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Reviews for Through the Eyes of the Insane

By : SeverusLutherinSalazarSnape
  • From alleycat88 on December 03, 2007

    That was so funny! Poor Sasuke! Getting the crap scared out of him! Naroto is so mean! HAHAHAHA! I liked the episode....random buttons and what not! And Copy Ninja! LOL Thanks for updating and for the dedication! *steps up to podium* I would like to thank all the little people I had to step on to get here! *bows* Thank you! *BIG KISS*

    Awaiting the next cute chapter,


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  • From Chria on December 03, 2007
    I can't believe you got so pissed over readers interpreting the story their own way. A little dramatic, much? HAHAHAHA I thought authors enjoy the power to keep people guessing. But you're a plotline cop, I guess. I am one of those people guilty of not reading the little messages before hand because I'm more interested in reading the story. I was enjoying the story then your little rant showed up and that made me crack up harder than the story. I'm already expecting you to take this light teasing the wrong way and start planning my murder. Great story so far, it’s very creative, especially the latest chapter. Maybe flattery will keep me alive long enough for the next one. hehheh
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  • From serenagold on December 03, 2007
    aquard should be spelled "awkward"

    other than that, quite the enjoyable little chapter. Naruto has good timing on his jokes. hehehe
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  • From ANON - Rosalie Ishtar on December 03, 2007
    That was just great. I think I like 'cave man Sasuke' better, he is adorable!
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  • From Jadebyrd on December 03, 2007
    I must say that it made me very happy and was surprised to see a dedication to lil old me! Thank you for that I really appreciate the gesture. I found this chapter very funny, and totally almost pissed my pants when the blanket almost "ate" Sasuke. It was so adorable when Sasuke really freaked out, he reminded me of a small child. It broke my heart to imagine him crying like that! Other than that, you had few grammatical errors and it took me a while to figure out what you meant by "aquard"......then I realized you meant awkward, which in itself is ironic considering how awkward the word is to spell! lol....If you still don't have a beta, I have a lot of extra time right now and would be happy to help out. But only if you want! So with all that said, Happy Writing!
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  • From ANON - lonelylulaby on December 02, 2007
    I liked the little mini series. Copy ninja Kakashi, ha ha ha ha. I would really like it if you put them in every chapter. The man eating blanket was hilarious I thought I was going to die of laughter.

    ja ne till next time and keep up the good work

    p.s. If I was one of those people that has asked a question that you already answered then I'm sorry. Also I do skip author notes, but now I will read them.
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  • From ANON - Hige on December 02, 2007
    Wai! you dedicated it to me! XD thanks! *glomps* well, there's some grammatical errors but then It's okay since I could still understand it :D eheheh cute mini-story! hehehe... w00t! update soon :D *is excited to read more*
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  • From lexjamandme on December 02, 2007
    I can't pretend that I'm not a little confused, but so is little Naruto, so I must be in good company. Regardless, I love your portrayal of Naruto. Can't wait to get more of that

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  • From ANON - hige on December 02, 2007
    *cries* yeah... I pumped my fist on the air cause I thought It was a new chappie... anyway... hope you get to finish the next chapter XD That'll make us all very happy! yey!
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  • From Jadebyrd on December 02, 2007
    Really it was no problem at all...I am happy to be of service! I knew that if I was writing a story and someone caught a mistake, I would want to know so that I could fix it! Though I am sorry you feel frustrated by all those blunder-heads out there that don't read your author's notes. Try not to take it too hard, it's not your fault the world is full of morons! I mean, I know I have my own brain-fart moments but sometimes it's just ridiculous how people don't listen or pay attention! Well anyways, I wish you the best and hope you can manage with the next chapter and life. You're doing great!
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  • From hisoka on November 29, 2007
    i wonder how does his personality change so quickly, and is konoha and everyone really just in sasukes mind or is it an old memory er sumthin.hope you can update soon
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  • From tash1021 on November 27, 2007
    oh more more more more^.^
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 26, 2007
    The sudden change in Sasuke got my attention. I'm still wondering what happened to him... and what does the cat sense about him?
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  • From solitare1 on November 26, 2007
    OK I'm ready for the next chapter cause I need to be explained to like the dobe. I am confused and wondering whose world are we in?? Naruto's or Sasuke's. Still I like the story so far. (kill the cat!!)
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  • From ANON - Dragon on November 26, 2007
    Loved it I can't wait to read more so update soon.

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