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Reviews for Rock the Cradle of Love

By : hatochan
  • From dkf on March 09, 2008
    That was sexy XD.
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  • From Ashcat on September 08, 2007
    Fantastic!! Waaa now we totally have to know if they made up and what happened?! Oh Iruka how I love you
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  • From realnobiki on September 03, 2007
    you were leading me around by the nose the entire time. i didn't know what the heck was going on, but i was like iruka - very very hopeful it would be something good. how like my favorite tokujo boys to fight just before a mission (grrrr). and, yes, it was good, as in leave-in-the-middle-to-have-a-cig good, as in stop-reading-3-or-4-times-just-to-prolong-the-fic good.
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  • From Hen on September 02, 2007
    Damn Hatochan! How do you keep coming up with all this good stuff?!
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  • From ANON - Anise on September 01, 2007
    I admit I wouldn't have expected that little bit of angst when I started but it definitely added to the story or more specifically Raidou and his reactions. I guess it was one way to get Raidou to just forget all of his restraints and just do what he feels, plus it also got us a seme Iruka which I never would have predicted. Although I suppose he really wasn't in anyway dominate he was more just along for the ride, whatever is going on with rai and gen I definitely think that Raidou needed that more than he realized plus getting past all the Iruka sex hang-ups is definitely a good thing! ;)
    Now Iruka on the other hand was just all typical bratty teenager, seriously only 16yr olds can be grumpy, pouty, horny, sexy all at the same time, poor Rai he doesn't know whether to take care of him, smack him or fuck him! I loved that it was from Iruka's point of view (and no not just because i suggested it) because you got to see that he was trying to push him and when he finally got a reaction he all of a sudden realized that he may get more than he figured. He was lucky Raidou didn't actually take all of it out on him otherwise on top of all the mission injuries he would be a very sore boy in the morning, Rai wanted to punish someone and/or himself but had enough sense to not take it out on Iruka! I loved how Iruka was that mix of experience and immaturity, that balance that makes teenagers at times seem so grown-up and at others makes you want to pull out your hair with their stupidity, they have pushing buttons (and just plain acting) without thinking of consequences down to an art!
    For something that was going to be all lovely steamy shower smut you managed to mix in there a rather nice bit of story on top of that, I find it terribly funny you apologized for having plot. I think it's very rare that someone would read a story and think, 'where the heck did that plot come from, I'm not reading anymore' on top of that an actual story gets you long reviews which I'm pretty sure you're not adverse to getting ;) Let's see well written and great characterizations another great story, as always you're awesome and I loved this just as much as anything else-alright on to the next thing! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Alix on September 01, 2007

    I love you! Really! Goodness, there I was all ready to hate you and curse you for keeping Raidou for Iruka WITH NO GENMA PRESENT... but I can't! I can't because you've given Iruka exactly what he wants (a go at Raidou's deliciously hunky body) and me exactly what I've been wanting for months- GenRai plot development!

    Again, I'll leave it to another reviewer to detail exactly just how good the smex is. While I have my doubts about such a postion being workable, what counts is always in the telling of the smex. It's never the actual positions but rather the pacing, the adjectives, the characterisation and the intellectual friction... which you've nailed (haha)!

    Rather, I'm drooling again about the deliciously deliberate (or so I'm convinced) plot developments. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Raidou's trying to make Genma jealous! Only acting upon his Iruka fantasies when he's angry at Genma? Oooooh... Even better though is the uncertainty you maintain throughout the tale about who Raidou is thinking about as he banters with Iruka. The constant use of that 'sunovabitch' - which probably describes Genma perfectly, so no objections here!- and other subtle reminders of Genma pretty much keeps him in the room at all times. It's a slightly twisted retelling of their first time, except that Genma's not verbally giving the cues anymore. Instead, he's set up a situation and is unconsciously pulling the strings. I love it!

    While I understand that Raidou probably genuinely does have feelings for Iruka, I want to beleive that you're spoiling me and that what I'm reading here is the beginning of the end for Genma freewheeling ways. Raidou obviously considers that he has a claim on Genma (beyond that of Genma's being his first if I remember correctly) in order to be so angry at him. what isn't so clear is if Genma is actually off on a mission or if he's breaking somewhere. I had assumed the first, but Raidou's anger and belief that Genma's off screwing makes the latter seem more than plausible. Oooh the angsty possibilities here... it would be just Iruka's luck if Genma were to come back injured and Raidou were to superstitiously believe that it was somehow his fault for sleeping with Iruka- though Genma would probably disabuse him of that notion quickly and demand multiple re-enactments with himself included.

    Thank you so much for this glorious chapter in the utterly delicious saga you've woven!
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  • From Glenndolyn on September 01, 2007
    No one-shot. They need another round. Rado bought toys. TOYS damn it. Iruka's ass needs a good work out and I'm sure he can show Raido some good tricks.
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  • From llyoung on September 01, 2007
    I really do love your universe and your stories.
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  • From KansouAme on September 01, 2007
    Yeah!! I love your stories hatochan. So do we ever get to find out what the fight was about?

    Keep up the good work! Ja!
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