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Reviews for Help me believe its not the real me

By : kayaookami
  • From Shortcake on February 24, 2018

    Wonderful story writing!

     Yes, there are some spelling mistakes, but really the story itself shines through. I literally cried at the description of Sakura’s parents dying. So poetic. 

    I realize you wrote this awhile ago and just wanted to take a moment to say I hope you are still writing. You have a great talent for story telling. 

    If you find yourself in need of a proof reader, please hit me up. (I’m actually dyslexic myself but I cope fairly well)



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  • From angelnomiko on February 22, 2010
    wow that was great i love it .. please please update soon i would love to read more .. later for now

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  • From BlackAsuka on September 11, 2007
    You talk about all your problems in your author's note. I would like to say that if you are so worried about your story looking funny, you should get a beta ar just have someone else read over it before you post it on here. It's not that hard to find a beta either. there are sections made just for this purpose. I think you have a very good story here, but the mistake do detract a bit from it.
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