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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Areata_Kaze on February 24, 2008
    Holy Fucking Shit Hestia!! I've read this story once already and I became addicted!!!! I've lost count of the times I've drooled on my keyboard!!! All I can say is, keep up the good(and unbelieviably sexy)work!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Areata_Kaze on February 11, 2008
    please please pleeeaaasseeee write more!!! this is the best goddamned story i've EVER read, and that's saying somthing!!!! oh, and in case nebody asks i'm over the age of 18. which i'm not by 6 almost 5 years, but nobody else needs to know that!!!! XD neways, i loved ur story, it actually had a plot, not just sex, sex and more sex!! i congraduate you on that fabulous achievement!!!! hope you write more soon!!!
    sincerely, your probably youngest fan,
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  • From CrimsonEmbrace on February 03, 2008
    Sorry drugs are a big turn off, I love your stories but...I didn't get past the Meth
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  • From ANON - Charlotte on February 02, 2008
    This is the best.
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  • From ANON - Kimikiumi on January 26, 2008
    It has been a while but ... Ohhh!! I loved reading every single chapter, little by little!! You're such a fabulous writer!! I just got to chapter 83/82 of the Ibi/Rai/Gen and ... Oh My God!! - I just fell in love with the wonderful description you made of Genma's feelings. I baddly shivered!! The way he cries ... The way he begged ... The way he just submitted to the people he loves ... It's amazing!! It touches in a way that just doesn't make your hormones go nuts ... It makes you cry!! I did, cause it caught my heart in a blissfull way ... It's written in a way that's made to look realistic!! I can't believe how much thought you put into something so smutty and breathtaking!! It's amazing!! Tnak you for sharing every single chapter with us!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Beautiful!! Beautiful!! I really can't write a good review at the moment ... I'd love to, but my mind is working like mad and I can't really pick up the pieces. It's so amazing! I hope I used the right words!!

    You put something amazing into this that makes my knees weak ... And it's not just because of the sex scenes - because I do admit they are beautifully written and smexy as hell!! But ... There is an amazing work behind it that envolves the heart, the body, the soul and the mind - The MIND!! God!! It's like ... A chocolate cheese cake!! I hope I got my words right!! Xd I love chocolate cheese cakes like I love this fanfiction ... And I will always keep saying that it takes you away!!

    Please continue as soon as you can!! And keep up the beautiful work!!
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  • From ForgottenPrincess on January 24, 2008
    Now this is because was beinga b**ch, and would not let me review this story anymore then once in a day. so here it is...

    chapter 15
    i must admit i was not so sure how i would feel about gaara being with shikamaru. however i have to say that i like this turn for the better. In a way i think that was exactly what Shika was looking for when he mentioned neji not leading him to his next level...not showing him what he is capable of. .....i like it. want to read more with the two of them.
    I can not help but smile when they talk so raunchy to one another….makes me need to go have a liedown. Lol
    I want that backyard….it’s my new goal in life…I wish I could see it. Gaara is so hot,
    Iruka and kakashi are so beautiful together.
    I love the fretting sasuke, it is so good. I really love how he went from sasuke to sasuke-slut over the phone in the blink of an eye.
    That was a really horrable image of gaaras dead father. However it was really cute when I think of gaara taking care of shika….
    I love the dinner scene, and its sad that naruto thinks sasuke would only agree to be his with a 2.5 million dollar collar
    I love the part of them letting gaara show of at the party by wipping cigarettes out of ppls mouths.
    Domestic shikamaru how cute.
    I am so glad I stayed up so late reading this story, I think that THIS is now by favorite chapter. Sasuke went insane. You just cant go wrong with that.
    Kisame finally got his itachi
    Shika and gaara seem to like live in there own world.
    I am like NO not kakashi and iruka. They belong together…but at least kakashi knows that and soon so will iruka.
    Yay! I swear they are too sweet for words. I have to agree with shika, on how others must have wanted gaara but were to afraid to get near him. That fact that gaara is willing to wear a collar too is almost to perfect. BTW I think your Shikamaru is the hottest one I have ever had the privilage to read. The hair was just an added touch of hotness.
    Lol lol….poor sasori, what a thing to miss.
    Ooo that was hot Sasuke and Naruto, i wonder what sasuke will say about his clothing. Are Kakashi and Iruka going to find themselves out of the scene??? If they are going to get married. It makes me wonder how Iruka got into this type of life style. We know how a lot of the other characters got into it, found the appeal. But not Iruka.
    Gaara makes me wish i had a cock, just so i could have the hope of tapping that ass.....ah Shikamaru is one lucky sod. They make one hell of an attractive couple. I like shikamarus mom she runs her hope.

    Well i hope this is alright as far a reviews go. I wish i could have done them one at a time, i most likely would have but more detail into them if i could have. but i think you get the idea of how much i enjoy this story.
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  • From ForgottenPrincess on January 20, 2008
    Chapter 9
    I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!! Just reading it has a smile supperglued onto my face. A jealous sasuke and him fainting is really the best. The fact that they called him tamed....sorta....ah i am too happy to adequately express my gratitude towards you for sharing this with me.
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  • From ForgottenPrincess on January 20, 2008
    chapter 9
    i bet itachi got a laugh off hearing iruka screw kakashi..over the same thing he yelled at him for.
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  • From ForgottenPrincess on January 20, 2008
    chapter 5
    this has to be my favorite one so far, sasuke breaking...beautiful. i wonder why itachi was like it was kind of wrong to have a tape of his brother in his collection, but he dominates sasuke? ah i don't really care...sorta.
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  • From ForgottenPrincess on January 20, 2008
    chapter 4
    that was so hot. Naruto went crazy for a minute. i like how he filled Sasuke with his own spunk, never really thought of that one but i must admit i like it.
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  • From ForgottenPrincess on January 20, 2008
    i have been intending on reading i just started. i love it. i love the D/s, so drool worthy. i feel like naruto where is the sub of my dreams....:)
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  • From ANON - lacy assassin on January 20, 2008
    reading even the prologue was enticing!
    I found a link of this on an author's homepage so im really looking forward to reading this
    yosh onto my next chapter!

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  • From ANON - Crl12 on January 19, 2008
    I hope you'll continue the story.
    Please write more Naru/Sasu.

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  • From ANON - Dicey on January 17, 2008
    Hestia!! Are you okay?? Is the computer okay?? There hasn't been an update in ages (when they were daily) so just wondering what was up?? Not writer's block I hope? Something less hampering? RL perhaps?? Because that's not the ending umm right?? Naruto does still have to sub. And Sasuke's gotta be collared.. And there has to be some more Gaara/Shika in there somewhere.. I Know that there are all the characters in there now really but I'm happy if it's just the main pairings. Hope you're okay and that... There will be more chapters soon.. Take Care!!!
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  • From ANON - ArtDuncan on January 04, 2008
    I'm very glad you didn't make this the conclusion. I didn't even read the whole thing, because the portrayal's of Sasuke and Naruto didn't mesh with the rest of the story, at least it didn't feel like it. The way the Uchiha story was thrown out was slipshod, so I'm really glad you continued it instead. Bringing it out with Itachi was more poignant.
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