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Reviews for Cascading

By : Kipling
  • From SirGeneralSir on February 21, 2011
    please continue this story, very interested to see what happens next ^_^
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  • From ANON - puppydog on July 12, 2008
    That was nice. Pretty good. Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - De on July 07, 2008
    Holy shit, that was hot. I love kyuubi-Naruto moments where he's all dominant alpha-male and growly. In fact, I love your writing all together -- give me more alpha-male smut. Please?
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  • From REM1985 on July 01, 2008
    Well, this was definitely hot and I have to say that I really like your style. I think you could leave the story as is and it would be fine but I think you could make this a really great story, even if it is all about the smut, with a few more chapters. I would at least like to know what happens when they wake up.

    Great work and good luck.
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  • From s8young on June 29, 2008
    Continue it. Definitely continue it.
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  • From ANON - Mello-MattLiveOn4ever on June 27, 2008
    This was so freakin awesome and hot. You should totally continue this.
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  • From elaynabrooks on June 25, 2008
    Please, make more! I'm such a NaruSaku slut! (more of a ShinoSaku slut, but still!) It was hot. I had to excuse myself for a moment....(>x
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  • From spooksies on June 18, 2008
    reading this before going to work was a VERY bad idea for me........oh man NOW i NEED hubby to cum to me!!!

    keep going! i want some more!

    laters! ~_^
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  • From XFactor on June 18, 2008
    A tip, I'd really advise against ending a chapter halfway through a little sex scene. It kills the mood, and especially for people who have to wait until the next chapter, you'd have to warm 'em up again.

    You can end a chapter like that, but only if something happens before that (ie. someone walks in), or something of that nature.
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  • From Anubis7ven9 on June 17, 2008
    nice start can't wait for more
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  • From ANON - Kiaya on June 17, 2008
    Hey, this is really great so far! I hope this is being continued, right?? Because if you are.... I cannot wait for another!

    You write wonderfully! :D
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  • From roxnroll on June 17, 2008
    I'm liking this so far. Can't wait to read more.
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  • From on June 17, 2008
    Is that it? or is it incomplete? Whatever it is, it's good. but I would really like to read the lemon parts... you're good at writing. I really like the way your stories flow. Keep the stories coming!!
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  • From Darkmaster7987 on June 17, 2008
    Not a bad start. Please continue.
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