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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From nekochannya on January 28, 2008
    *Purrs with pleasure* That felt like a wedding ceremony! I love that panther so much!!! Nyah!!! I laughed and moaned along with the rest... I was so happy to see that update! ^.^ Great job at putting red head on his place! LOL
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  • From honZeldaFitz on January 28, 2008
    This was so amazing I don't know where to begin. It figures that Kurohyou would be one of Danzou's. That man screwed up so many kids. Explains why Kuro can't bottom. *wince*

    Ibiki handled things the best he could, all things considered. I love that Kuro is showing emotion, and Kotetsu is hilarious. Raccoon is perfect for him. This just gets better and better with each chapter. I can't wait for Raccoon and Kotetsu to get sorted out, and for the next scene with Kuro and Izumo, of course. ^_^
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  • From ANON - gingitsune on January 28, 2008
    OMG!!!! Another chapter!!! I got to tell you that I love your entire series!!!! I still have no idea why all of them are at Kurohyou's apt but I guess you will tell us in your own time. :D Oh!!!! And Kurohyou had accepted Izumo's love! Yaya!!! More onegai? :D
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  • From ANON - Ivy on January 28, 2008
    The last few chapters are so hot ^_^ You are truly one of the best writers on this site! Look foward to more!
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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on January 28, 2008
    Okay, I'm reviewing again... I always review and then the story sticks in my mind.... Is that good??? I'm not certain. But I have to say, I kinda wish that K hadn't done all that to him in front of the others even though he wanted to claim him. After all, I'm surprised he wanted to share that much.. oh well, I suppose that just shows my vanilla-ness doesn't it??

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  • From Princessdragonsbane on January 28, 2008
    You kill me. I love you sweetie. Great job with this story. See you on Y! in a Couple days. Damn the was a sweet ending.

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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on January 28, 2008
    Well, that was unexpected. I can't wait to see what's going on in that appartment... and why!
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  • From llyoung on January 28, 2008
    Lovely chapter especially the last two lines. Glad Kuro is opening up more and more.
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  • From Jien on January 28, 2008
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  • From nekochannya on January 28, 2008
    LOL... LOL... that was so much fun!!! IBIKI's Problem!!! That would be interesting! Finally finding his libido! Great Idea! intriguing to say the least, to find the great mind himself suddenly under the onslaught of his own desires... YEah! go for it! as always you do not fail to deliver! Happy kitten!!! *purrs with satisfaction* smut and non smut is sooooo good!!!! nyah!!!!
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  • From Allys on January 27, 2008
    LOL. So Izumo's pretty much sorted out, with his sexy as fuck Kurohyou *waggles eyebrows*. And Kotetsu is on his way to being sorted out, by a certain unrepentant chatty redhead XD. While Ibiki may be developing a problem *Leers*XD. W00t W00t!!! Ibiki's Problem *happy dances and glomps Hestia* You're totally on a role baby *Loves* ♥
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  • From Travellyr on January 27, 2008
    Aww... just... squee!
    Pissed off Izumo was very nice, especially fantasizing about using Raccoon-san's ponytail to wreak violence. Shell-shocked Kotetsu was also appreciated... and the entire Ibiki and Kurohyou scene was just RIGHT. There was backstory, but what was going on and why and what was REALLY going on was stated so simply and appropriately that I can't recap it here and do it justice.
    But I loved it. XD
    And finally, this is set up to become quite the series... and perhaps even Ibiki's problem. >:3
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  • From kenshinjunkie03 on January 27, 2008
    out of all the problems, this one is my favorite^_^V
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  • From llyoung on January 27, 2008
    Wonderful chapter. Loved Ibiki and Panther-san's interactions. Also love Raccoon-san and look forward to seeing more of him and Ko and more of Izumo and Panther-san. Thanks for writing.
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  • From Jayderaven on January 26, 2008
    Damn. I put off reading this because I thought it was about Ibiki and he creeps me out. This story is so freaking awesome!!You dirty dirty little author! I can't wait till the next chapter.
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