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Reviews for T-Shirt

By : MeepSaysRawr
  • From ANON - a random authoress, m.t.h. on September 08, 2008
    This was pretty good. You haeva couple of spelling errors and a case of using the incorrect word("disguarded" instead of "discarded"). Other than that, you're fine. Keep up the good work. ^_^
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  • From ANON - animelover on October 08, 2007
    R U KIDDING!!! It was a dream? Dang, is anyone else having a "Bobby Ewing being dead on Dallas" moment? Sorry, dating myself. LOL! Well, it was kinda cute anyway, but geez, what a let down. ;-)
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  • From mounturmom on August 07, 2007
    HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! I love it!!! Naruto was dreaming and yeah!! I told you taht was a good song and I told you that you coudl write smut!!!!! LMFAO!!!! I am all giddy now!!! I love you!!!

    *tackles and glomps, then runs*
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  • From MoveThemHands on August 07, 2007
    *squeals* I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FIC!!!!! So good *chuckles* the only thing that gave away this being your first lemon yaoi was saying neither regions XDDD

    But oh man I was upset at the end...A DREAM?! HOW COULD YOU!

    Before this I wasn't a SaiNaru fan....NOW I AM!!! so hot *drools with fangirl faced hazed in dream mode*

    I love you and Kendra for giving you this song >
    > though now they might just to make me look like an ass xD

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