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Reviews for Heritage

By : Ljiljana
  • From GudenMulle on June 16, 2009
    Oh my god!
    That was so scary!!
    Narutos thoughts just didn't seems right either, when he was pacing the hallways :s
    I can't believe it.. It was.. really well written! I almost felt like screaming at Naruto
    that his thoughts were clearly royally fucked up..
    I almost thought that Naruto would try to kill him again when Sasuke cut him free.
    This is a bloody awesome fic!
    I worship you man xD

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  • From dolphina23 on May 31, 2009
    Um, I'm not sure why you think that ending is open. Maybe because Sasuke and Naruto haven't really resolved their relationship? Well, in any case, I think bits of it were rushed, what with Naruto suddenly getting possessed and in the space of a few minutes getting cured of it. But I absolutely loved the way you did it, the resons for everything, how screwed up Madara was but in a way that was both extremely creepy and extremely believable for the time that he lived in. I was very pleasantly surprised (not sure why since it's you) at how well put together this story is and how well done the horror was. Well, maybe it's because I've read so many, and seen so many bad B horror flicks that this was so different. But I know it's good because of the style, the construction of the events, and the way you laid them out. I really liked that it was both Sasuke, and then later Naruto, who were possessed by seperate ghosts. Oh, and Itachi before that was a nice touch, especially as it made it harder for sasuke to grasp what was happening, both because Itachi really was his brother just as Madara really killed his younger brother, and also because of how stoic and empty Itachi was normally. Boy, this is getting long. Well, I truly loved this piece, and can even forgive the short length, definitely, with the way you ended it and the way you used really great elements of horror and proper build up to it all.
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  • From Mija on May 30, 2009
    aaaaccckkkkkk!!!!!!!! How could you LEAVE it like that??? omg that last chapter was way intense and had me jumping in my seat, still didnt get to read any smex, but sooo kay, cause the tension and the creepiness factor did a wonderful job of keeping me totally glued to the screen, I LOVED it, sorry it ended, and ended in an open way, but WOW you sure know how to keep a person in suspence, WONDERFUL job, wonderful story and awesome writing, ty ty ty for the terrific read, much huggles and smiles and ty's Mija..:-)
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  • From ANON - Kim on May 29, 2009
    I was wondering how you would wrap it up. And it was really well done! I liked the story a whole heap. Thanks for writing it! :D
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  • From Prism0467 on May 29, 2009
    Great story, as always. The eyeball-less ghost freaked me out some though.
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  • From sangohoushi on May 29, 2009
    wow. this was really good. it had me glued to the screen till i finished it all. less than two hours (slight ADD involvement) but it was soo good and very well written, with only like one or two gramatical errors. but other than that here:

    *CHIBI Sango gives truckload of cookies*
    and i dont want you to choke, so ill give u a cow ^_^

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  • From ANON - Googledi on May 29, 2009
    When does the ObiKaka action come in!Sorry, I just love that pairing and please, please, please write Kakashi as the uke!
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  • From dolphina23 on May 12, 2009
    Hello! Sorry about taking so long to review. I loved the little touches of Sasuke opening up more, and only to Naruto. I think Orochimaru, despite his seeming to be a great therapist, should have been booted out the moment everyone realized how uncomfortable Naruto was with him in the house, I don't care that he actually didn't do anything. But maybe there will be a satisfying closure to that. I like that Sasuke is finally delving more into what he is seeing and talking about it, makes me remember that this is a ghost story and not just him going crazy. It came at the right time. I'd like to know more about that, see more of him fighting off sleep because there's a creepy boy in the corner of the room, staring at him without eyes. But I'll settle for him talking it over with Naruto. And I wonder, with it now obvious that he isn't crazy, whether or not his father was actually insane. I know we've talked about it, but I haven't seen the last chapter yet, so there are still questions. I like that, it means I definitely have to read on to get everything resolved. A great chapter, especially Sasuke's confidence after their kiss. :=D
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  • From LadyWolf on May 10, 2009
    Man I'm actually hoping it really is a ghost...I don't want Sasuke to be crazier that he already is....

    Post soon!!!
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  • From Mija on May 10, 2009
    awwwwwwwwwwww I love this, still being Sasuke but not a TOTAL ass lol, and the whole sleep thingy was too cute, but omg the description of the boy with no eyes and always bleeding?? Ok I would soooo be freaked out if I saw this ALL the time, and WHY did you cut it off when they was about to have smex???!!! I was soooooooo ready, or were they NOT going to have smex?? I thought they were, but that could be me just wishing it, lol, cant wait for more, I LOVE ALL your fics they are so well written and nice long chapters and unique, ty ty ty for the wonderful and awesome reads, much huggles and smiles Mija...:-)
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  • From Prism0467 on May 10, 2009
    Hooray for breakthroughs! How do you come up with this stuff?
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on May 10, 2009
    Very interesting and sweet story!

    Sasuke and Naruto's relationship so far is written very well and realisticly. I like how their first kiss was initiated. So touching. I firmly believe in ghosts so the imagery you used in describing the ghost painted such a picture for me. Absolutely fantastic.

    I'm really, really loving the story and I'm so excited to see how the boys' relationship develops and how the plot thickens.

    Please please update soon :)
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  • From ANON - youji_yola on May 10, 2009
    Really, they could be so cute when they don't mean to. XDDDDDDDD

    Me thinks Itachi was trying to do something that night that Naruto saw him in the hallway. Something like what his dad did. I thought he would just be emotionally stunted and withdrawn. :(

    BTW, since it sounds like most of the Uchiha family has some sort of crazy coursing through their blood, I feel kinda bad that Obito sounds pretty sane. And surprised that the most un-Uchiha family member would be the most sane of the family. Either that or is Fukakau's line the only one that is filled with crazy? XD

    Oh Orochi... whatever you do, you'll always be a pedo in our minds. Even when you're just trying to help, you give off the creepy vibes by the thousands. Too bad you didn't add his weird tongue licking habit, that would have made it so much more creepy and yuck. And the comment Naruto made of Orochimaru imagining them in a porn photograph... ewwwwwww. XD

    Sad that I caught more mistakes. T^T

    Madara and his brother. From what we got in the manga, the brother seemed freakily happy to sacrifice himself for Madara and can't wait how you'll weave that canon into your story. :D

    I hope I'm not double posting this since AFF froze on me when I sent it earlier. D:
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  • From kyuubifreak on May 10, 2009
    poor sasuke, hope naruto will help him
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  • From kyuubifreak on May 10, 2009
    poor sasuke!!hope naruto will help him
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