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Reviews for The Apartment

By : Kipling
  • From ANON - Emi on November 19, 2008
    neh? it's just getting good! You'll finish this right? I really wanna see/read the KibaHina smut!
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  • From gordafarid on September 24, 2008
    okay that was exciting, please continue! more kibahina plz! =3
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  • From ANON - twiinklestar on September 23, 2008
    I love this story. I think it's amazing. I also love how you have ALL of my favorite pairings. I nearly jumped for joy when I saw this one. InoXShika KibaXHina TenXNeji
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  • From JadedGothButterfly on August 16, 2008
    ...And KibaHina!Yayy-ness!
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  • From JadedGothButterfly on August 16, 2008

    Funn-ee! =D

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  • From Saitochan on August 04, 2008

    Wow! Took you long enought to update this one. I got to say, this is WAY shorter than what I was expecting, but it was really good to get in the mood and get an idea of what might happen on the next chapter.

    Please keep on writing! Find your inspiration and give us hungry readers a new chapter!
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  • From Kansani on July 21, 2008
    This story is awesome! I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From MrsCake on July 08, 2008
    Aw! Want more Kiba/Hinata. :-( (sniff) You do fantastic lemons so I hope you can update soon.
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  • From Ffourteen on July 01, 2008
    I'd say NaruSaku, there just aren't enough stories about NaruSaku. Or at least not enough that are finished.
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  • From ANON - Kiaya on June 17, 2008
    Hey, hey, hey! I like this story too!!

    Omg, someone wrote that you suck. Well, don't listen to that baka. He or She is just jealous! :D (I sure am)

    Are you still deciding on who you will choose for Naruto? Because if you are, I hope it's NaruSaku! If you choose Temari I would not mind either, but the female-Sasuke thing I will mind.
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  • From ANON - troublesome on November 20, 2007
    love the fact that you put ino and shika(LOVE HIM!!!) together inastead of shika and temari(YUCK) but to tell you the truth i can't see little innocent hinata doing the forbidden dance( imagine what her dad would say... probably forget gentle fist and try beating kiba with a stick XD)... but for the shikaino thing i always wanted shikamaru to snap and yell at her or be rude and then see ino go crazy over him(like sasuke being rude and her drooling over him because he was such a badass) i think that would be funny and very passionate!! but yea that's just what i think.. also are you going to put sakura in this story could you put her with sasuke~drools at thought of dominant sasuke~ love your story and can't wait till next chappie!
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  • From ANON - Labbess on September 18, 2007
    Yay! KibaHina! Can I say I absolutely love you for that? Good stuff… I can't wait!
    Also, I was wondering--- does it have to be ShikaIno? You could do NaruIno or SasuIno, because those are SO much sexier… But, alas, you are the author! UPDATE SOON!
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  • From rmfteddy on September 11, 2007
    Have them walk in on them if you want.
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  • From MrsCake on September 10, 2007
    You are so evil with the cliffhangers. :-) Neji and Tenten were realy hot, but I can't wait for Kiba and Hinata.
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  • From PlaidFlannelShirt on September 09, 2007
    Very nice lemon between Neji and Tenten in chapter three. You did such a good job of describing just how much they longed for one another and how the sex between them consummated their relationship fully. Definitely one of the best Neji/Tenten fics I've read. And this upcoming Hinata/Kiba fics sounds interesting as well. I hope it meets my expectations. ;)
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