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Reviews for Konoha's Sexiest Shinobi

By : SumiHatake
  • From ANON - Anise on April 28, 2008
    Poor Kakashi but I think he would make a very pretty girl *snicker* he definitely seems to have more delicate features than Iruka does :)
    I loved how you managed to get most of those fanfic cliches about Iruka all into one story, the whole thing was just a lot of fun and as always I loved it!

    I wish I had a suggestion about review responses, I always liked reading what you had to say :) Of course if it's a chaptered fic just leave responses with each new chapter but for a one shot I'm not sure except to send emails. It's too bad you can't just respond to a review like at lj, maybe you should suggest that to the staff ^_^ Anyway whatever you decide I look forward to your next update!
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