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Reviews for Slaves and Their Masters

By : Shedbloodytears
  • From edhelwing on October 10, 2008
    I think I can safely say that all of your fans are going to die of scurvy soon. We need lemons! Lots and lots of lemons!

    *sorry, I'm just a sick perv who likes to see her favorite characters get it on*
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  • From ANON - Musissimos on August 25, 2008
    So. I read your last OOC post, and you have some pretty serious real life problems. It's completely understandable, so I'm not flaming you or anything. Just leaving a note that if you manage to return here with newly invigorated muse, don't ditch your story. I'm still waiting for the next update. (:
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  • From rayyaoilov on December 01, 2007
    This is really good. You should totally write more. I'm kind of confused about naruto and sasuke's relationship.
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  • From ANON - eve4mem on August 16, 2007
    Please update soon =(
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  • From ANON - dragonfire04 on July 28, 2007
    PLEASE UPDATE SOON. I like to see what happen next.
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  • From ANON - eve4mem on May 24, 2007
    yes yes I do want more of this. And no it's not for Naruto/Sasuke I'm not for that pairing. I'm here for Iruka I love that uke teacher even when he's in angst. I want to see how this is all going to play out for him. I never imagined him in proverty he's the kind of guy who has his life planned even for the rough times. So I want to see how you make him handle all of this and how he relates to Naruto who goes into this willingly. Please update when you can. Sorry about the parent control it sucks when they can't let go.
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  • From Tesp71283 on May 08, 2007
    lol when I read the summary at first I was suspicious wondering 'is it...?' haha. I'm glad someone finally took my challenge. It made my day to find this story. I'm also way honored that it was your first story! Its pretty good, so keep up the good work.
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  • From on May 04, 2007
    I liked it.I hope that you'll get better fast and bring the sexiness with your next update.
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  • From yaoilover07 on April 25, 2007
    This is a very interesting story. I can see how this is going to work out. So far you have me on the edge of my seat to find out how everything is going to turn out for 'ruka an naruto as well as sasuke. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - ladywolfTerri on April 24, 2007
    Thankies.. hope I didn't cause too much blood loss for you!!.. XD

    You're still doing a great job!...^^.. I'm curious to see how things go between Naruto and Sasuke.. though I'm thinking the real reason Kisame put the tracking nod in Naruto was because of Orochi... though Orochi wouldn't know about it... XD

    offer stands.. didn't know it would hide my email though..
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  • From ANON - hanyou-elf on April 24, 2007
    nice. this has a promising start to it and it continues on. i'm curious about how this will play out. i feel bad for iruka and sincerely hope that things turn out better for him. now that sasuke has his naruto, how will they play out together? obviously there's attraction, but is sasuke going to try to get naruto to do those kinds of things with him or is he going to practice a bit more discretion and allow naruto to come at him in his own time? ah such questions. nice, very nice. i'm looking forward to more, eagerly. i really can't wait to see how you play out the dynamics in the relationship between naruto and sasuke. and though i prefer naru-seme, i can't wait to read how you play out the sasu-seme. i have high hopes!

    keep up the great work!
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  • From emp78 on April 24, 2007
    ItachixIruka is a rare pair; I like how you're working this.
    Can't wait for the next update.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 24, 2007
    Sorry, I just wanted to add thank you for the warning ahead of time. It always annoys me when an author refuses to say which way a pairing will go because in their eyes it doesn't matter. It's nice to know before you get caught up in a story and end up disappointed/upset because it ends up going against a preference.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 24, 2007
    Awwww I'm disappointed. I was really liking this story, but I can't read Sasuke as uke. To me it just seems to go so far against his character that I can't read it. That and I can't see Naruto as being a seme, at least not a permanent one and then only with certain characters.

    Oh well:'(
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  • From ANON - inigeshi on April 23, 2007
    please contine i really like where this is going.
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