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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ursweetheartless on April 29, 2007
    OMG you are like the author of every good fangirls wetdreams. you just keep updating, and it always gets better. at first i was dissapointed when sasuke ruined great sex with his angst, but i mean, theres been lots and lots of great sex, especially with those to, and it was just so completly in charachter for him to do that, so i really can't complain. i do think my favorite thing in this chapter was there at the end, when naruto, possibly accidentally, but somehow i don't think so, damages that bracelet that little bit, just so that sasuke can't take it off. it's spiteful and gentle at the same time, and i wonder if he knows that sasuke will look at it and think only of him, because if he does he's way way ahead of where sasuke thinks he is in understanding the secret language of Uchihas, though i think thats also totally cannon as well. i feel like you're amazing at keeping the characters in character, even when things are happening that would never ever happen in the series (but a fangirl can dream, right? im starting to believe kishimoto has gone senile, or unlocked his true genius, but we'll see, ne?) and from the last chapter, i have to say i wouldn't anticipate /those/ pairings persay, but you do seem to be the number one author at surprising me, always in a pleasant way of course. i really do hope you write the scene with kisa taking itachi from behind while watching the tape of his brother, and i wonder how itachi would react to the conversation afterwards. does he know sasuke well enough to see through his BS, or will he believe it all, and would he approve of an end to the naru/sasu, because of all the changes that will bring about...
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  • From spoon10488 on April 29, 2007
    I think it would be a good idea if another character shows interest in Naruto expecailly after having sasuke shurg him off like that. it might make sasuke jealous. Just an idea. ;) But no matter what you read it will most likely be very good. :D
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  • From ANON - animehead on April 29, 2007
    i've been reading this and well most of the time i'm too speechless to leave a review. i still am, but i just had to tell you that i luvs ya for this story even though the angst hit me like a ton of bricks and now you have to take a break and now i can't blame your story for me not writing mine! i am so freaking excited to see naruto sub, with how he is as a dom it makes me tingly just thinking about it and nejisai makes my mouth water. okay, so i'll go calm down now and try to wait patiently and go back through the story and read my favorite parts and let my imagination soar.
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  • From Picspixie on April 29, 2007
    wow getting better and better, poor naru basically rejected by his perfect love :(, after reading that chapter all i can think about is naruto turning back to drugs, (seems like it would make sense that a past addict might turn back to that lifestyle after having his heart stomped on)and showing up at their fighting match with kakashi all doped up or something but hey can't wait for what you decide, luv ur writing style, and when u said something about how naruto looked like he was full of rage but sounded normal or when he spoke to sasuke like he was retarded, that reminds me of the anime naruto with his fake smiles, perfect for his character, and the kankuro and shino pairing, good choice :P, well no matter what happens can't wait to read more, especially sasu/naru/sasu goodness :P keep up the amazing work
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 29, 2007
    NOOOOO!!! Fuck, fucking Sasuke, fucking emotionally baggaged Uchiha. If I were Naruto I'd be pissed as hell. Naruto knows exactly what Sasuke is doing. What a fucking dick. After all Naruto did for him... what the hell. Sasuke had been so into it and because Naruto was gonna say he loves him? If he was going to say that at all?


