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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - ArtDuncan on January 04, 2008
    I like the recreations better, especially the phone calls. I'd leave it as is, but that's just me.
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  • From ANON - okumiiya on January 04, 2008
    Awesome chapter!
    I love the story line you have here; man...

    I'd love to see more Saso/dei in here. I love the sound of it. Hell, add third person again because fuck that was incredible. XD

    Awesome job hun~
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  • From ANON - Stark on January 02, 2008
    Hello, I'm Stark. I've just discovered D/s Naruto through a friend in narutoyaoi at LJ. I'm loving the story so far, very nicely written, hawt, all that. It's great! I just wanted to review chapter 72... 72? I think so. Go Sai! That was awesome! I was wondering if you were going to bring in the confrontation with him and Neji's uncle. I have a soft spot in my heart for justifiable revenge. I will review more when I finish the story.

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  • From ANON - monet_rainbow on January 01, 2008
    hey there haven't reviewed in a while and im sorry. I just wanted to say in itachi's defence doing all that at once is hard! i should know..... :)
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  • From ANON - Jordgubbe on December 27, 2007
    Oh my! I sure hope that you update this wonderful story soon.
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  • From CyNeko on December 25, 2007
    Gods I love this story so very much...I mean I know these are just temporary chapters and don't really continue the story but I really do enjoy reading anything related to this fic! I really hope to see some new proper chapters up soon, I have been following this story from the very start (since chapter 1 first came up...I just haven't commented before because I forgot that I had an account here *feels like an idiot*) I've even gotten a few other people I know hooked on it as well lol.
    You are so skilled in getting the characters so perfect and tweaking them so they still resemble the original characters but in this AU setting, the story is fantastic and the smut...oh kami the smut. That has to be some of the hottest stuff I've read in Naruto fiction, plus I really must give you props for continuing such a long running series which never gets dull!
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  • From charmpit on December 14, 2007
    I think I've read all the chapters about twenty times (so far). That's what this story does for me.

    I can sum up D/s Naruto thusly: If it was Hestia's intent to take the slashy subtext of the Naruto universe to the extreme in her fanfic, well...she succeeds admirably.

    I'll tell you what--it will be a while before I tire of the Naruto fandom, that's for sure.

    Needless to tell you, this one makes my list of recommended reading.

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  • From kakashizgirl on December 14, 2007
    I don't think that the Ita/Sas chapter was icky at all. I personally find Itachi x Sasuke more than tantalizing. Of course, this is a very interesting plot and I am loving the progression of it. So many stories running alongside each other. Very awesome and well written. I love the WAY you write. It keeps things moving and very interesting...never boring. In fact, I don't think there has been a lull since I started reading. I can't wait to see what happens between Naruto and Sasuke. I think Sasuke has become my favorite character in this whole story. I can't exactly put my finger on the reason why. He's just such a deeply intricate character struggling with so many emotions and feelings. You are a master. I think you should win some sort of Fanfiction Award for this! Are you planning to go to Yaoi-Con this year? I was thinking it would be a cool idea if all the writers/artists there would wear black tee shirts with their pen-name in white letters on the front and/or back so that their readers and admirers could recognize them and give a hug or a high five or whatever! Just an idea! I will explore it further when the time comes closer.
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  • From ANON - Monet Rainbow on December 13, 2007
    ohh the smutty goodness. You captured my on going love hate relationship with the spanking bench. :)
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  • From ANON - Monet Rainbow on December 13, 2007
    You have combined two of my favorite things naruto and kink. Kudos you get cookies thank you :)
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  • From nm1716 on December 12, 2007
    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE UPDATE REALLY SOON. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From kakashizgirl on December 12, 2007
    I know I've been wearing it out reading, reading, reading your D/s and not commenting. I should be ashamed of myself, really, but wow, you're probably comment-sore from a story like this one! I just wanted to say that this particular chapter seriously gave me chills. Incredibly sweet. GaaraxShikamaru is so perfect. I love the relationship you've built for them. The way you put all the little interesting details in your writing just makes it so damn good. I'm having a ball reading your work!

    Also, although I didn't comment on the last chapter, I laughed my ass off. Somehow it hit my funnybone! Naruto and Sasuke and the big ruckus and Itachi was the instigator of the whole shittin' mess! And the way Genma choked on his cinnamon stick was priceless! I really enjoy a little comic relief in these stories. You are just such a master storyteller. I'm in awe of You!
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  • From AcaciaBrown on December 11, 2007
    What I hate about AFF is that I can't email you what would like to suggest, so I'm going to stick it in this review.
    Basically, I must admit first of all I did not want to read this fic, I DID not want to be sucked into it. I thought GOD NO HELP ME, and now I'm addicted and I hate you so MUCH, because secretly underneath all of this I like it, I really really (cannot stress enough) love this story. Although I can't read some bits, but anyway. That's beside the point.
    What I wanted to say was concerning the plot with Naruto's dad you could always go with the classic died in childbirth scenario, and Naruto's father blames Naruto for it and was really in love with his mother. Maybe he didn't want a kid, maybe they argued and she didn't tell him. Maybe she had cancer and wouldn't take Chemo because she was pregnant and after the baby was born the cancer killed her. And Naruto's Dad took out his anger on Naruto and abandoned him because he wanted his wife to abort but she wouldn't.
    And as for Sasuke and his I cannot cum, problem, perhaps you should 1) write that sex scene in another closet/dressing room and 2) you've written some perfectly beautiful sex scenes before when Sasuke couldn't cum, specifically the one when Sasuke talks about feeling loved for the first time ever. I would do, two or three scenes over the week and then jump it. Summaries it and let it push forward something about the relationship. As in, do they move in together? It's not JUST sex, I mean, this has to be a working relationship so, if Sasuke's really frustrated, how is he going to take it out on Naruto? Would he make Naruto pay for it? You can play around with it a bit, I mean Naruto is going to want to come in and make his mark and so is Sasuke. So we're moving into really intimate ground here....that would be fun to play around with?
    Please email me if you think I could help at all, I need more of this fic, it's so addictive!

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  • From Inigeshi on December 04, 2007
    i don't know who's happier? YOu or my inner yaoi feind! YAY! oh and for the files what if you ust posted them seperately in a diff fc you know like D/s 'deleted' senes and what not?
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  • From cutsycat on December 03, 2007
    I really like the old epilogue. It still seems to work with the story for the most part. I think you should see if you can still use it. :D
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