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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Word_Slave on December 20, 2007
    Ahhhh! this was great. I have to admit, I like Panther!! Truthfully, I didn't think Neji deserved Shino in the last fic, but I really think that the Anbu should have him. And as much as I like Naruto as a Seme, I'd love to see him with a cat bowl. Please
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  • From Ashcat on December 20, 2007
    yay more cat bowl stories. I really like that you're continuing this series it's a great idea :) and you've handled it so well!! I wish Iruka had gotten more screen time :( but I love Iruka so what can I say?

    As far as possible nins for pairing here: Raido, Shikamaru, and I think maybe Kakashi if he gets to be seme :) maybe he gets a blue cat dish? lol surely there are some bottom boys in ANBU >_>

    I really liked little Turtle I hope we get to see ehim again :D
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  • From llyoung on December 20, 2007
    Thanks for another wonderful story and hope you have a great Christmas.
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  • From serenagold on December 20, 2007
    I love these little "Problem" stories of yours. ^^
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  • From ANON - arniegrape on December 20, 2007
    I do adore these series. I like it especially because you get people together who don't seem to have or can't seem to get a partner. For this reason, I don't see Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi or Gaara fitting the bill. I do like that you focus on the characters that don't get enough face time, so I would suggest Udon and Gai (weird I know but that's the challenge). Sai, even though he could easily get a partner and was already in the Anbu would be pretty fun and challenging too. I can see him getting with Kakashi ;-)

    Thank you so much for all your stories, they are certainly exciting and fun to read. Happy holidays!

    Oh, and I vote for the ANBU guy too. They do actually deserve to get partners. Maybe Boar, Tiger, Turtle, Wolf, and all the others will get their own ukes?
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  • From LadyLaran on December 20, 2007
    Go with Panther! The other one seems more straight than not. I mean, come on - titty fucking the HOKAGE?! EWWWW!

    As far as suggestions - Chouji would be great as, given most people's tendencies to see only outside appearance, he would have difficulty finding a partner. Shika - too henpecked by his mother to even admit he's gay and can't give her the daughter in law she's wanting - so Ibiki sets him up with the catfood dish. Sai would be good too. As a former ANBU, he understands the need to shut down and probably wants to understand more of human nature. Naruto, I think, would be good too. Given his circumstances, most girls would shun him due to what he carries and he's human, he has needs. I'd also suggest Lee or Gai, maybe both. The only two I see difficulty using would be Kakashi and Sasuke. Sasuke because he's too damn prideful to admit he has needs and can't see him caring to help someone out. Kakashi is mostly about control. I don't see him letting anyone be seme or near him in a way where he wouldn't have control.
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  • From cynaga on December 20, 2007
    Happy Holidays! Thanks for sharing your time and talent with us this past year. =)

    I think Gai needs to get the red cat dish but his ANBU need him as a SEME instead of an uke.
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  • From honZeldaFitz on December 20, 2007
    Yea! Yea! Yea! Another one! I'm so happy. XD I think you should go with kurohyou. Kotetsu is straight, after all, and Panther is unbelievably sexy. So... definitely, more Panther. My inner perv loves these.

    For suggestions, hm... Iwashi is adorable and usually overlooked. Ebisu ~ maybe he acts like a jerk because he's lonely? Shikamaru is hawtness, and maybe Chouji ~ chubby boys need love, too.

    Merry Christmas~ Enjoy your break. :)
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