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Reviews for Loser

By : Kalos
  • From arcticfox on December 08, 2010
    Poor naruto I feel for him. Suicide is bad but personally I kinda like the idea sometimes.
    In a sick sort of way when I'm really depressed I remind myself of the plan I came up with when I was 8. That as soon as I'm old enough I'm going to buy a gun and use it.
    And it's sort of contorting actually and i immediatly chear up knowing that it will end eventually and that I can leave on m own terms. But I would never le a friend do that not ever.

    I can't stand emos who are suicidal for attention and wussy cut just because they think people will pay attention. But I understand the people who just want a way out nothing more. And for that I really love this story brought tears to my eyes. This stories truly lovely
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on April 28, 2010
    that's heartbreaking.
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  • From ANON - Timber on April 21, 2010
    This was just so heartbreaking to read and I really feel sick now. Too numb to cry. Why do people not see how wrong it is to hurt themselves? You can't make a difference or change in the world if your no longer in it. One needs to live to make changes. To give up is to take the easy way is hard but it only makes you stronger. There is nothing in this world worth throwing ones own life away for. To give up on life is such a waste. One just needs to look at the news from around the world. No matter who a peron is or what they are going through.....I can promise them....there are many more people out there going through worst then they can imagine and they still keep fighting back and keep walking forward. Pain may feel like it'll last forever and some pain really is part of us every day of our lives...but to give up is to cheat yourself out of an opportunity of something better or worst something really beautiful you could have had if you only took the time to stick around long enough to see it. How many people are left never meeting their soul mates or that one ment for them all because that one....gave up too soon before they could even meet??

    People are only fooling themselves if they think death is the answer to their problems...if you died and that was it what would one have to worrie about?? But for those of us who know doesn't end at our death. There are many relatives I look forward to seeing again someday....when its my time....and its time for me to go home....I know I'll be among friends and family....thats something to look forward to after we have lived a life fighting everyday to keep going,keep breathing through the pain and keep living as best as we can. No one is perfect its the fight to get there that matters.

    Sorry for my depressing rant....I just hate the choices people make that ends in such a way. No amount of tears or prayers can bring them back and knowing where someone has gone from such a choice only makes it more depressing. Suicide is just another form of murder....its just the murder is oneself. No one has the right to take their own life!! Each life is precious!! Life is a gift to each one of us!! I feel so heartsick!!

    You did an amazing job on this story.....its going to make many people cry cause its filled with emotion!!
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  • From ANON - tszuke on August 24, 2008
    Okay I just want to review again, this is to say that NARUTO WOULD NEVER KILL HIMSELF!!!!!! He probably would have punched the bastard for pushing him!!!! No!! That was OCC Naruto!!! Now, that I got that out of my system, there!!!! Your story was still good though, its just that, Naruto would never kill himself, NEVER!!!!!
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  • From ANON - tszuke on August 18, 2008
    WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO NARUTO!!!??? Oh man, I am so sad!!! Thats it Sasuke, I hope you live with regret!!! I hope he lives with regret every single freaken day of your life!!!! Let the guilt each you alive!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! WHY DIDN'T YOU GO WITH SAI, NARUTO!!!!??? HE'S SO MUCH CUTER!!! HE WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER FOR YOU!!!! Waaaa, your story made me depressed. I hate storys like these!!! NARUTO DOESN'T DESERVE TO DIE!!! MAKE SASUKE SUFFER AND DIE!!!! I will amit though, your story was good!!! Waaaaaa!!! WHY???!!! (Goes off crying)
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  • From Madamdragon on August 01, 2008
    Wow that's deep! Hope sasuke realized what he lost! Great fic!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 25, 2008
    That was really sad. At first i was wondering why you wrote that with such a tragic ending but i really did like it. I was crying when i read it. And i enjoyed reading it even if your story mad me cry...That only means it is a good story i guess. So congrats on the story and i really liked it. Thank for writing it. You have inspired me
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  • From vanessaclarke on June 23, 2008
    DUDE!!! It's Horrible! And so well written. And HORRIBLE!!! But so good! (What else can I say?)

    You did an amazing job. It's honestly quite realistic. I like the fact that you didn't over-play the pathetic state of Naruto's existence. He did have people who cared for him. Too many people don't seem to realize that people who have family or friends can indeed contemplate suicide. Supposedly harmless though constant incidents can eventually drive a person down too far and a few people who care isn't always enough.

    I thought your descriptions of the reactions were probably pretty bang-on. I'd recommend this to anyone who likes angsty oneshots. (Which we all know are really a genre of their own.) Great work! ^^
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  • From KoibitoFemme on June 22, 2008
    Dear Lord I read this at work and had to hide my face from my co-worker. I almost lost it for a minute. Funny thing is I was one of those people labeled loser or outcast so I think this story kind of hits a little too close to home. I have to say this is the FIRST story I have read that I knew that someone would die. I avoided it for 10 minutes but gave in and read it. Its well written just a little too sad for me. I think if you continue with this I MYSELF may need intensive therapy. But thank you nonetheless for the story.
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