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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From llyoung on February 08, 2008
    Beautiful ending to Izumo's Problem. I loved Kuro's laughing.
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  • From kenshinjunkie03 on February 07, 2008
    poor shu-kun;_; he must really like kotetsu to keep up with his bs for any amount of time^^;;
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  • From nekochannya on February 07, 2008
    Poor stupid Tetsu... Poor 'Coon chan! nyah! I love it!!! Kakashi master of Zen! LOL I so love this fic!!!! Please continue! ^>^
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  • From Travellyr on February 07, 2008
    Well, I do agree with Anonymous that he didn't do it on PURPOSE, and he's a good person who wants to make amends, but the brain connections just aren't there to REALIZE "okay, time out. I need to think about this."

    ...which is actually similar to two real guys I know. They just kept screwing up and making the mess deeper, and deeper (with me!) and I had to force them to SIT DOWN, shut up, and stop making it worse. THEY MEANT WELL, but it's like they were mentally incapable of taking a time-out to re-evaluate until somebody beat them over the head with a board. Treating them sort of like dogs actually helped- immediate feedback/correction on their actions, communicating that something is or is not appropriate, without getting mad or taking it personally (as much as I can help. -_-;;; I admit to a red haze over my vision when a long, bumpy conversation culminated in M saying "no offense, but I think I know you better than you do.") My dad's kind of that way, too... and some of my girlfriends, so it's not JUST a guy thing.
    ...Guys just somehow manage to fuck up more spectacularly more OFTEN with relationships than girls do, and probably for the same reason Kotetsu did- emotions and taking them into consideration when you speak is a "girl thing."
    Kotetsu, it's like my momma said to me as a child: boys get their feelings hurt too. 9_9

    THAT'S why Kotetsu is a walking trainwreck, because he's an idiot. Not unreasonably an idiot, not unrealistically an idiot, and not without redemption- HE CAN BE TAUGHT! It's not even completely his fault that he never learned to do this, because he's never HAD to. But he's still a relationship retard and needs special tutoring (KAKASHI), and possibly a special helmet with a disclaimer on it reading "STUDENT DRIVER." ^^;; Just so nobody honks his ass off the relationship highway while he's figuring out how to operate the metaphorical turn signals.
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  • From ANON - anonymous on February 07, 2008
    I'm going to dissent from what I suspect the majority POV on this chapter is: sure, Kotetsu's a bit of an insensitive ass, but I think he's entitled to be a bit wary and confused given his own experiences and the way he's been pursued. I'd actually be happier to see him just say "Okay, no screwing anyone for a while, I'm going to take a break."
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  • From Gingitsune32 on February 07, 2008
    I can't believe the nerve of Kotetsu!!!! Argh!!! I want to help Shu smack him around! Argh!!! As usual, I'm elated to see a new chapter and can't wait for the next! :D
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  • From llyoung on February 07, 2008
    Poor Shu but at least Ko knows he did "wrong". And Ko does want to learn how to have "gay" sex - Learning from Kakashi is a great idea.

    Kuro and Izumo are so cute together - rimming and then piercing - what a great idea.
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  • From drivven on February 07, 2008
    You know, I'm going to be late for work because I checked aff and found another update. LOL Thanks, I'll be smiling all day and no one will know why. More please and thanks for the quick update.
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  • From DuosAngel on February 07, 2008
    Wow, somehow I just wasn't expecting Kotetsu to be that stupid. If he goes to talk to Kakashi it will be the funniest thing ever. But Now I'm dying to know why Shu went to Ibiki. (But first, some hot smut featuring Kuro and Izumo would be nice.)
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  • From Travellyr on February 07, 2008
    Mmmmmmmmmm is right. Izumo and Kurohyou are SO nummy.

    ...and Kotetsu is a walking trainwreck, dear God. 9_9 I mean, DEAR GOD. He couldn't have fucked up more if he'd tried. I hope Kakashi scruffs him and whacks him with rolled-up newspapers when he's naughty, because Kotetsu really is a mannerless dog.

    Poor Shu... come here, Shu-baby, your fangirls will cuddle you and pet you and hiss at Kotetsu for being an ass. Hell, we'll also feed him lines, because SPEAKING of ass..... H_H
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  • From Blckthorn on February 07, 2008
    Oh wow! I fucking love this story! Wonderfully creative and with some of my favorite older nins! I hope you fix Ibiki up nicely though... anyway wonderful smut and great BSDM scenes, they were so hot you re-heated my coffee! Anywhoozle I'm on pins and needles waiting for the next chappie.

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  • From drivven on February 06, 2008
    YAY for the sex god of konoha! I really really love this and Shu and Kotetsu are awesome, please write more soon! (hugs*
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  • From kenshinjunkie03 on February 06, 2008
    and this story just got better and better. and i like how you incorparate(?) everyone in without it seeming too obvious^_^V
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  • From Travellyr on February 06, 2008
    ....also the drunken debates about knees and bareback sex. XD Drunk ninjas are funny creatures to watch.

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  • From Travellyr on February 06, 2008
    Trashed Ibiki is funny, because he makes other people uncomfortable. That recurring dead silence was awesome, and I liked how he was drunk enough to not care, and not not particularly care what he said. "Kakashi the Sex God of Konoha" made me giggle too... and yes, still on the bookcase, like an adorable pervy gargoyle.
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