anxious, that was an evil cliffhanger yet a great first chapter, awesomely done!
    Otroligt! Vilken unik, intressant och spännade berättelse! Snacka om att ha talang.
    Du måste fortsätta, för mig och Itachi? ;P
    Keep up with the good work and good luck with the writing.
    Take care. Hugs =^_^=
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on April 19, 2009
    WOW! Please please write more!

    The whole one-shot thing would have been devastatingly perfect, but I really want to see if Naruto lives and what happens with Sasuke. The busy tone was an ironic aspect too, which I loved.

    Please please you have to continue this! ^^
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  • From trystkinkou on April 19, 2009
    ;_; Mewwwwwww!!!!!! PLease continue. The emotions in this fic must be completed. Be it death or the fight to survive, it can't just stop. So please continue the story as it stands right now, it's at a peak but teetering hopelessly.
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  • From ANON - Morlana on April 19, 2009
    Please continue. It's always the good ones who get taken down and I think Naru deserves his chance at happiness. Besides I can't see Sasu taking being stood up sitting down.
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  • From tawanawelch on April 19, 2009
    Yes!!!!! Please continue this story because i want to see what happens to Naruto and his injuries. Iruka may feel guilty if he finds out that he had been on the phone gossiping for so long that he couldnt be with Naruto at the hospital earlier and Sasuke for remembering the ambulance he saw and the thoughts of Naruto not "being on time to save his life." This is really going to be a great story and i cant wait for the next chapter. X3
    Yes please continue it::D

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  • From arabuzumaki on April 19, 2009
    it would be a CRIME if you leave it there. oh wow i would really like you to continue. what is iruka doing on the phone!!!!!!! don't they know about call-waiting. oh how will sasuke find out. YOU NEED TO CONTINUE!!!!!! please ^_^
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  • From ANON - Cai on April 19, 2009
    I just woke up babe and decided to snoop on here, when I saw that you put up a new fic I couldn't resist. I really enjoyed the first chapter to this; the detail and description are amazing.

    Poor Naruto, I mean I'm glad that he helped that girl out and really it would be so out of character for Naruto not to. I just wish that instead of running off she would have at least called for help or got the police (those men should be arrested even if she didn't realize that they were going to hurt Naruto). But I suppose if she had done that well, there would be no plot for the fic, which I love *huge grin*

    I hope that Sasuke will find out soon so that he doesn't wonder what happened to Naruto, I mean I know at this point he's not worried but I'm sure if he knows Naruto well enough he'll eventually realize that something happened. But the details in this…I enjoyed how you incorporated things that happened earlier in the fic with the end, like mentioning that Iruka was always on the phone and then later the medics couldn't reach him because his line was busy...bad Iruka, he needs to get call waiting :)

    It will be interesting to see how Naruto reacts to his whisker marks now when he wakes up and I can’t wait to see what happens between him and Sasuke. Even if this fic isn’t a happy fic I still love it and want to read more.

    I miss you babe!!! Two more weeks and then I’m free *tackles and glomps*


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  • From ANON - Ella on April 19, 2009
    Nooo poor Naruto and poor Sasuke who is waiting! Why couldn't he have taken a cab? You have to continue this you HAVE to!!!
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