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Reviews for Affairs of the Pack

By : Kipling
  • From Archfiend on August 04, 2008
    Come on, you can`t leave such an excellent story to go down the drain. This story shows all the makings of a really good fic. So please update, as the general idea behind your story is very original especially how you displayed the Inuzukas.And leaving such a great story a cliffhanger is really incredibly mean, so please update soon. I`d really like to read further chapters.
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  • From wardogs83 on November 01, 2007
    WOW! Very great story, I love Kiba when he acts like an alpha male. I hope there will be another update.
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  • From UzumakiIno on September 17, 2007
    Very good once more. I can only wonder what their reaction will be. Keep it coming.
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  • From candycrys on September 07, 2007
    Wow OoO but wait does their mom know because she is kinda scary
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  • From Jin on September 07, 2007
    What an evil cliffy! Update soon! I can't take the suspense!
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  • From Jin on September 05, 2007
    Great chapter. I loved the "action." Very hot.
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  • From UzumakiIno on September 05, 2007
    I don't mind the titles' similarities; you can keep it, since it's actually a good title. And thanks for the compliments on my fic. Yeah, I love the Inuzuka; they're so cool but underappreciated and only Kiba gets screen time.

    Anyhow, good update. Can't wait to see what happens next. Keep it coming.
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  • From Starspear on September 05, 2007
    Heh, Inuzukacest...cudos.
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  • From UzumakiIno on September 04, 2007
    Very good. I can't recall if you checked out my Inuzuka fic, All in the Pack; it's more story than sex fic, but sex will be a lot of the story regardless. Anyway, keep it coming.
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  • From PlaidFlannelShirt on September 04, 2007
    We need more of this. Inuzuka incest is just too damn hot. Please write more soon. Hana in heat is just too fucking hot.
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  • From ExposedDesires on September 03, 2007
    Interesting, but short. Talk about a tease...can hardly wait for more.
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  • From Jin on September 03, 2007
    Inuzuka incest...interesting.

    Update soon!
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