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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From drivven on January 24, 2008
    I love these stories, please write more on this very soon.
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  • From Ashcat on January 24, 2008
    Wow that is really interesting chapters. I died laughing at the surprise visitors :D and hmm interesting on Kotetsu. and wow suspended eh? i hope panther-san is ok. and wow that's some darm bdsm going on and looks like it'll only get darker with those two heheh :) thanks for updating i'm really enjoying this story!!
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  • From nekochannya on January 24, 2008
    Can it get any hotter? I always wonder and you always deliver, expanding my poor, abused imagination... please dont stop. This is getting so much better!!! It brings a smile to my face every time I read a new chapter... I love the way they interact...nyah! Passionate, tender, funny, raw... let me keep some adjectives, ne? ^///^ Thank you, sensei
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  • From llyoung on January 23, 2008
    Wonderful chapter. Loved the clothespins, the bondage and the gag and the way panther-san took care of Izumo afterwards and of course I loved all the sex.
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  • From ANON - gosia on January 23, 2008
    Update! Please!
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  • From gazelovr on January 22, 2008
    Just as spine-tingly hot as ever!! Kotetsu certainly does have a problem...I can't wait to see how you remedy it, if you do. I don't see anything happening between Kotetsu and Izumo or even Korohyou, they're just too possessive of each other, especially Kurohyou. I can, however, see Kotetsu, in a round about sort of way, asking Izumo what sex is like with another man, but I just can’t picture him as an uke, but with your talented hand you can pull off any couple combo to perfection. I don't think Ibiki is ever going to find an "ANBU-uke-whore."

    I wonder what would happen if someone actually had that red cat bowl, w/o Ibiki giving it to them, and they sat it out to feed a stray?

    Keep up the great work!!
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  • From DeviousLilDevil on January 22, 2008
    i loved the way you ended that chap! your fics are one of the reasons i wake up in the morning. looking foward to your next update.
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  • From honZeldaFitz on January 22, 2008
    Yes! That was outstanding! You are made of win. :D
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  • From Akaatje on January 22, 2008
    Love your update, can't wait for more.
    Wanna know how it ends :P:P

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  • From Jien on January 22, 2008
    Awesome, please update soon!!
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  • From Travellyr on January 22, 2008
    Izumo has a niiiice setup now, and Kotetsu has a problem! HOORAY FOR KOTETSU'S PROBLEM. ^-^
    Kurohyou is such a good dom, taking care of his little Iriomote when they get walked in on. ^^ By Ibiki. And Kotetsu. *giggles* Mortifying, and only funny because... well, it ended well.
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  • From charmpit on January 21, 2008
    Holy shit. That's hot!
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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on January 21, 2008
    Ahhhh, what are you doing to me???? More soon please!!!!! Are they going to threesome??? oooohhh, I um, love you!! by the way these are my favorite stories by far.
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  • From sweetciel on January 21, 2008
    Oh wow! Talk about an interesting turn of events. The best friend lusting after the boyfriend his best friend...Mind blowing. I'm really really really looking forward to the next chappie. NEED IT! You're wonderful ^_^
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  • From llyoung on January 21, 2008
    When you were writing about Izumo wanting to lick the tattoo on Panther-san's back it reminded me of how much my boyfriend loves to bite and lick the dragon tattoo that I have on my upper back. Loved the rimming and the licking - wonderful chapter.
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