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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Ivy on February 01, 2008
    So hot ^_^ Ibiki's problem is so underway!!! This series rocks
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  • From nekochannya on February 01, 2008
    IBIKI I understand you ... I was so frustrated... nyah! I really wanted to see... yeah I confess I have vouyeuristic tendencies... heck why do you think I like to read fanfiction? LOL Great job... poor man... he really needs to get laid. After witnessing such a display of raw lust... and affection... oh yeah poor Pan... LOL Gimmme!!!!!
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  • From Travellyr on February 01, 2008
    Oh my, yes, that was it, and the other ANBU had come to the same conclusion because just about every chakra signature in the building was either in the video monitor room or heading there.

    *HOWLS laughing* Ah, they're all such pervs, I love it. ^^ And I love that it truly was "Party at Kurohyou's! Bring furniture!" They're all a bunch of jackasses and bastards, but they're caring jackasses and bastards. Like family. Family that tortures you, but won't let anybody else do it, including yourself.

    ^^ And it tickles me that Ibiki wants to have sex for purposes of gathering information about the effects of sex. It makes me laugh that he's starting to wax poetic, and it's even cuter that it bothers him.

    Selling their nonprofit homemade porn. XD
    ...*SNORKS when Ibiki figures out what's going to happen to the camera* XD Yeah, just like family. Kinky, pervy, torturous family. Revenge runs rampant. I really like how Ibiki is amused by the realization that the tape is going to cut out... UNTIL IT HAPPENS. Grumpyface and pouting Ibiki may terrify his underlings, but... HEE. And why do I get the feeling that the Panther vs Ibiki infighting has only just begun?

    Kichiro and Yoshito... LOLS.

    Typo... :)
    so unlike the old, silent, unsmiling Pather, that Ibiki hadn’t figured it out.
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  • From llyoung on February 01, 2008
    Loved the sex (yummy bondage and sexual "torture"). Love a poetic Ibiki.
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  • From ANON - May on January 31, 2008
    Your story is so steamy and sexy ^_^ I think Kiba needs a red cat bowl, Genma, Chouji (the Turtle Anbu is perfect for him) , Shikamaru, Sai, and of course I want to read Ibiki's problem! Hope theirs inspiration for many more... oh and also more Kotesu/ Shu.
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  • From animeluney on January 31, 2008
    I stalk you across sites! xD Woo, feels good to meet someone from y!gallery here *I already found kakashizgirl xD!!! *

    Anyway, I can't remember if I reviewed this stories first chap on y!gallery, and upon seeing that you also had an aff account, I decided to review here. :3 I liked the story, pretty cool idea with the whole Ibiki having horny ANBU needing love. I love panther-san. D: He seems like he should be a part of the main cast or Naruto! xp Anyway, I will read the rest of this when I have time *damn finals to heck* and until then, much lurv!
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  • From ANON - evil_twin_pride on January 30, 2008

    love it, update soon. What about Kotetsu? Does he get his own fic? Can wait for more. The only character I can think off for red cat bowl is Kiba, a bit rough for a uke. But sure they're strongher Anbu then him.
    read you later,
    aayyyyyyyyyyyy, got to love vacation!
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  • From morbiDreamscape on January 30, 2008
    *quietly nosebleeds and cries into handkerchief at the same time*
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  • From Allys on January 29, 2008
    LMAO!!! *Glomps you*XD What a way to end a chapter XD *huggles* LOL, You are totally made of win love!! What the hell was everybody doing in his house!?!! LOL, It was really freaking hott though!! I love that everyone came out XD. It was kinda like a blessing *loves* XD. And you gave people names!! LOL, yeah that was random of me XD. This is beautiful *chuu*
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  • From drivven on January 29, 2008
    Oh God! Please say there's more??!!!!!! I love this. I really want more. Please!!! Can you be bribed??
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  • From Akaatje on January 29, 2008
    *= fainted from bloodnose*
    Loved it...
    Give Ibiki a fuckbuddy too (I recommend Kakashi:P:P) *drools*

    I loved it, like always, your stories are so fun to read :)
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  • From Travellyr on January 28, 2008
    XD Okay, better now. That on-off impromptu collaring ceremony was beautful and intense. Wow.
    Enough to make me stop giggling at PARTAY IN KUROHYOU'S APARTMENT- BRING FURNITURE and have the brain go "fzzt."
    Well, along with every character in the room. That silence was the sound of mental gears frying. in Kurohyou's apartment was hilarious, btw. ANBU cast reunion slash decorating party. XD I'm wondering if somebody brought chips and beer, and someone else called out for pizza.
    The territorial kunai-flinging and beating of Shu-the-Raccoon was appropriate. ^^ I liked how IRRITATING it was that Shu just lay there- of course it's no fun to kick somebody who just takes it, no matter HOW much the bastard deserves it.
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  • From Travellyr on January 28, 2008
    *iz brainded*
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  • From Jayderaven on January 28, 2008
    YAY! New chapters! I suggest Genma and Sai for future cat bowls, but I's like to see more of Kotetsu and the racoon first :-)
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  • From kenshinjunkie03 on January 28, 2008
    a chapter filled with emotion...and sexy panthers^^
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