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Reviews for YouTube Fool

By : DevilnBlue
  • From ChibiJubjub on July 14, 2008
    OH MY GOD!
    i love this, like its amazing and so original and Just wow, i wish thouse youtube vids really did exsist *sighs*
    I can honestly say that i hope you never get bored of this and continue to write and update it like forever cause its just so funny and semi angsty and reminds me of guessing thats the part of the point but still.
    it equals love and all of the songs fit well into the story, like i knew most of them but there were a few i was youtubing as i was reading lol.

    anyway, update as soon as you can and NEVER GET BORED OF THIS FIC FOR IT IS GOLD.

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  • From Rockyshores on July 01, 2008
    I really like this story, but the lack of updates makes me less motivated to review.
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  • From Management on June 28, 2008
    This is a really good story. I hope you continue updating. I mean, we've just gotten to what will be very interesting. Not that the beginning wasn't good. Quite intertaining. But the story seems to be just starting to me.
    Well, please update soon!! We're all waiting!!!
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  • From ANON - Davey Lockhart on June 26, 2008
    Haha, interesting. I could seeing Naruto Anyway, I hope you get another chapter up sooner.
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  • From ANON - kithicdame on June 24, 2008
    ok this has become one of the best AU sasunaru fics i have ever read... it has all the important factors that i want in a fic... first naruto is HOT and not a loser... two gaara loves him even though they broke up... i just love it when a lot of guys and girls has a crush on naruto for a change... i hope sasuke will have a hard time getting naruto.. it would be great if gaara is his ultimate competition... finally it's an AU... love it when the story isn't related to nijas and demon stuff... keep it up and hope you update soon and continue this fic... did you post this on fanfiction? i hope you did so that I could put this on alert and read it on my phone...
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  • From alleycat88 on June 18, 2008
    YAY! This fic is so cute! ^.^ I cant wait for more! And song choice was excellent!
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  • From DeviousLilDevil on June 18, 2008
    should've known it wouldn't be that easy, sasuke. really nice update. i like your choice of those songs for naru to sing. i cant wait to see sasuke's reaction to naru's vid. looking foward to your next update whenever that maybe.
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  • From Xenosangel on June 18, 2008
    What an amazing story so far. The Lee bit was priceless. I hope you update soon. God I'm falling in love with Naruto all over again "Naruto the singing sensation." So cruel....I love it ¢¾
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on June 18, 2008
    well that was interesting. neji's really a possssive bastard isn't he?
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  • From ANON - bakkaotouto on June 17, 2008
    goss X3 right now it's 2:24 in the morning and 'am laughing like hellx3 and did wake up the family x3 lol that's X3 where did you get the idea to do that fic?
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  • From charmpit on June 17, 2008
    this is an interesting story.
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  • From Kalos on June 17, 2008
    I LOVE IT absolutely love it i mean i just wish that we could actualy see him sing :shigh: oh well good job

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  • From ANON - Pissed off fan on June 17, 2008
    >=[ you always leave us hanging at the good part!

    now type the next chapter faster or I will bite your foot and ear off then cut your body up into a million peices and sell them on ebay ^-^;

    Poor Sasu-kun he needs a lil action from naru-chan ;]
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  • From ANON - Sonya on June 08, 2008
    OMG love the story!!!!!!!!!
    I just can't wait fot the update so I am
    rewiewing you to tell you got a 15/10!!!!
    you got 5 extra bonus points... >_
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  • From Vibora on June 04, 2008
    waaaah! sasuke found him!!! yesss! awesome fic! great concept with "youtube fool"! hope you can update soon! ^_^
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