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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From gravybaby on February 03, 2008
    Sweet mercy! I think I almost swallowed my tongue!
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  • From sweetciel on February 03, 2008
    Shu is just too hot! I.....*babbles inchoherently* Too good!
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on February 03, 2008
    Oh, Kotetsu. XD You mistook somebody for a CHAIR... well, that's understandable. And losing your internal monologue. Heck, I do that when I'm SOBER. But still. Very, very funny and cute. No wonder the ANBU think he's adorable. XD
    Speaking of adorable and kind of weird, Kakashi sitting on the bookcase drinking through a straw was precious. ^^

    “So if I don’t please you when I fuck you, you’re going say I molested you when drunk, and never give another guy a chance?”

    “Yup, that’s the plan!”

    ...XD Oh, Kotetsu. God, you're such a character. XD! But you can't fault the boy's logic, though. Ethics, sure, but logic, no. X3

    ...Mmm. Oh, Shu, you're such a good man. Such a smooth, pretty, lovely man... and you certainly know how to take a sweet, wasted little boy like Kotetsu through his paces... Mmm. I'm not too impressed with Kotetsu (although his "I'm so toasted" point-of-view is interesting), but I'm very impressed with Shu, and I can't wait to see what he does when his narrator's able to pay better attention. ~___~ *sighs dreamily* I have something of a weakness for redheads myself... and Shu there is my favorite kind. ^-^
    Second favorite would be a lovely little redheaded pet... Mmm. *purrs* Shu, though, sexy confident smooth redhead... best kind. ♥

    And that is a GORGEOUS tatt he's got. *_*
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  • From Jien on February 03, 2008
    Quote: “Now, pretty, focus for me. Here’s the million-yen question, how do you want to come for your first orgasm, hand or mouth?”

    If Deidara were in that position then the question wont bother Kotetsu so much LOLz

    Great fic, update soon!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 03, 2008
    Wow! More Kotetsu and Shu! this was my favorite chapter!
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  • From kneazlegurl125 on February 03, 2008
    ahh ahh! *flails arms* how do you make your anbu so gawd damn hot!!!??? First panther and now raccoon. god, is it like a qualification to be so hot to be an anbu? gosh, i love your anbu so much! i don't know who i like better, the silent panther or the teasing raccoon. oh i can't wait to see the other anbu in action, especially sweet little turtle, so adorable!
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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on February 03, 2008
    Doing the happy dance!! more Shu, More Shu!!! Ahh, the chanting.... um, sorry. I liked that one, in case you couldn't tell.
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  • From gazelovr on February 02, 2008

    Excellently executed! It's just like Tetsu to get wasted so that he could blame the scrum (which I need the recipe for) if he didn't like getting touched by Shu. I loved that his inner monologue ended up being spoken aloud too. And how smart of Shu to make him keep repeating his name. Would have liked to known what Kotetsu's thoughts were while tasting Shu, but I'm sure that you'll get to that when he's sober enough to enjoy it. Thank you so much for the piercings!! **DROOL** Absolutely icing on the cake!! I wonder if Kotetsu will eventually get his tongue pierced? I can't wait to see what happens "the morning after."

    And was Ibiki at the party? Was there someone there to catch his eye, a pain slut in ANBU? Sai? Kimimaru? OC-the one whose name Kotetsu can't remember? And where has Izumo and Kyrohyou holed themselves up at?

    And I know that the "problem" stories are more for ANBU semes looking for ukes but for some reason I think I'd really like to see Turtle looking for a seme, though not necessarily an ANBU. He sounds cute and small and I think it would be nice to change the dynamics a bit by having the uke be the one with more power than his chuunin or gennin seme. Just a thought. Or maybe an ANBU would be better.

    Thank you soo much!

    P.S. I want my own "Shu Chair"!!
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  • From CrimsonEmbrace on February 02, 2008
    Damn this is so HOT! DAMN, I am so turned on I’m without words… where’s my vibrator. Just when I didn’t think you could get me hotter… there you go! I think steam is coming out of my ears! Please, Please, Please do not EVER stop writing! There should be a rating higher than 5 stars, you’d have it wrapped up! I’m going to have to read your stories again and again… and again! MORE PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!
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  • From ANON - Ivy on February 02, 2008
    Oh and Kotetsu's drunking rambling so cute and Shu's dirty talk to funny :-)
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  • From ANON - Ivy on February 02, 2008
    One word- HOT!!!!
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  • From drivven on February 02, 2008
    OMG! That was even hotter than the rest! I love ShuxKotetsu! Please, please, please more!
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  • From llyoung on February 02, 2008
    Wonderful chapter and it was so funny too. Loved the "drunk" Ko saying his thoughts out loud. Loved the sex - it was so hot. Loved Shu's piercings and his tattoo.
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  • From drivven on February 01, 2008
    Oh please say there will be more soon! Please, please? I really love this problem!
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  • From kenshinjunkie03 on February 01, 2008
    i loved how it was getting really good, and then, poof, the tape shows an empty room^^

    this is the best problem ever^_^V
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