    omg. but thanks for the fast updates. i worship thee. i do. i keep rereading all the narusasu bits anyway, so it's like i'm just waiting for it to be updated anyway. thank you.
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  • From llyoung on April 29, 2007
    Chapter 26 - I don't know how you do it. You just keep writing chapter after chapter each one better than the last. Thank you.
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  • From LifeonHiatus on April 29, 2007
    yessss!!!! ::does the cabbage patch:: Kankuro is in the house and bringin' sexy back!! o boo, i actually think him to be better looking. o well. i mean he's a bit stocky if anything. But he's an understated sexy and an overwelming pervert. ^^ and shino!! teehee. I like how my suggestions for neji's partner were in turn made into a couple themselves. haha! that rocks. i love your shino. i always wondered what he was packin' under that trench coat. arsenal? nope, just a smokin' bod and o man, I can picture him so well. he does look super mixed (of races). and that kisame, you go discipline that naughty naughty itachi! show him who's his daddy. ::rotten tomato smashes face:: okay i'll shut up now. but do update! and soon too! :-D
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  • From ANON - sandy_bijuu on April 29, 2007
    "It was time to tame his bitch."
    nice ending *mischevious grin*
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  • From Allys on April 29, 2007
    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways: Itachi's POV on the jewellery issue and Kisame pulling his strings from behind. God how I would love to see Kisame really pull Itachi's strings - Red silk cord for strings tied around his neck, his chest his arms, and his cock, scooting around on a persian carpet chased by a paddle, and directed by his strings, Hmmmn, I'll work on a pic so you can see what I mean - Look Ma, no hands O.o, what do I have with strapping people's hands to their backs? Time to tame his bitch indeed XD. And OMG Shino, I love how you worked in the bugs, to have them skitter and shimmer across his flesh slick from sweat, damn. God woman, you make my mind run away with me, and LOL, he could be a cousin XD. Useless factoid about me - 1 racial mongrel - a mixture of African, Malaysian, Chinese, Portugese, Scottish and Carib-Indian (a west-indian islander extinct but for traces tribe). And those are the identifiable races, no one really knows where my Dad's father came from, but to all appearances he was black, he actually looked a lot like the guy on the All State commercials just with white hair, LOL. That was really interesting to me, that you would pick those races, so very close to my own. And Shino does look it, he really does, it's mainly about his hair. I also really really enjoyed Kisame's POV, I always do with you :D. He's such a devoted analytical, no nonsense creature. I love him, and Sai and Neji, interesting prospect. Not to mention I'm dying to find out what the hell is going on with that toilet brush O.o, LOL. Way to work for it Sasuke XD, it makes me wonder what must be going on in his proud head. And in Naruto's, he must be really enthralled. The crowning achievement of this chapter though was the mastery in working in the canon, all those subtle hints and quips, truly masterful. The puppetry, the insects, fuck it Kimmimaro's cross, the ultimate devotional sacrifice, perfectly suiting. Huggles, and showers adoration on Hestia-Goddess of the hearth XD. Hmmn the ShikaGaa pic is taking longer than I thought, but I'm almost there, hopefully I'll be done before the night is up.
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 29, 2007
    wah.... the way you write these sessions are so imaginative and hot! my goodness i really like the way you weave elements of the show into reality like the shino's tattoos and the little play on words with leading him like a puppet on strings. i find that most of the stories i read have a hard time making elements from canon into actual reality that makes sense and you manage to incorporate it flawlessly. also think you have a gift/talent in explaining human emotions and needs. after reading kisame's logical reasoning for neji and shino to be subs, i was convinced myself. i really really hope that you plan to write a session with kankuro and shino... they're characters that need more love! thanks so much for sharing and can't wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - Cookie on April 29, 2007
    Oh god, everytime I attempt another review, up pops another chapter and I’m back into reading mode! But these last few chapters made me say “WHOA! SH*~”!

    Man, what does it for me are the varied emotional backgrounds and needs of the characters, what’s in their heads and what are they trying to fulfill to make them sub or dom. That whole scene with Gaara and Shikamaru was a serious highpoint for me. And I loved the way Gaara confronted Neji at Uchiha’s and Naruto going for the knife hidden in his boot. I’m like, “VIOLENCE --- Ooo~ GOODY!” I also liked how you showed Neji “in flux”. I can see why he would be resistant to subbing since he’s so dominated outside of the scene. It will be interesting to see what you have in store for him. Oh, and by the way -- "Uchiha's", "Manda's" and now "Roots" -- nice touch!

    The egg-thing between Iruka and Kakashi – boy that was seriously brutal! But not just because of its obvious pain and humiliation, but the paradox of Kakashi willingly submitting his pride and body to all that pain and humiliation, to the point that it transcended into a twisted badge of pride for Kakashi to endure for his Iruka.

    I also can’t wait to see more of Shino and Kankuro. I can see Kankuro pulling the strings, but Shino doesn’t have a simple mind despite how understated he may appear. That’s what I like about Shino. And I definitely can’t wait to see Kisame’s make his move on Itachi, quietly swimming beneath his prey, waiting for the right moment to make his kill (wheee~)!

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  • From ANON - Anon on April 29, 2007
    *kisses boots* Yes, thank you for another chapter so soon >.< I can't get enough of this story, I really can't. Damn, I wonder what Itachi would do to Naruto if Naru was his sub. Eeeh. That could get scary. Eeeh! Sasuke with a toilet brush in his ass. Damn he's such a good slut *sigh* I looooveee it. More, more, more!!! *begs*
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  • From on April 29, 2007
    keep up the good work!

    ja na!
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  • From ANON - inigeshi on April 29, 2007
    go kisame! ohoh this is gonna be good. damn i don't know whatt to type... my fingers turned retarded after reading that. i'm duh-dumb-stupid... that was mind blowing! man and the way way tou described shino was awesome 100% sexy (gigles madly) good job yeah!
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  • From llyoung on April 29, 2007
    Interesting insight on how the club works. It would be nice if there was such a club.
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