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Reviews for Mission Iruka

By : SumiHatake
  • From benny_grl on February 28, 2017

    Loved it! So adorable! And smexy...

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  • From ANON - bibbiesparks on August 31, 2015
    I just love the story and can't wait to read the rest
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  • From ANON - Daga on October 09, 2013
    Loved this story, cute ^^ is the best word to describe it :) You made it interesting, funny and adorable but without too much sugar and romantic nonsense
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  • From ANON - grace on June 08, 2012
    hello!... I really like this story that's why I never get tired of reading this but can I ask about one shot story DINNER. I can't really find it?? thanks... wish you can give me an answer>_
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  • From ANON - Beckah on September 26, 2011
    I love this story.
    Don't know his many times Ive read this -here and at
    I love the way you write, you're really one of those can't-put-the-book-down authors.
    Real kol. Anyway, can I have that link please. I didn't know there were SOOOOOO many side stories
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  • From ANON - Sora on October 21, 2010
    Great story. Very imaginative. Love Kaka/Iru ... they are so SEXY together. You did them justice.
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  • From sangohoushi on September 25, 2010
    i love this story. is there gonna be an update soon? u definately have me looking forward to one. please keep it up!!
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  • From NarutoVixin on October 25, 2009
    now Thats how you run a mission lol
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  • From ANON - SkoRn3d on October 10, 2009
    How could Kakashi think that? This was the Iruka that openly admitted to Kakashi making every muscel in his body hurt without realising the implications. Aw I feel sorry for him now. Tired Iruka isn't the one to be asking for a relationship then huh? Poor thing, he's not gonna try now, aw and he'll be all upset when Iruka pulls off his prank :C
    I gotta get to the next chapter, man I love this story. It's so ...
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  • From ANON - SkoRn3d on October 10, 2009
    I'm not too sure how Pakkun would've gotten out of - wherever he is when he's not summoned, but it was extremely cute to see Iruka bonding with someone/thing that Kakashi holds so dear. Ya know. It's just cute C:
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  • From ANON - SkoRn3d on October 10, 2009
    Hi! It's the same me, I decided to read the AAF version so I don't have to re-read the whole thing. Though I probably will later on anyway lol. I like that there are things that can actually get Kakashi to shut up and pause. Tsunade's right though, I reckon Kakashi wouldn't believe the amount of people that really do care about him. I can't wait to get through this fic. I so badly want to know how it turns out. And I just saw MI Christmas too. I love the way you write. It's so cute, and kol C: Well, next chapter.
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  • From loveusender on August 19, 2009
    i.this story was so nice and fluffy and smutty.. at one point, where Kakashi was rubbing iruka's wrist , the moment was so soft i felt a tingle run through me, when i get a chance i'm SO ordering that doujinshi!
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  • From ANON - Anise on June 09, 2009
    This is so exciting *snugsu* I'm so happy for you, it's been a long time coming :) I've seen the pages you've posted at the comms and stuff and it looks to be really amazing, definitely very talented people working on this.^^ I just wanted to wish you luck and hope you get many, many orders and are completely swamped with fans at Otakon, it must be such a fun thing to see your story turned into something like this ^_^
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  • From ANON - Yuki on April 12, 2009
    Alright. I've read hundreds of KakaIru fics before, both on AFF and FF. I've seen some very good ones, one that sucked, and ones that have blown my mind away.

    This is the best KakaIru fic I've ever read, and I'll tell you why.

    They don't instantly jump eachother's bones. You've kept them in character, which takes incredible patience and skill, and every KakaIru fic I've seen makes Kakashi seem at LEAST slightly OCC or Iruka a whacked-out woman. You show how they get tossed together (by the lady Hokage no less), how they build up their 'friendship', and then how it goes from close friends to lovers. This is brilliant.

    And then the actual Lemon is great. I liked the part especially where Kakashi says "And I'm all yours. You are never getting these back. Ever." And tucks the boxers under the mattress. That was a brilliant line, along with the "My ears are declaring war on your sides". You have excellent descriptions, your grammar is actually correct (trust me, that really counts. Do you know how many authors write like trolls?) and your creativity is off the map.

    I hope you add a companion piece or a similar story with Iruka as seme sometime. I would really like to see that.

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  • From ANON - xbamxheartagramx on January 02, 2009
    That was freaking awesome!!! I loved Iruka's prank. I need some chakra wires and shit man. I'd have a freakin feild day. Very sexy, very cute, very funnt, and just overall incrediably entertaining. I love it.
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