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Reviews for Give me the Words

By : Shiruy
  • From Nikana on September 29, 2008
    Oh! I don't get it very well...sorry! Is he implying that he is a narcissist himself? because,Minato is like his reflection but older,or maybe it is more adequate to say that he is Minato's image? but younger and he can say that hes in love with himself?,aren't you complicated! ^^ maybe am just dense though!
    Anyways,thanks for the update,i really don't know why,but your style is one of the best out here in terms of minatoXnaruto.And am not just being nice,its the gospel truth O_o
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  • From snnj11220 on September 27, 2008
    These are nice drabbles, I think my favorite one so far is Ghost.
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  • From Nikana on September 27, 2008
    Oh no! not silly!never silly,but fairly complex from my point of view.The most ludicrous thoughts actually guide us sometimes through the right way or decisions. I know rambling alert! but I was hoping for an update,and I got it,so thanks^^
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  • From ANON - Astrid on August 20, 2008
    I like it. its an interesting perspective. Normaly I stay away from incest pairing but yours caught my eyes. its good. I like the ghost chapter it shows that as naruto was a baby when his mother was killed he really has no emotional connection to her. he was more weiry of her then anything epecially since she was haunting Minato (i'm gues that the ghost is his mother, correct me if i'm wrong), I thought it was sweet that mother or no he was strongly willed against denighing her presence in order to give Minato peace. I really like it sweet with a touch of angst.
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  • From Nikana on August 20, 2008
    So sad...He saw the ghost? or am I to dense to understand a metaphor? may be the last,am to dense.Its ok anyway if its only from Naruto point of view,its very good anyway,so happy that you're happy
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  • From Nikana on August 19, 2008
    Oh!...If I hadn't already read Original Sin(cough,more than once,cough)this piece would have make me cry angsty tears of despair for poor Naru-chan.But as I already did the first lecture this is like tasting the desert before the diner^^^.So very nice chapters,and if I may ask you a request, would you mind adding some chapters from Minato's point of view?
    have a nice summer(well,theres not much summer left to enjoy,but anyways^^)
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  • From sweetciel on August 19, 2008
    The repression is so cute, it's sad. It nice to see them hold back. Adds to the UST that Original sin started out with. These informative drabbles are like looking into a window of the past. It gives the story a deeper know? I like them lots and lots ^_^ It would be interesting to see the first wet dream either of them had about the other.
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