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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From roro237 on April 24, 2007
    I'm so glad you didn't end this:) You keep making it better and better. With the new additions. And I can't wait to see how h o t it will be as Naruto gets to be Sasuke sub! Please don't miss understand I love Sasuke being Naruto sub mmmm. I just like the idea of them changes up.(yea baby!) All the fellows have been hot.(fanning sweat) My favorits just happens to be N&S. Just wanted to drop you a few lines to say I'm still enjoying!!!:)
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  • From Hen on April 24, 2007
    I just stayed up until 5 am re-reading your entire story. And I have to work tomorrow. This story is so hot, it has left the rest of this section in the dust. I'm not one who usually likes AU stories but this is the greatest. I hope you will keep going on this for as long as possible. Every time I see that a new chapter is up it feels better than Christmas.
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  • From ursweetheartless on April 24, 2007
    O. M. F. G. an ita/naru/sasu dp scene? now that you have teased us with such delicacies you have a moral obligation to come through!! i kid, but still, hot with a capital H. and i am still hoping gaara and shika go long term and do some switch, because uke!gaara is so delicious i cry, almost as delicious as Itachi, Naruto, and Sasuke in the ever loving infinite number of possible combinations and scenes. THAT is ultimate *dies of bloodloss* x.X
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  • From ANON - yaoi_is_my_antidrug on April 24, 2007
    Yosh! After a long, hard weekend, I find four! more chapters posted. *sighs in happiness* Just what I needed. ^_^
    Where to start... Sasuke's nipples! yum... Shikamaru with his hair down, begging to be fucked... *drools*... Sai, that sneaky little devil lol... You're teasing me with that mention of Uchiha DP, you know that? Got my hopes up, and then dashed them to the ground. Well, I guess there is still hope. *also thinks Naruto would look lovely with two Uchiha cocks up his slutty ass*

    I liked the dogboy. Very interesting. Never seen the animal thing done with a dog-suit (except in an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I don't think that was quite the same thing.)

    Keep up the excellent work!!!! I love this fic so much, you don't even know. ^_^ You are the shit for writing this. THE SHIT.
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  • From Allys on April 24, 2007
    XD Hehe... Kimmimaro ka? Niiice Choice :D. LOL , Well this chappie answers two of my questions - Well done! Double whammy - Lady you are getting me so excited :D So the end of June huh? What month are they in? Tell me May or perhaps even early June. LOL, and yes Naruto would look lovely riding both Uchihas, but yeah - I don't think that'll happen short of Sasuke being so freaking high, he doesn't even remember his own name. Which for my lovely, oh so very proud of his family bastard - yeah... not happening. LOL, I'm so excited for tonight too, lots of dinners, a NejiKimmi session, a SasuNaru session XD and whoever else you can think up session XD. I'm so happy that if I wasn't so tired I would squeal. When was the last time I told you I love this story?? It's about time again - I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Oh and your description of Kabuto ROFLMAO!!!!!
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  • From llyoung on April 23, 2007
    Thanks again for such a quick update. Hope to read more Gaara/Shika and Iruka/Kakashi soon.
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  • From ANON - burr on April 23, 2007
    oh haha, DP scene with uchiha brothers and naruto, whoooah! i think i won't stop thinking about it now ;p :)
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  • From ANON - inigeshi on April 23, 2007
    yay yuri! and yay garra! he's sooo bed i love it! And now you'v got me thinking of ding a neji/itachi fic.... i cannot wait for the next chapter your story is one hell of a thrill!

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  • From HumanInfiltrator on April 23, 2007
    Too short, but thank you!
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  • From ursweetheartless on April 23, 2007
    mmm kiba, and slightly off-base itachi (could that be jealousy i see tinted on his face?) i like that hinata's coming in, with anko of all people... i half expected hinata to come into the gaara dynamic somewhere, because its always the shy quiet ones that are fucking psycho ^.^ i like the shikaxgaara more than the nejixshika too, i like shika to bits but him and neji together annoy me. nice work, ^.^
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  • From Dragon7 on April 23, 2007
    Great chapter!!!! I can’t wait to read the next chapter so please keep on writing and UPDATE SOON.
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  • From Allys on April 23, 2007
    LOL, I see you've started a revolution XD. Have you noticed the sheer amount of D/s stories that have cropped up all of a sudden :D. I think it's adorable, quite the finest form of flattery.
    Thank you for sorting out the safeword issue. I never really thought of it like that - I always thought of beloved as a really old fashioned word that wouldn't come up. But it fits perfectly into the phrase My beloved Master. Also yes the psychological impressions of the issue are scary, Hmm, something to think on.
    Poor, poor Sasuke, poor unsuspecting cynical Sasuke. I thought that too at first, about that bright instant love, and I suppose it is true. But the key, one very wise someone somewhere once said, to staying in love, is that both parties can't fall out of love at the same time. Maybe by the time Naruto's ready to fall out, Sasuke will have fallen in. There's nothing more satisfying than being with someone who loves you. It can be one of those vicious cycles really :).
    I liked this chapter - A little insight into everyone's background and a few unresolved issue to make me anxious - What's Itachi talking to Neji about? What the Hell is up with Sai? Will Naruto ever get to see Sasuke's apartment? Is there someone out there for Shino? Will Gaara eventually prove too much for Shika? And will the shark ever catch the whale?
    I Really like the fact that as in real relationships, even the ones that seem to be going so very well, there are still unresolved issues. I'm also very happy with your characterisations, you've kept them rather true to their natures all of them. That's quite an achievement.
    You've also introduced a touch of Yuri in here. I have to admit, I have little to no experience in that category, and it never really held any interest for me before - But if you write it baby I'll read it :)
    The workings of the club never cease to amaze me, and I Adore Sasuke's piercings. I also really love Sasori as a concierge - His gossip policy is so french, LOL, perfect.
    I'll be breathlessly awaiting your next installment XD.
    Luffles, Allys.
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  • From ANON - Allys on April 23, 2007
    Gorgeous - They stepped out of the bowels of the earth into Heaven. God and the fountain and the shower, just lovely. Your description of the boys - Delicious. I adore Gaara's method of torture XD. So surprising in it's lack of violence - I thought that would have been an issue for them. A strange pairing to be sure but you make them fit together. Shika always was a dreamer, I love that he finally got his fantasy.
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  • From LifeonHiatus on April 23, 2007
    oh boy, you definitely deserve a lot more reviews than I'm giving you. but it's just astounding how quickly you update, without comprimising quality i might add. I'm sure you've heard this oh-so-many times, but this story is awesome. keep up the kinkiness. :-)
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 23, 2007
    my goodness i heart your imagination... you take it all to another level! i especially am impressed with your different views on the relationships particularly gaara/shika which is an interesting choice. you've piqued my curiosity for anko/hinata... will you consider writing a part on their relationship if you haven't done so already? and shino's part looks to be interesting as well. honestly i've enjoyed reading each chapter as the descriptions are well written and the plot is very driven. also the different relationships are a very big added bonus. thanks so much for sharing and i definitely can't wait to read the next installment.
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