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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Pic's Pixie on April 15, 2007
    omg please update soon i soooo want to read what happens when naru becomes sasuke's sub hehe didn't see that coming, can't wait hehe also very funny that naruto decided to shave sasuke's chest lol
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  • From sh0rtstr4w on April 15, 2007
    Wow. Just wow. I love the fact you update frequently because I just can't get enough of this story! I can't wait to see them go shopping! GAH! I love this fic!
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  • From yaoilover07 on April 15, 2007
    I love this story. I started reading and just couldn't stop. can't wait for the next chappie
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  • From ANON - Buho on April 15, 2007
    Holy crap!! Hands down one of the best fanfiction that I was
    ever blessed to come upon. I can't wait to read on, and
    see what happens.
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  • From ANON - Sakura-Laurel on April 15, 2007 Holy shit. I love you for writing this story. You do it so well! This story is teh awesomeness!
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  • From Dragon7 on April 15, 2007
    Great chapter!!!! I can’t wait to read the next chapter so please keep on writing and UPDATE SOON.

    P.S. UKE Sasuke FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From puccachu on April 15, 2007
    sorrie i didn't get to read this before~
    but i finally got to read it!
    as u can see hehe
    it's tense man! lol
    i love it!
    there are real emotions in the writing~
    even making me teary lol
    yet again! LOVE IT!
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  • From Hellagoddess on April 15, 2007
    Oh my...

    I have never quite enjoyed a story as much as i'm enjoying this one! Most people writing about a D/s scene or incorportaing it into their stories have no idea what they are doing. Its refreshing to find someone who does...


    Just one tiny tiny request...if you feel the need to grant it...

    I would adore you forever if you would possibly add some Neji/shikamaru... I saw the pairing mentioned and just went 'wow...that would be unbearably hot...' Neji as a Dom... *drifts off into subspace* LOL!
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  • From ANON - HumanInfiltrator on April 15, 2007
    WOW. What can I say?

    Update soon!?!?!?
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  • From Sekre on April 15, 2007
    I adore it!
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  • From ANON - danielle on April 15, 2007
    i love you so much! this is my dream fic!
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  • From obsidianazul on April 15, 2007
    I have seen this story listed occasionally but never read it because I am not into BDSM. But tonight I was really bored and saw nothing else that was recent and looked interesting. On a whim I tried this story and I am sold.
    It is funny, emotional and just sheer interesting. As a writer you rock! Can't wait for more updates.
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  • From ANON - yaoigurl91 on April 15, 2007
    WOW! For once in my life im speechless.
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  • From Allys on April 15, 2007

    Once again - I adore you. Hello my little cream pies and Oh my God Kisame so would be a big black man, just how I like them. Oh my oh my. I love that little twist, who knew that love would be the secret behind it all.

    LOL, big bad Zabuza running from Iruka - Priceless. I also love the little bits of insight to the dynamics of the club and the world. Oh and is everyone in this - Fucking A+++

    Muahahaha! XD. Oh MY! It's Definitely a Blue Moon. So Hott!!! Oh man, I'm all keyed up now, I can't sleep now, is that it for tonight?? :whimpers: I know I'm a bastard, who would ever complain, you wrote 9 chapters in one day - Lady you, sighs... you're like drugs. Yeah LOL, D/s Naruto Yaoi, my drug of choice XD.
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  • From Zrina on April 15, 2007
    /is dead
    /is speechless
    /is one helluva happy camper
    /is loving every freakin line of this story
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