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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From roro237 on April 18, 2007
    First off, I'm so happy you decided to contuine! I just love all the h o t stuff between Naruto and Sasuke. Please please keep it up. Hey glad you didn't wait till Thursday to post again:)You're the best!!!!!!!!
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  • From darkangelthefallen on April 18, 2007
    thats right completely ignore neji and walk out. that boy has never been too great anyway.
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on April 18, 2007
    Woo-hoo! There's public sex - sex within the scene, within an atmosphere that encourages it - and then there's *public* sex - like in a public place, separated from strangers by only a thin curtain. Nice.

    I loved Sasuke's thoughts in the last section - describing what it was about being a sub that he needed so much. A lot of sense was made, there. And those 'needing nothing/having nothing' lines - very good stuff.

    Again, I look forward to your next update!
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on April 18, 2007
    Oh.... Oh. I just realized that, if I'm reading it right, you probably meant an Itachi+Sasuke DP. Ah ha ha ha. *Dies from happiness*
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  • From ANON - Steph! on April 18, 2007
    I love your story!!!!!! It's hott!! can't wait for the next Chappie!
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 18, 2007
    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! i love gaara. and i love more that he is obsessed with naruto. oh and you make sasuke and naruto so cute! i love it!
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on April 18, 2007
    Good chapter! I am quite intrigued by the idea of a DP chapter - I've been thinking about writing one of those, so I've been doing some 'research' (hmm hm hm -I think I was Jiraiya in a past life) and I'd be very interested to see someone else - whose writing I enjoy - tackle that daunting task. But you've been doing so well with all these other potentially squicky things, so - I can't wait!

    I absolutely loved that look into Gaara's mixed up head. That was just awesome. His confusion is so - creepy, and somehow endearing at the same time. Naruto is silly in the morning. Funny!

    And Kakashi's gonna get it, hmmm? Mwah ha ha ha! *rubs hands together* Looking forward to it! ...And, images of Ibiki and Itachi are now permanently burned into my brain. Thank you. I mean it.

    I did have one question - you mentioned a three week relationship, I think in the scene with Itachi and Kisame. I wasn't very clear on who the relationship was with. Was it Itachi and a sub, or Kisame and a sub?

    Keep up the good work! Ten stars!
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  • From Hellagoddess on April 18, 2007
    Just wanted to mention how great this story is again. It makes me so delightfully happy that you update so fast and with some form of regularity! I wish I could do the same!

    Things I am looking foward to:
    Can't wait to see the shopping trip and the attempts on Sasuke's person by Naruto. Ooh! Naruto's sub session as well should be exciting... (*insert possible figging suggestion here* Just cause it's awesomely hot :P ) Am rather excited at the mention of Uchihacest (my favorite...) The Itachi sub chapter should be nice and tasty :P (personally I like your Itachi - the chapter when he met Naruto for the first time and was all like DOM! was exceptional and very sexy...) I also look foward to more Neji (he is the god of my idolitry...and... well.. Sasuke as well :P...oh and Itachi ...oh... /shakes head i'm hopeless sometimes)

    I really liked your take on Gaara in this last chapter. I would like to see someone with him, possibly teaching him from the bottom, what it's all about, being gentle and all that and that it doesn't have to be all about pain and being hardcore ALL the time (although that is very nice too :P). That would be rather sweet and nice to see. He needs some love :S I feel, even watching the anime or reading the manga, that he is a decent person, just...lost. Unable to find that critical little thing that he's been deprived of all his life. The thing that causes laughter, finds friendship, creates love where there was none before... (forgive me, i ramble.../cough )

    This is the ONLY story i have EVER had on my bookmarks...THE ONLY ONE in the long 3 years i have been reading fanfiction.

    Take from that what you will...

    Forgive me for the horrendouly long review but...things to say just kept coming up :P

    Keep up the awesome, amazing, intriguing work!

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  • From MissMayumi on April 18, 2007 say there is art..but where actually is the link??'s no good working us up, and then not having the link..
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  • From ANON - kaio on April 18, 2007
    I think i love you. Words cannot express how much I'm loving this fic.

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  • From on April 18, 2007
    ...I like you. :)
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  • From ursweetheartless on April 18, 2007
    so omg im in love with this story more again. i love gaara watching them on the monitors, (and how itachi asked him to keep recording >_
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  • From Allys on April 17, 2007
    Oh and I have art for you too, it's no where near as cool as Aida's I found the link in the reviews, but it's cute. I still have to gear up the courage to try drawing my first actual sex scene O.o, but between you, Animehead and Zrina, I'm getting there really quickly. But I'm not sure where to post the pic that's open to public viewing :(, I guess could get a livejournal account specifically for that, but in the meantime it's up in deviant art and y!Gallery.
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  • From Allys on April 17, 2007
    LOL, Well your sense of humour was in fine form for this chapter XD. It made it really hard for me to read (when I smile too much/hard my eyes crinkle up and everything gets blurry O.o). Although that wasn't a bad thing :D. I love your take on the cock naming ceremony (Oh God Beanpole! XD) and I loved it even more when Gaara wasn't sure if Naruto was serious or not XD, seriously I was LMAO!

    This story is like a conglomeration of all the finer points of your other stories, It's nice, it makes everything come together. I love virginal, clueless Gaara, he's so freaking adorable, like a little pitbull puppy. He so would be a stalker/voyeur in a situation like his too.

    I also really like the Uchiha club policies. It covers their ass quite sufficiently in a literally risky business.

    Oh and I'm sorry I didn't mention it but Judo doesn't have katas in the same was that karate does. you don't need to change anything in the text cause, you can still have classes, but while karate katas can be done alone, to do a judo kata you need a partner. O.o I'm not explaining this well - Okay - kata means form. In Karate they string the forms together, almost like a dance that you can practice. In judo the forms are kept separate and mainly consist of grappling techniques and throws, ways of arresting and directing another's movements. Did that make sense? This might help

    Oh and Ibiki/Itachi goodness O.O :holds nose and runs for tissues: XD

    Last thing - is there a link to view the art? Cause I'd really like to see it.
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  • From ANON - Pic's Pixie on April 17, 2007
    is it ibiki since even in the anime he's a torture expert hehe so that makes sense, can't wait for the next chapter, glad ur not waiting till thursday :P, though i wish there had been more sasu/naru but i can wait hehe keep up the great work :)
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