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Reviews for Splintered

By : fetishYoukai
  • From Lunar84 on October 09, 2007
    Absolutely amazing. Though it wasn't very long, it said so much and definately struck something within me. I would love to read more of your works. I can tell just by these few lines that you are an amazing writer with incredible talent and vision. It is a brilliant one shot, probably one of the best ones I have ever had the pleasure of reading. That being said I'm confused as to whether you should leave this as is or pursue a longer story based on this general idea. It is very dark and has an immense amount of potential. If you have any other works I would love to read them. Also, if you have any suggestions on other pieces that you enjoyed please contact me and let me know what they are and who wrote them. Please continue to write, because you have a remarkable gift that should be shared with those who appreciate it.
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  • From roxnroll on July 22, 2007
    is this a one-shot - you could build on this it would be good.
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