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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Word_Slave on January 05, 2008
    Ahh, I love your stories with the cat bowl. I've been waiting for this one to come out!! I had a thought though, and this may not work with your idea of Dom and sub, but um wouldn't maybe those Anbu want to lose control, with a switch???? Okay, so for some reason writing this embarassed me, but anyway, just a thought!
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  • From Jien on January 05, 2008
    Next up would be Ibiki's problem if he doesn't get a decent uke =^.^=
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  • From nekochannya on January 03, 2008
    Lets see... a red bowl...the posibilities are countless... ohhhh... happy kitten... lets see... we could have... Shikamaru, Kiba, Sai, Raidou, Kakashi, Choji, Lee, Genma and Sasuke. Oh, I am making sure you have lots to choose from... nyah! so I get to read lots... I love panther san and Tora san... please dont kill them... Dog san is cute too... nyah! >.< and the little anbu too! *cuddles*

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  • From animelovergirl on December 30, 2007
    Definitely kurohyou!!! And as for a new 'victim of the red cat-bowl' I'd vote for Shikamaru...I just love him and his lazyness and I think it would be damn hot if some sexy ANBU discovers that under all that lazyass attitude lies a wild tiger ^_^
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  • From jiele on December 28, 2007
    *dies of blood loss, wants more panthery goodness*


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  • From ANON - Lola on December 26, 2007
    Story was amazing!!! Hope to see an update soon, but enjoy your holiday :) I agree w/the last reviewer that Ibiki should get w/someone. Chouji would be interesting, Radiou, Shikamaru, Kiba(please he would be awesome!), and Naruto should all get dishes and I second Gai for a seme to any Anbu bottoms :)
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  • From gazelovr on December 24, 2007
    OMFG!! So fucking hot!!! Definitely stick with Kurohyou-san!! I love Kotetsu but I'm completely melting over Kurohyou-san. I'm surprised you're not anemic writing all these super hot stories, personally I've gone through at least 3 bags of O+ and have decided to invest in Kleenex and Puffs. You certainly out do yourself every time. I do sort of have a couple of suggestions for future fics though. Since Shino turned down the Raccoon I think he should get a turn. And to be honest I'd love to read a fic where someone, genin, chunin or not, has the balls to go after Ibiki. He may say he finds it hard to identify with anyone feeling a sexual need but there just has to be someone out there for him who'll love all that he is, just like in D/s, and will pursue him even against his wishes. Not sure if you can capture all that in a oneshot, but if it’s possible you’ll be able to find a way and still keep it smoking hot. Please keep up your fantastic work and have a great holiday!!
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  • From ANON - Ivy on December 22, 2007
    I want the couple to be Izumo and the OC character. The scene was hot!!!! I would like for panther-san to get jealous if izumo tries to hook up w/somebody else. All your stories are fantastic and I like the new ANBU hookup series :-)
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  • From ANON - sm on December 22, 2007
    Love the story. Actually, I love all your stories. As for Izumo's Problem my vote is for Kurohyou.
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  • From Allys on December 21, 2007
    OMG!!!! *Tackle glomps u* Hestia-koi!! I never knew you were such a tease XD!! What a place to leave off!! XD, but yeah I understand about Christmas hectic-ness. Have fun on your vacation! This was immensely freaking hott!! And Panther-san is yummy XD. LOL, normally I'd argue for the Kotetsu/Izumo pairing, cause lol, they're always freaking together. But hey *shrugs* sometimes people are just straight! XD and Panther-san is sexy as sin, he's totally got my vote XD. LOL hmmmn, but poor Ibiki!! LOL, He's never going to find a solution for his problem is he *snicker* None of the ukes last!! Damn horny Anbu!! XD *grins like an idiot*. MWAH!! I'm looking forward to your update almost as much as I'm looking forward for Christmas XD. *huggles*

    Hmmmn, as for who else I'd like to see XD... Hehehe... i'll have to sit and think seriously on it and get back to you, it'll be a good way to spend the time ;).
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  • From ANON - devil child on December 21, 2007
    I really likr your OC character so I would really like the oc to be with Izumo
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  • From ANON - Ash on December 21, 2007
    Nice series. I vote for Panther, please.
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  • From Travellyr on December 21, 2007
    what woman would do that for him? Ok, well, Anko and Ino, for starters
    *HOWLS with laughter* Oh, poor Izumo. XD Poor, poor Izumo.

    Hnnnmmmm ^^ Ibiki the Village Pimp strikes again. Oh, Izumo... such a lovely time you'll be having! :D

    Mmm, Panther-san.... :D Life is good. Kotetsu can keep his tittyfuck fantasies... hopefully to himself, lest their esteemed hokage punch him through a wall. XD
    No, no, I'm all for Kurohyou and his Izumo the Iriomote... and whoever else wants to join them. >:3

    *thinks over the cast of characters for the cat bowl brigade* Shikamaru, perhaps? Or is it just too much trouble? Chouji is a sweetheart... it'd have to be done carefully, because he's such a soft-hearted sweetie. So... Shika, methinks. Not having to buy them dinner first'd be a plus for him.
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  • From purplelev on December 21, 2007
    Yay more "Problems". I love Izumo/Kotetsu so I say go with that but Panther-san is really hot so I wouldn't be apposed to more of him. Maybe next time you could Shikamaru he's one of my favorite characters. Great work as always.
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  • From ANON - Bright One on December 20, 2007
    Ok, I gotta say that I LOVE this series. I definitely think you should choose Panther as the partner in this round. Now I am going to think about who else is lonely!
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