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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Zrina on April 14, 2007
    Damn, just when I thought it couldn't get any better!! OMG!!!!! more, more, more :D
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  • From Allys on April 14, 2007
    OMG!!!! HESTIA!!! SQUEEE I'm SO Freaking HAPPY right now :Glomps you, Rolls you around on the ground and Gropes you: LOL, I haven't even read it yet XD, but I LOVE YOU ALREADY!!! I just read the fucking summary and the fucking warnings :Happy dancing: I need to calm down XD, I'll leave a real review after I read it! And 6 chapters!!! Oh God woman you really are my goddess, falls to my knees in worship. Hold the presses you are so getting art for this!!!
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  • From tovah on April 14, 2007
    This is so good! I have never really read anything like this before. I am so in love with it. It is super hot! I love how Sasuke starts off rebelling but submits to Naruto when he starts to enjoy it. I think you are brilliant for writhing this. Please, Master Keep up the good work and update soon.
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  • From on April 14, 2007
    Will three words be enough for a review?It doesn't matter I'll say it anyway.MORE!UPDATE SOON!
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  • From ANON - Sama on April 14, 2007
    Holy...christ..O___O Thats all I can say after reading your latest update and DANNNNNNNNNNGGG! OMG! LOVED IT!! UPDATE WHEN YOU CAN!! AHHHH!!! Ttul! ^^
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  • From motacristi on April 14, 2007
    Great fic, I love when Naruto is the dom in the fics. I hope you up date soon >.< I would like to keep reading your story.
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  • From ANON - animehead on April 14, 2007
    Another great chapter. *hugs you* You have no idea how much I love this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.

    You're amazing...still speechless...
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  • From LifeonHiatus on April 14, 2007
    whoa. i don't think i ever read something so S&M before, but I like it. this is also the first iruka/kakashi i read. interesting how you seemed to have "switched" the roles. keep up the good work.
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  • From Tesp71283 on April 14, 2007
    Woooow...that was hot and kinky. Not my usual cup of tea but it was definitely spicy and left me with a craving for more. I'm keeping this one under my favorite tab to check on every once in a while. Please keep updating! I would love to find out what happens next.
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on April 14, 2007
    Woooohhhh. Two chapters at once.... yay! I was starting to worry about Naruto there for a minute. (Even so, I thought it was really hot when Naruto came on his face...) I'm glad he started to get it together. He just had to get the edge off, ne? Loved how Sasuke went from bitchy-sub to sucking, moaning, cumming sub. The image of him *just barely* poking his tongue out to lick Itachi's boot was... *shiver*.

    Broken Sasuke! Hooray!

    Two more awesome, sexy chapters. Looking forward to more. ^_^
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  • From squallstorm on April 14, 2007
    gods! this is so very awsome!! i implore you to update now!!! I must have more O_O

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  • From ANON - Anna-chan on April 14, 2007
    Oh my god that's so incredibly hot!!!! I don't know what to say!!!! The setting, the emotions I can see everything rihgt before my eyes, it's amazing. And addicting, I can't wait to read more!!!
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  • From Hellagoddess on April 14, 2007
    Oh my god i love you for writing this...
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  • From Zrina on April 14, 2007
    OMG, that was so damn intense!! I am LOVING this fic, it is so damned erotic!! /is speechless
    LOL, as someone else once put it, it made me happy in my pants! hehe
    Keep up the freaking awesome job!!
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  • From ANON - burr on April 14, 2007
    i already love this story sooo much! :) it's like my dream come true :). there's not enough narusasu out there - and as for violent n/s - there's almost none. i can't wait for an update :). please, keep up the good work!
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