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Reviews for It wasnīt meant to be

By : Yourangel
  • From Rosebud on August 15, 2007
    OMG, I love this story!!! I wanna read more!!!! PLEASE update soon!

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  • From ANON - Ilene on August 15, 2007
    *chuckles* "please mr. bank robber sir.." I have a feeling were about to get to the good part *_-
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 15, 2007
    poor naruto...anyway I like the story so far but the chapters are really short..still good though and I hope to read more :)
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  • From KoibitoFemme on August 15, 2007
    You are sick! These cliffhangers feel literally falling off a cliff. More I say! more! You certainly know how to keep someone's attention.
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  • From ANON - Vivi & Venny on August 15, 2007
    Venny: Yea, know. She -points to Vivi- /wasn't/ going to reveiw. But I -points to himself- talked her into it! It was short sure, -shrugges- but I still liked it! Please, please, don't have Sasuke be the one to rape poor Naruto-chan!!!

    Vivi:.....Hey, don't say it as if I'm such a mean person, and that I don't like it too. I just.....didn't feel like reveiwing it right now, is all. I actually like SasuNaru, ItachiXNaruto, and ItachiXSasukeXNaruto/ItachiXNarutoXSasuke. But I don't like the idea of Sasuke raping Naruto. I can see it better as Itachi raping Naruto, than Sasuke doing it. Plus, I like SasukeXNaruto the best!

    Venny: So, we reveiwed, don't cry!

    Vivi:...She never said she was going to cry......right?

    Venny: YOU CAN MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!

    Vivi:....Stop it.

    Venny: And if you don't swing that way; you can have Vi-

    Vivi: Finish that, and I'll fucking kill you. Unlike some people I know -cough-Venny-cough- /I/ don't sell myself.


    Ja ne,

    ~Vivi & Venny

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  • From Qiana on August 15, 2007
    This is really, really good when you update again please make the next chapters longer.
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  • From ANON - Damp on August 15, 2007

    I know, I know, when thereīs a hold up at a bank you donīt laugh and youīre not suppose to be smiling like an idiot. But thatīs what Iīm doing right now as I was reading this. Sorry, hope you arenīt offended! But, sheesh, that was so funny!

    Good fic, canīt wait for the next installment.

    -Damp *Please make your chapters longer...*
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  • From Dramastarelf on August 13, 2007
    lol the was really funny too short but really funny.
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  • From spoon10488 on August 12, 2007
    has a great start please continue
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  • From trystkinkou on August 12, 2007
    Mrew.... *bouncing in seat* not bad.. not bad at all. I can't wait to see what you have planned next. ^_~
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  • From dragon04 on August 12, 2007
    PLEASE UPDATE SOON. I like your story so much. I can not not wait until the next chapter but, can you make the next chapter longer.
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  • From anapana83 on August 12, 2007
    These chaps are short, but i'm curious about the plotline. I can't wait to see what else you have in store. Update soon.
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  • From KoibitoFemme on August 12, 2007
    Please write more in your next update. Its too short for me. Its like those damn samples at the store you like the taste but its not enough to satisfy you. In other words I LIKE YOUR STORY I WANT MORE!!!
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  • From Rosebud on August 12, 2007
    OMG, poor Naruto!
    This story is really good, but can you maybe make the chapters a little longer? If not, that's ok. I just wanna read more hehe! ^^

    Update soon!
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  • From on August 12, 2007
    Oh, this is really good. I like it. Could you make the updates a little longer though? It's a great story, I can't wait to read more. Update soon please.
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