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Reviews for YouTube Fool

By : DevilnBlue
  • From ANON - SpacePirateDoll on September 15, 2008
    Hey there~
    Seeing as you wanted 15 more review by tomorrow, I guess I can pitch in.

    I really liked how this all started, its a hilarious idea and I love envisioning Naruto singing, but for some reason I find myself scrolling past the walls of lyrics and words when you write him singing.

    Maybe its just me, but I think its dragging a bit now, I hope something a bit more interesting comes soon~
    Though, I have to say, I do love how you characterized Naruto, ESPECIALLY when he was jogging/working out in the eariler chapters
    That was hot~
    I love when people write him as hot and not dumbwitted and stupid (I like him more on the sly and trickster side xD)

    Soo, yup, that's all I have to say for now~

    I hope you update soon, I can't wait to read how Sasuke will manage to woo Naruto
    (I'm sure it'll be good, and probably humorous, I hope)
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  • From ANON - Regina on September 14, 2008
    XD man i love ur youtube stories XD cant wait for the next chapter. lol im always on youtube and that would be soo coool seeing someone do the same never mind ^^; but i could so see it all in my head XD hope to see the next chapter... oh and just asking but is naruto going to be singing with you by chris brown??? if he isnt is there a chance he could sing it???
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  • From ANON - o.OTwitchO.o on September 06, 2008
    Yo bro awesome story so far
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  • From ANON - Chase on September 06, 2008
    Hey I like this story more?
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  • From ANON - Haillie on September 06, 2008
    Hey this is butters sister(We did different comments)

    I just wanted to say I loved reading this with my older sister you're such a good writer. I can't wait to get some Sasnaru soon... Hmmm... Is it wrong to hate Gaara in this story? *wonders* Oh well he's needs to just move the fuck on already! Stupid unfaithful bastard... XD Update soon? *puppy dog eyes*
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  • From ANON - Butters on September 06, 2008
    Hey there I loved this and have waited so long to see more!!! Update tus and I promise I will buy you cookies everyday!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - tukixoxo on September 06, 2008
    OMG!!!!! I cannot get hot singing Naruto out of my head! You, my friend are a fucking genies!!!!!!!!! You are doing such a great job. I just hope to encounter some smuck some x3. Keep it up! Can't wait till Sasu and Naru meet!
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  • From Nigellica on September 05, 2008
    Gyahh! I'm becoming as paranoid as Naruto ^^; Everytime he sings I can see a way for it to end up on youtube ^^;
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  • From ChibiJubjub on September 05, 2008
    when i saw that this was updated i actually squeed outloud, much to my relief no one was around to question me :D
    AND then i see my name in the authors notes and im like OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG!!!!!.
    yey! like thanks and now on to my actual review >_
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on September 04, 2008
    you know i kind want gaara and naru to get back together even though i love love love sasnaru. i just feel bad for them. maybe gaara should just leave neji since he obviously doesn't really love him if he's stuck on naruto
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  • From MagicalReality on September 04, 2008
    Waaah! When's he gonna meet Sasuke?! I love Naruto's little singing parts. Anymore YouTube videos on the way? XD
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on September 04, 2008

    Oh no! Stupid Neji, forcing Gaara to do something he doesn't want to. I hope they end up happy together because I absolutely adore that couple. The conversation between Sasuke and Naruto was just getting to the good part! Why must it have ended?

    I love this story, everything about it. It is not only original but very interesting.

    Please please update soon :)

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  • From Vibora on July 25, 2008
    ha ha! i just found this fic again! =D this is sooo great! i can't wait for the next chappie! i need more sasuke and gaara! lol. is that spar with lee gonna end up on youtube also!?!?! i have a feeling ;]
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  • From Nigellica on July 20, 2008
    This is a really interesting story. You have introduced to me to a few new songs ^_^ Do you have an updates list? If you do could you please add me? My email is
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 16, 2008
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