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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Kimmu on April 17, 2007
    I am definitely intrigued by the Kisame/Itachi in this fic, it's really what's sparking my interest and I hopehopehope you keep up with it. Kisame is
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  • From obsidianazul on April 17, 2007
    I think if Itachi subs it should be for Kisame. Since he does not think Kisame is into the scene - he should end up somehow subbing for him - unwillingly of course.

    I like where you took this with Gaara.
    Keep it up!!
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  • From llyoung on April 17, 2007
    Your Gaara is so funny and so clueless. Thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - tealeavesgreen on April 17, 2007

    I'm enjoying your story; I particularly enjoyed the scene where Sasuke "breaks" and begins falling in love/thinking like a sub/lets go/whatever. The emotional impact of it was well-rendered, palpable. I'm loving all of your Naruto-and-Sasuke interaction, smexy and not. I very much enjoy the KisaIta as well.

    I just have one issue with the story. The excrement stuff. I think I'm fairly representative of most of your readers when I say that I think that particular kink is very squicky. You handle the incest squick well, but making it a plot point and handling it well and mentioning that Itachi's never done more than think about it, which fits his characterization well. But the shit/pee scenes are just gross (to me, at least). Also, they are nonessential -- they don't help the plotline or character development in any way. They're a gratuitous squick that I think we can do without.

    Obviously this is your story; in the end, you decide what, if anything, to change. I will probably keep reading regardless, but those points of the story do diminish my enjoyment and detract from the re-read value.

    Thank you for your time,
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  • From Inigeshi on April 17, 2007
    i find garra calling someone elsee insane so damn hilarious its funny. iruka's psyco... *giggles stpidly* i enjoyed it.
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  • From Allys on April 17, 2007
    Nice twist, I like how Itachi's all conflicted on the NaruSasu issue, it's a lot more realistic than most portrayals of their relationship, although I do so love hardcore Uchihacest. And hn, I see Sai has made an appeareance XD. ItaSai hotness ;D, Loving it. So Itachi is the great white whale huh, the undeniable obsession, no matter the cost to health and happiness. Very interesting, it's a beautiful analogy really. I love the direction this story is taking, it's a very broad scope for you, but you are managing it beautifully as expected.
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  • From ANON - Dj on April 17, 2007
    I bow down b4 skill. i love the story not to mention your writing style. i've read the traveling pussy, virgin kiss and your loveless story. love them all.
    I wanted to know if we will get a glimpse of orochimarus s&m club. if so is it possible that you put a little temari/hinata action in there. i's my fav pairing that's really hard to find. also i'd love to see how you'd interperate that all of your stories throw me for a loop something akin to shock with massive waves of pleasure.
    well i cant wait for the next part and wish you well

    Gaara/Neji 4 evah!

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  • From Sapphirexkat2 on April 17, 2007
    Yay! You've decided to continue. Great work! I absolutely love this story, and you, of course. lol.
    I like the mentalities of Sasuke and Itachi. I don't know; it seems so like them. And the little one-sided Uchihacest is incredibly hot, even though it's such an evil little tease. Could Itachi and Sasuke f*** at least once before the Collaring Ceremony? oh pleeeaaase?

    but I like the story the way it is, and whatever you plan to do with it, I'll love that, too. keep up the great work!!
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  • From llyoung on April 17, 2007
    Thanks for recommending ffpanda's Depravity and Depravity 1.0. I've never read any Gravitation but I still enjoyed both stories. If you have anymore recommendations, please send them our way.

    Thanks for also updating your story again. I like the interaction between Itachi and Kisame in the last chapter (11) and also the introduction of Sai. I kind of like the idea of Itachi and Sai together - thanks to a certain story by I believe the author is Animehead.
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  • From on April 17, 2007
    Wow! You posted fast! I go visit the parents for one weekend and come back to THIS! (read: all sorts of drool-worthy goodies.) I'm glad you decided to go longer with this. It's very intriguing to see what feels like to me as an accurate portrayal of the BDSM scene. I think writing it in such a way that doesn't squick the normal populace is very impressive (can I consider myself normal...probably not anymore T_T). The plot is also very fascinating. I think it fitting that Itachi is the catalyst to the conflicts. I'm very fascinated by this piece and I hope you keep on writing!
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  • From ANON - olie on April 17, 2007
    THAT IS SO NOT ITACHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • From Inigeshi on April 17, 2007
    yay! newe chapter! i'm a feind.... hehheheh i love itachi's reaction. damn man...i swear you are the freakin best.
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  • From ANON - Sandra on April 16, 2007
    Very interesting, hope you keep updating at the same rate.

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  • From Inigeshi on April 16, 2007
    woof! i'm in love with this story! I try to write a decent bsdm and always fail miserably! i envvy your ability to do so. oh and i wanted o know is it posib;le that we will see itachi dominate sasuke or iruka naruto? i'm really curious about wat else you have in store. and i love the fact iruka's dom every one always makes him such a pansy! Good job and pleasee keep it up.
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  • From llyoung on April 16, 2007
    Thanks for sharing your story with us. I've been reading and enjoying it over the past few days. As for Shika and Neji if you can not leave them together would you consider putting Shika with Kiba instead of Choji? Also, I would really prefer to not have Itachi try to interfer in Naruto and Sasuke's relationship but this is your story and should go where you want it to. Basically, I would just prefer more hot chapters without the addition of angst.
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