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Reviews for Questionable Loyalty

By : gingermaya
  • From suzannecmc on June 29, 2009
    oh, I love the turn!!!

    bless you for keeping it different.
    see how wonderful sleep can be!

    cheers and thanks:)
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  • From satterb on June 29, 2009's like swallowing lead! It's getting painful to read. I don't want anything bad to happen to Kakashi! I want it all to go back to when he was living in Ame. And everyone was happy. Oh well. I guess time marches on and we have to face the music. Do you know how emotionally charged this story is???? Such an awesome writer you are. Thanks for all your hard work. Sorry I've been gone so long. I'm glad to see that you are doing well also. Love ya girl! - Beth
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 29, 2009
    I usually don't root for the bad guys but I want them to win this time! Can't wait till the next chapter
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  • From suzannecmc on June 24, 2009
    don't apologize for life getting in the way. You are kind to come and share your imagination here,
    so don't sweat the small stuff:) now go get some rest!

    I would think Iruka would have explained his feelings about and for Kakashi better, but he seemed to
    let it just drop (and for ice cream too!) they need some communiction:)

    and go Pakkun, wise is an understatement.

    thanks Ms Croft.
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  • From ANON - yuki on June 24, 2009
    Chapter 53 was awesome! =D You torture your characters so much... it's a wonder they haven't keeled over from it already. XD But you keep just the right balance of pain and relief in there to keep the story alive and well. ^_^

    You can see them here:

    I've finally got two fanart pieces up- hope you like them. =D
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  • From ANON - Yuki on June 18, 2009 You'll find my fanart there. =D
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  • From satterb on June 17, 2009
    Iruka is a punk ass bitch! He went too far. That was the most loveless performance of dominance I've seen in a long time. I think you have Iruka nailed perfectly. I'm glad you didn't make him clingy, whiney and needy! But I do think he would be childish. Loved the update. The story is coming along so nicely. I really hate to see it come to a close. I hope schools treating you OK. Love ya and miss to you soon!
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  • From ANON - Yuki on June 15, 2009
    Your last chapter really intrigued me, the way you presented those views on what it means to be 'a human being'. I'm sure Nagato WOULD have had something to say about it- and more.

    It's both horrible and excellent that you make Kakashi go through so much internal torture, while putting on a facade of aloof, yet-lovesick and elite, jounin for the rest of the village. It's amazing.

    You're entire story is really amazing altogether. I might- no, I'm pretty sure I will- be making some fanart of Questionable Loyalty to put on Deviantart. I can't resist at least trying. This story has really inspired me.

    Keep writing, and even if the reviews are long in coming, I AM reading!
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  • From suzannecmc on June 15, 2009
    hello Ms Croft:)

    thank you.
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  • From satterb on June 10, 2009
    I noticed you changed your pen name right away, I had to do a double take...and make sure this was the right "Questionable Loyalty". Too funny, you could have told me this when we were chatting. Anywho...I loved the update. And I loved the way Kakashi was getting pissed with everything Iruka said. Maybe subconsiously, he's trying to distance himself from Iruka. Thanks again for all your hard work, and to all the other Mayas Flame/lauracroft fans out there, I want you to know how hard this lady works with school and everything else. I'm just so thankful that she finds the time to entertain us as well. Thanks again!
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  • From ANON - Yuki on June 09, 2009
    Whoa, you changed your penname! No wonder I couldn't find you on the search-for-authors... XD

    Your latest two chapters were absolutely- totally- hot. Perfect. If this is what you were hoping for, then you got it bullseye and through. =D You still do a good job of keeping us in the dark about Konan, while giving us a idea of what happened to her and the kind of character you're making Madara (and Deidara) out to be. I'm impressed, pleased, and in love with your writing. I've taken to reading over previous chapters while waiting for the latest. =D keep up the excellent work.

    I notice that you do a good job in making the story go at a nice, even pace. You've gone form making Kakashi a reclusive, socially and emotionally withdrawn Jounin into someone who's learned what love and affection can give without making it seem rushed or forced (well, Pein did initiate it and that was a quick movement, but you still made Kakashi hold back and recoil- retaining a bit of his withdrawn edge at that moment. Which was excellent, really.) So far, you've done a really good job at keeping the characters in-character while also manipulating them to your will- something many authors have a lot of difficulty with, escpecially with characters like Pein and Madara. A lot of other authors often make the fall-in-love bit too sudden, to unrealistic in a way- a kiss, then they're both all over each other. But here, you built it up so that Kakashi spent a lot of time with Pein in a neutral environment, then worked in the ground rules for Pein.

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  • From satterb on June 07, 2009
    Oh my god! You naughty, wicked girl!!!! That was beautiful. Lovely! I'm not sure how hot you wanted that to turn out, but by god, it was hot as hell! I'm gonna miss these guys together sooooo much. I know there's still alot to look forward to, but Kisame was amazing. I loved his perception of Itachis fate. Thanks so much for all you're doing with this. Can't wait for more. Love ya bunches...Beth
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  • From ANON - Yuki on June 03, 2009
    So sorry I haven't been able to review- nearly the end of school, so busy, so many things to do, and all that stuff.

    I get it- it the plot part of this just reared it's ugly head. It wasn't planned. But hey, I actually like it better this way- five times more interesting and opportunistic. I like!

    I stil can't quite figure out where you're going with this- which basically means 'good fucking job!' from me, because if I can accurately predict, then the story probably needs some originality. =D So keep it up, it rocks!

    The meeting between Kakashi and the /real/ Pain was to be expected, but I was surprised by the way kakashi reacted. He reacted the way I hadn somewhat predicted he would two chapters later when he went to apologize to Pein, (you caught me completely off guard) =D

    But honestly, you never DO make things easy for your characters, do you? It's like a game of Boshaft and lucky breaks. Which is what I love about your writing, because all stories I read with pairings usually have sappy sappy romance junk that makes me want to puke. I mean, where's the real conflict? So basically, I love that you torture your characters a bit, but that you don't make them entirely miserable. Just the right balance. ^_^

    Basically, keep going, and I'm waiting desperately for chapter 49.

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  • From suzannecmc on May 30, 2009
    I have such a hard time with your Kakashi,
    that's what I like about this story:)

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  • From satterb on May 28, 2009
    Oh bloody hell! I have been waiting for this for weeks. It turned out so effin hot! I didn't expect a lemon! I was glad to see Nagato being able to use his hands in the manga the other day. So he was able to touch Kakashi. This was so sweet. I'm going to be re-reading this and probably thinking about it for the rest of the day. I felt a pang of anxiety when Pein told Kakashi he would be leaving soon as well. That is going to be one tearful departure. So, we need just a little more of the awesome foursome to help us make it through to the end. Love ya sweetie! Look forward to talking with you soon.
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