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Reviews for Icha Icha Paradise

By : SeverusLutherinSalazarSnape
  • From 1505627 on September 21, 2008
    this doesn't really belong on this sight,this story is to good for'd be beter on
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  • From ANON - Shaay on October 08, 2007
    I really like this. I love Naruto and also all the youkai lords. Hee. Can't wait to see what happens next. I do hope you continue with this. It will be a real shame to see stop here. I would offer my services as a beta reader but I'm not experienced. Anyway, please, please don't give up on this story. There are a few spelling mistakes here and there but other than there's nothing wrong with this story. Thank you for a very entertaining read.
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  • From oohshiny on October 03, 2007
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  • From oohshiny on September 17, 2007

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  • From ANON - dana on July 02, 2007
    this is a really cool story. of course it would be sasuke that suggests naking naruto a concubine. have you decided on the final pairing yet because if not i wish to put in a vote for sasuke (seme) x naruto (uke) all the way. thanks for a great story and can't wait for the next update.
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  • From lovemeornot on June 25, 2007
    soo mean to stop there really good though
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  • From yaoilover07 on June 24, 2007
    This is an interesting story. I can't wait to see how Naruto is going to react to their decision.
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  • From ANON - stupefiedNarutard on June 21, 2007
    Ooh-- this is very interesting. I like the whole idea and I wonder what Kakashi's thinking as he reads this...since it's supposedly written by Jiraiya as Icha Icha Paradise. The whole youkai, tenshi, vampire thing was absolutely brilliant and the people you chose as leaders seemed perfect. All have fitting qualities of leaders, even Kiba, who seems a bit like he's all fighting in the anime, but he's pretty good.

    I'd definitely like to see where you take all of this and what the whole thing about the leader's knowing something. Naruto mentioned that they might know... something. It makes me a bit suspicious, but I'm sure Naruto's intentions are good since he doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Unless he's not as innocent as you make him out to be. Maybe he's half vampire or youkai or something... just weird theories my brains come up with.

    Shikamaru, again the genius. It was good solution to keep Naruto, but who knows what they will do to the blonde? Esp. with his ukeness. xD Genma... that was great. I'm glad you included the ANBU as prison guards in this, it adds to the hilarity and I can definitely see them acting like how you characterized them.

    Gaara was pretty well done too, I enjoyed seeing how you characterized him because usually people don't really do it right. He's very prideful and poised in this fic, much like when he's Kazekage in the anime. Shikamaru is ever the smart ass and I love him. Kiba seems smart. hehe, that's all I can say about him. Kakashi is very observant and I haven't really seen Neji too much yet (that's who it is, right? I can't remember... ^^;) I love that Orochimaru was the vampire, seems like him.

    Yay for Itachi and Kisame scaring the shit outta everyone!

    I sometimes forget Jiraiya is supposed to be writing this and it's not something that's supposed to be real. It's a really awesome idea and I couldn't picture Jiraiya writing something like this...yet. BWAHAHAH, you never know what's in store with that pervert.

    Anyways, you've got me hooked and I can't wait for an update. Makes me wonder if you are going to make Naruto an ultimate uke or pair him off with someone and make him stay with them. I see Sasuke was interested in him...stupid prick. Sorry, Sasu-hater here. U_U Well, guess I'll have to wait. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, see ya soon?


    p.s. my e-mail is if you want to put me on your update list. I'd be happy if you would!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 20, 2007
    This story is really good. I liked it a lot. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out! ^-^
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  • From darktoy on June 19, 2007
    Well Bite me Jiraiya! If I knew that pervert could write so good I might have started to buy the "Icha Icha" series a long time ago.
    I like the story, the description, everything.

    UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!
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