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Reviews for Through the Eyes of the Insane

By : SeverusLutherinSalazarSnape
  • From ANON - Rainshi on December 29, 2011
    oh how I miss this story
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  • From ANON - Wraith on June 08, 2011
    Love it, update?
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  • From Jadebyrd on June 01, 2008
    Yay! I'm so happy you were able to get another chapter up after so long! I'm excited to see that the story is starting to progress further now that we have figured out Sasuke's trigger. Plus the real relationship between Sasuke and Naruto can now begin! Wouldn't it be funny to see Sasuke develop some kind of feelings for Naruto, while at the same time be a little bit jealous of the way Naruto adores his other self. How frustrating would that be, to be jealous of yourself?! Is that even possible??? Well I just wanted to let you know how happy I am now that you have returned to the land of the living...or rather I suppose it would be the other way around, because life was the thing that was preventing you from moving ahead in this story, lol! Imagine that! I can't wait to see how you take it from here. Good luck.


    In the second paragraph of the new chapter, def is actually spelled deaf. (^_^)
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  • From ANON - morixharuhi4eva on May 29, 2008
    so...i am very excited that this fic is moving was a great idea and personally i like cute sasuke better...but anyways dont leave us must complete this no matter how long it takes...
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  • From hisoka on May 28, 2008
    awesome not that many people are comfertable with someone else other than their significant other/lover/or what ever you wanna call em', in the bathroom with them while thier in there.but its funny how he just got back in the tub while naruto took a quick piss now i see one of the reasons why not everyone does that. ambush. aww cute sasukes just so babyish to sit in his lap and cuddle with him, thats a great trick too to change someone with one word nice.hope you can update soon
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  • From alleycat88 on May 28, 2008
    Hahaha poor little sasuke...Nice one Naruto! Please update soon!
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  • From Dragon7 on May 28, 2008
    Grate chapter!!!! I'm so happy that you are back and writing again. I can’t wait to read the next chapter so please keep on writing and UPDATE SOON.

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  • From masteroftherebels on February 01, 2008
    Oh my god I think I'm about dying from laughing so hard. Your version of a mentally ill Sasuke is hysterical, it can hardly be described in words. I can't wait to see what comes from this story! XD
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  • From ANON - lonelylulaby on December 06, 2007
    Can't wait till the next chappie. Man out of the three that Sasuke is mad about my fav is the man eating bed. That was hilarious, anywho I sorda like both Sasukes, the smart and psycho one.

    ja ne till next time and keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Rosalie Ishtar on December 05, 2007
    Um, I don't know if you know or not, sweetie. But 'Zina' is spelled "Xena" weird yes, but I am not lying. But anyway great job! I just love your stories.
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 03, 2007
    In chapter five, I liked Naruto’s summary to smart-Sasuke about scared-Sasuke.
    Also, what’s the Rule of Three from? I’ve never heard of it before, but it sounds cool.
    Aw, man, that was mean. "The blankets are eating me!" ... Very cruel. Naruto, I do not approve. u_u Sasuke, I don’t blame you for being scared/pissed.
    I LOVED the Omake for chapter 5! XD

    For chapter 6, I’d love to see a picture of Sasuke with the war-paint. And Sasuke, I’m sorry, but that sock story WAS very funny. ^^
    Quantum physics and the dryer? What’s that, like space-time warp or something??
    By the way, the Warrior Princess’s name is spelled "Xena," not "Zina." Just thought I’d mention it, no biggie. ^.^"
    Like the "T-Vision"--that was cute. ^^
    “The cat really WAS the demon incarnate...” Great line.
    As for the Omake, I loved the last line.

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  • From on December 03, 2007
    I love this story so damn much. Two different Sasuke justs keeps getting more and more interesting. I completely relate to what you said about the whole spell check, dictionary, google fiasco...I have unfortuantely been down that road many of times. I too learned how to spell awkward right along with you. Keep up the great work and sorry that you've had so many questions about this fic. I myself will ask none because I will keep reading to find the answers in the story makes the story much more surprising and interesting that way.
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  • From Jadebyrd on December 03, 2007
    Cute chapter, It really made me laugh! The sock hunt was ingenious. That was very imaginative on your part. I also really like the end mini-episodes, I believe I forgot to praise you on that the last time I reviewed (That was my mistake! ^_^* ). Sasuke is a very perceptive person to notice Naruto's like of his other self.....too bad he is essentially nuts! On a different note, I didn't notice any errors this time (except for a few tiny grammar ones). Yay! Plus, I totally understand what you mean about the whole impatience thing. I myself cannot deal with overly imcompetent people. My friends sometimes call me a perfectionist.....ok well that's a lie! They actually call me "anal"! lol, I just tend to laugh it off (Like everything else in life). So, now that I've said my peace, I can't wait for your next installment!
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  • From Dragon7 on December 03, 2007
    Loved it I can't wait to read more so update soon.
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  • From Althea on December 03, 2007
    This is an awesome story! I am sorry that I have not reviewed before, I just always seem to read this story at around midnight so by the time I am done I am exhausted... but that is not really an excuse and I feel really bad for not encouraging you with a review!
    I love how even though Naruto is a working citizen he is still the Naruto will all know and love^^ I have never read a story where Sasuke is insane like this, I really like it. A city inside his own mind (like Kyuubi inside of Naruto) and he is caught in between what he believes is real, and what actually is. It is interesting to see Sasuke (from Konoha)... I wonder what is going to happen when he finds out that he is actually from an insane asylum..? It will be interesting to see how Naruto deals with him. Awesome job, keep writing^^
    (can you e-mail me when you up-date?
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