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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From gazelovr on January 26, 2008
    OMFG!! So fucking awesome!!!

    Go Raccoon-san, it's finally your turn!!!

    I was so excited to see it go this way, with Kotetsu being curious and all. I bet someone's going to make a quick stop at PetSmart® after the bar. Yay! I'm so excited!

    Go, Tetsu, Go!

    I can't wait to read how this will all turn out. I want to see Raccoon-san's approach and technique and how Kotetu will respond and possibly reciprocate! I don't mean him topping, of course, since that's pretty much been ruled out; but, he's got to find out if that cock turns just as red as his hair, right?!

    Keep up the hotness!! You're awesome!!
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  • From ElfenDream on January 26, 2008
    ohmigod?? how do you do this? how do you write so fucking good? I mean.. I`m ready to slide of my chair here. ^_^
    and.. god, I loved your description of tetsu. haha. like an electrocuted porcupine was it? haha!so fun..
    look forward to your next update as usual...
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  • From Ashcat on January 26, 2008
    ch5 was great :) I like how Kotetsu couldn't resist beign sucked in and how he was sucked in. That naughty badger -- i really liked the ANBU were childish and petty to come over to gape and potentially annoy/scare/confuse their fellow team mate's new conquest. I smell a foursome coming up somewhere in this
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  • From ANON - gosia on January 26, 2008
    And the Talk! Forgot about the Talk! So funny and awkward (for Tetsu that is ^o^)
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  • From ANON - gosia on January 26, 2008
    This story gets better and better. It`s like... you know all my fav and kinkiness!
    I ABSOLUTELLY LOVE talkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yay! More Raccon redhead! *thinks about Gaara*
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  • From nekochannya on January 26, 2008
    DAMN IT WOMAN! That was SO hot! I am glad I am alone... nyah! definitely... Kitten approves... MORE please... with ketchup and converted curious men on top! LOL... blood loss... bathrooms... darn it!!! cant explain... be waiting...
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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on January 25, 2008
    I removed and changed my review a bit, cause I was thinking about it. I'm worried for Kotetsu. Racoon didn't seem very nice. Don't let him be too mean to K..... please?
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  • From Travellyr on January 25, 2008
    *giggling* Most of this was just so CUTE! And funny. ^^ The ANBU checking out the latest boy-toy, Raccoon-san hitting on Kotetsu... well, Tetsu is hot, but poor Raccoon-san hasn't managed to get much in this series. :3 The dishing session while Izumo and Kotetsu were on guard duty was just delightful- XD revenge for all the tales of tittyfuck! I know from experience that it's so, so sweet when you FINALLY get to have an awkward conversation with your best friend from the OTHER. SIDE.

    So I spent the first three-quarters of this chapter laughing, and then Tetsu went to the bathroom... and that was hot. *chuckles, with a pervy grin, and sing-songs* Be careful what you wish for...!

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  • From serenagold on January 25, 2008
    Oh my gosh!! :x

    Who knew bi-curiosity was that contagious?? (Hot!)

    ^^ hehehe. Great chapter!
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  • From llyoung on January 25, 2008
    Loved Raccoon-san and Ko in the bathroom. Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for writing.
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  • From Allys on January 25, 2008
    XD Gods sweetie you've made my day XD, LOL. That was really cute and funny before it spiraled into hot at the end there. I loved that it was mostly conversation. :) You write smut so well that I always forget a little that you write dialogue so well *hugs*. LOL, And I love LOVE that Racoon-san is a talker XD. Gods, LOL, that one of the things I really like about your writing. The fact that it's not just description but the dialogue as well that wraps you up and carries you away XD. Can't wait to see what Kotetsu is gonna do about his new found fascination. LOL I love that he's all in denial *snicker* Too fun ;) *chuu*.
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  • From morbiDreamscape on January 25, 2008
    Ah... Kotetsu. Denial is such a strange thing, ne? XD I love Kurohyou! He's just the perfect blend of considerate and forceful. XD And Izumo is so adorable when he hides behind his hair.

    I was reading ch. 4 when I suddenly realized there was a link to ch. 5. Lucky~! :D Perfect timing. Great chapter, can't wait for the next update!
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  • From Allys on January 25, 2008
    Wow this was a neat, and tingle inspiring, way to tie this up XD!! *happy dancing* So now Kotetsu's problem??? XD Sweet!! I just hope his problem doesn't turn into a problem for Izumo and Kurohyou. Unless it could be resolved to the good of all *leers* LOL. *Huggles u* This was awesome honey. Thank you *chuu*
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  • From Allys on January 25, 2008
    Holy Crap!! How the hell did I miss this??? That was fucking awesome and kinda hilarious XD. The beginning was hott as all crap. I love that Izumo's all sensitive and adorable, yet kinky as fuck XD &love;. Oh man LOL, I was kinda gearing up for an Izumo sandwich though, shucks XD. But then when Ibiki and Kotetsu showed up, *snicker* at first I was horrified but for some reaon when the world and dark and he was all
    'Yes, yes, this is a nightmare.
    No, it's a blanket.'
    Lmao!! I couldn't help it XD, I thought that was hilarious XD. And Hmmmnnn, Kotetsu-kun does have a problem doesn't he. I wonder how Izumo's gonna take it?? I think he's gonna need hugs, cause it could be like a slap in the face. *Sighs* Oh the drama!! XD (We both know I love it XD)
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  • From sweetciel on January 25, 2008
    So WAFF ^_^ *squeals* I'm glad that they are so happy together. I wonder how kotetsu will fit into the scheme of things.
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