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Reviews for Izumo's Problem

By : Hestia
  • From nekochannya on January 21, 2008
    He has a problem all right... Tetsu-san... Nyah!!! now I am worried... poor panther... dont screw him over too hard... its not the poor kitten's fault... he is a good tame cat... *sure* LOL.... I loved the damned thing as always... These are my favorite kind of problem... nyah~ Great job... although I got confused when people appeared all of a sudden... Had to re read it and assume they teleported into the room... that was it right? acid tripping cat... me! I loved it! *nyah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Layla on January 21, 2008
    Your story was uber hot!!! I think Kiba, Naruto, Genma, Lee, Shika, Chouji, and Sai are perfect candidates for a cat bowl...anyways can't wait to see who's next.
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  • From jiele on January 15, 2008
    *flails; thinks Kiba needs some red-kitty(puppy?)-bowl smexin. Also thinks any bowl-getting semes should get a green one...because the green light's the one on the top........*


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  • From Kerrisa on January 08, 2008
    Awe!! This one had such a sweet ending too!! I liked how Izumo found new love! I also like how Kurohyou Made him cum 5 times and was still up for more xD The lemons were delicious, superb job. When are you gonna publish a book? The world outside of fanfcition must learn of your awesomeness!! Tehehe, as always. i await the day you post new fics!! Maybe Kiba should get a red cat bowl to put out o.O Oo Oo!! Are any of the ANBU dudes ukes? That would be interesting to see with any other Naruto character as seme =D Having the power to kill within less then a heartbeat, but willingly submitting and opening their body to pleasure~! *dances* Tehehe hope to read from you soon!
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  • From serenagold on January 08, 2008
    Wow.. a continuation! And a great one at that! :D

    Ibiki is one hell of a match maker.

    Also, it seems to me, after reading all these 'problem' fics is that that old saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is not entirely true. Apparently there is also another way, through his rectum, after some really talented and skillful sex. O_O
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  • From gazelovr on January 07, 2008
    Absolutely astounding!! Your brilliance is just shining! I even called into work and told them I was going to be late so that I could finish reading the second part. I just don't know how you come up with all this! Ibiki's going to be a bit perturbed I think, ANBU keeps losing uke's just as soon as he finds them. I can't wait to read more from you. I hope your holidays went well.
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  • From ANON - Timberfox on January 06, 2008
    I really loved this story and have enjoyed reading many of your other (Naruto) works.
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  • From ANON - Kit on January 06, 2008
    I really love the series you are making here. Who will you be doing next? What about Ibiki himself? Doesn't he need a little away time as well?

    I love the way you do your stories and can't wait for more. Thank you for writing the way you do.
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  • From ANON - Bright One on January 05, 2008
    I loved this part!! However, you know that Ibiki is going to be annoyed as hell when he shows up with the red cat bowl tomorrow. ;) So, who is next? I am dying to read more. Naruto? Shika? Anyone you pick will make my day as I LOVE this series!
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  • From LadyLaran on January 05, 2008
    Perfect! Oh my gosh...that ending was just wonderful!!!!
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  • From llyoung on January 05, 2008
    Wonderful chapter (as always). Thanks for writing.
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  • From ANON - Ivy on January 05, 2008
    Loved it! but all these stories are so short...guess you can just do a bunch of different pairings for all the horny Anbu out there :) As always look foward to your stories!
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  • From Allys on January 05, 2008
    Wow Lady love, that was ridiculously Hot and really sweet. I mean Damn... Some of the things that man did to Izumo!! Is it sane to be horribly jealous of a fictional male character? >.> LOL. *huggles* That was seriously amazing. Thank you so much for the update XD. That one was a quick story, he never even got a cat bowl :D *huggles* Poor Ibiki, he keeps losing his ukes XD. Are you still doing these?? Who's next!?! I'm excited already ;) *chuu*.
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  • From ANON - BennyPeace on January 05, 2008
    That was amazinggg.
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  • From nekochannya on January 05, 2008
    *dissolves in a pool of kitty goo* that was worthy of my vintage chocolate colection! *purs* I adore them both! This has become my favorite of the whole Problem series!!!! NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *Fangirly scream* (for obvious reasons) I am so looking forward to the next installment... but would like later on an epilogue... just dont kill the panther...*hiss* be good ne? I love him, he's adorable!!!! *purs* So possessive... nyah! >.< cats of the world! the iriomote is so cute and rare... I loved the connection to the rare japanese cat... it was a beautiful and fitting image, lovely and sexy... the mysterious black panther tied to the wild leopard cat. That scene when Kotetsu came by after sex with his redhead... and waited by the door was priceless... same as the 'lube's finished! SHIT!' Those were so funny (awkward but funny and oh so human!) I loved the mirror scene... THAT WAS HOT!!!! Being the perverted kitten that I am, I love mirrors in writings... so, yeah... *bows in adoration* Master I salute you! I am not worthy!
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