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Reviews for This Boys Life

By : Yourangel
  • From ANON - Maria on September 24, 2008
    i can't wait for the next..!

    good story!!! keep going!!!
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  • From ANON - a random authoress, m.t.h. on August 22, 2008
    Okay, I just read all the reviews for this story, and after seeing the review from the non-user '...', I must say that your grammar is fine, even when they speak. This is a story when they are in prison after all! I wouldn't expect to be all prim and properly speaking when I'm locked up and have been or will be for god knows how long. So, '...', you make my eyes bleed and don't have a creative look at anything, fuck you, bitch! How's this grammar for you? I pass all my english and grammar classes with flying fuckin' colors! ...Eh... Sorry. I get upset when reviews are put so harshly without a good take on the story.
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  • From ANON - a random authoress, m.t.h. on August 22, 2008
    I like this story, please update soon. It makes me laugh!
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  • From ANON - Elizabeth on August 09, 2008
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  • From ANON - - on June 12, 2008
    Hard to understand or keep up with the story due to horrible writting and bad grammer
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  • From Sabriel20 on May 09, 2008
    aww... Naruto run. Like the chapters so far, keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - arthur on April 25, 2008
    Dayum, its about time Itachi took care of Naruto. I think I would have lost my mind with all the teasing and tied him up and threw him in a corner!
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  • From alleycat88 on April 24, 2008
    OH no! Bad Itachi! Dammit Naruto always getting yourself into trouble! Cant wait for the next installment!
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  • From serenagold on April 23, 2008
    Well Naruto, ya see, if you keep playing with fire, you're gonna get burned...

    ^^ Entertaining couple of chapters! Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - a light on April 23, 2008
    WOW write soon that's too much of a clifhanger!
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  • From alleycat88 on April 22, 2008
    Itachi is soooo creepy and sexy! And poor little Naru-chan! He wont know what hit him! Pelase update soon!
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  • From spoon10488 on April 21, 2008
    P.S. Ignore what "..." said they were just being cruel.
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  • From spoon10488 on April 21, 2008
    very interesting. I like where this story is going. The only thing is it is kind difficult to read when the words are mixed up. You should try and proof read your work before posting it. It'll make it flow nicer.
    can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - a kitsunes light on April 21, 2008
    Please write soon, Im curius! just please let naruto to continue being a strong caracther even after whatever itachi does to him
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  • From ANON - ... on April 21, 2008
    Do you fail grammar school or something? My eyes hurt from trying to read this piece of crap you dare call fiction. Thanks for making my eyes bleed, you braindead, illiterate bitch. BTW, your plot makes no fucking sense.
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