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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Kari on May 01, 2007
    I've gotta say that I loooove this story it's one of my all time faves already! The way you write and everyone's personalities are just perfect. Sasuke being so scared of being in love that he basically just rejected Naruto just about broke me heart! I know this might sound selfish but I REALLY hope this stays NaruSasu with Naruto in charge/dom-ing...there's just so few GOOD Naruto-as-seme fics out there.
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  • From ANON - burr on May 01, 2007
    aww that was sneaky of you! i was waiting for a great lemon, and there was angst.. mind you, it was well-written and nice to read. i can understand sasuke's fears, though i hope they'll be dispersed, maybe itachi could help?
    ah, itachi. i really really hope you could write a double lemon - kisame taming his bitch with narusasu love in the background, hmm.. ah, the possibilities :). i think that could even be my favourite lemon ever :D!
    anyway, thanks as always for your hard work!
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on April 30, 2007
    ::headdesk:: ::headdesk:: ::headdesk::
    Sasuke. ::headdesk:: When Gaara is more socially adept than you, YOU HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM. Angst makes plot go round... but damn, I can't wait until Naruto figures out the real reason for that safeword-call, if he ever does.
    *brightens up* In the meantime, there's Gaara and Shikamaru, and Sai and Neji, and Iruka and Kakashi, and Kankurou and Shino, and Kisame and Itachi, and... :D!
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  • From hisoka on April 30, 2007
    sasukes lying to himself watch him strugglewith his feelings
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  • From llyoung on April 30, 2007
    I agree with Confused Youth's review. I like the plot you already have which for me means the different relationships and I'm not really interested in Orochimaru's club. But regardless of that I love your story and I'm sure that no matter how it goes I would still enjoy it. Thanks for taking the time to write this story. It amazes me how talented you are. You keep writing great chapters and you update so quickly. Thanks again.
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  • From ManChesterEngland on April 30, 2007
    I remember how i got hooked to this story... someone on LJ recomended it adn at the time i enjoyed D/s but not the deep life style scene you have in your story but as i started reading it i fell in love with it. I remember stopping when i thought it was over and then randomly by chance finding out that you added new chapters and was going to continue it and now.. now i'm just in love with this story. I know that it really doesn't have much in terms of plot but i feel like you kind of already have some type of plot basically going. It involves a lot of sex obviously but i think the underlying theme is how the right master comes together with the right sub! Like Naruto and Sasuke's dom/dub relationship is like the back bone that makes all these other unpaired doms and subs look for the right match, I mean the epilogue that you might still have has Naruto and Sasuke finally permanently in a relationship and Sasuke finally getting collared so it just seems to me that thats the main idea of this story, all of them getting together and letting go of insecurities!

    Sometimes complicated plots aren't needed to make a story good and i personally love this story the way it is especially now that you're introducing the angst with Sasuke trying to push Naruto away thinking it's baseless infatuation that would fade as quickly as it came. I really love how you characterize both Sasuke and Naruto because i feel like you really do stick to their basic character even though according to cannon Sasuke seems more dominant he just isn't right emotionally to be the dominant in a sexual relationship which is what you have. I adored Sasuke in sub space and i can't wait for Kisame to put Itachi in the same place. I am interested to see how Sasuke would dom Naruto but (call me biased) but i just feel like Sasuke shouldn't even bother he belongs with his ass in the air or whatever.

    I'm not too interested in Orochimaru's club though becaue so far all the chacracters i need apart from Kabuto are in Itachi's club so whatever. I just felt the need to spam you with a lengthy review to express my love for this and I really look forward to every update!!!!
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  • From ANON - Alix on April 30, 2007
    If I may cast my vote- please oh please oh please use Genma!!!! As much as I enjoy reading about Itachi... he's all Kisame's now. So I beg of you to pull out the senbon hunk from wherever you've stashed him for him to teach the 'caged bird' how to pick its lock and fly!
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  • From ANON - LindyStar on April 30, 2007
    I was really hoping that you'd bring in Jiraiya, maybe make him a gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender sex therapist who also writes 'how to/porn-ish' books like 'how to be a dom' etc. and he could totally be the older, more experienced, intelligent dom that Neji needs to set him straight (not hetero ;D). Anyhoo, this last chapter had me thinking the showdown at Kakashi's was hinting at the Valley of the End fight...if so, I hope they fight, and then kiss and make out- errm, kiss and make up? Besides, makeup sex is so awesome! Can't wait for dom!Kisame and uke!Itachi.
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  • From ANON - anon on April 30, 2007
    I know Sasuke is just afraid. But as to relationships that get off to a fast and intense start lasting ... I slept with my husband on our first date, saw him (and slept with him) every day for a year after and have now been married to him for 20 years strong!

    Sometimes fast and furious is the best!
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  • From Allys on April 30, 2007
    OMG! That was so sad ;_; Stupid, stupid Sasuke, stupid scared Sasuke, who needs to be huggled more than anything right now. And poor Naruto, he's not buying that is he!?? Damnit Sasuke you bikubiku BAKA!! Bakabakabakabakabakabakabakabaka!! (O.o, can you tell I've been watching Inuyasha?) And then he just left!!! Naruto!! Eep. Please, I'm begging for updates again.

    As for me :blushes furiously: I don't know, but don't tell me that, you'll swell my head! Oh and HELLZ YEAH!! I love those books, LOL!! From the minute they strung Alexis up and impaled him on that statue, I was hooked. Fuck it, who am I kidding, from the minute he woke her up I was hooked, and it just kept getting better! You totally remind me of Ann Rice sometimes, LOL.
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  • From ANON - Touya on April 30, 2007
    Wonderfully smut and beautifully darkish plot, and love all the pairings you put into the mix along with the undertones around the basic ones. I have to say that few people can pull off Seme characterization for characters like Naruto and Iruka, but somehow you did it, and beautifully. The only pairing(s) though that have been implied but not written are Za/Haku and SasorixDeidara, and I am longingly awaiting their times. All in all, a fic packaged in awing splendor with a smut ribbon as a bonus. Keep up the great work!
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  • From Kimra on April 30, 2007
    I'm sure I'm not the first to say that most of this isn't to my style. I've skimmed a few bits and pieces here and there - reading the things that interest me. Which mostly means the Naruto and Sasuke interaction. However, I'm enjoying your story - even the odd bits (in my opinion). So I just through I'd drop you a reveiw telling you that I'm reading and enjoying. So keep up the excellent work. :D
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  • From FKawazoe on April 30, 2007
    Well...I've started reading your story yesterday and now I'm totaly hooked to it. The way it's written is just... perfect. The way your characters think and act is amazing. I love reading this but I'm sure you have other things to do, like work and stuff, so I'll wait patiently for the next chapter and hope that Sasuke wakes up soon before he ends up losing Naruto.
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  • From Digitalkisses on April 30, 2007
    O god.. you almost made me cry with this last chapter, I could feel the hurt, the pain between Sasuke and Naruto so much, how they both fell in love with one another but Sasuke being too afraid to admit it and to protect himself hurts Naruto.. so well written and detailed, I love how Naruto damaged the bracelet so it couldn't be taken off, you really make me wonder where this all comes from, the stuff you write it's amazing and I'm normally not into D/S at all! but this story, I think i'm addicted to it rofl.
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  • From ANON - animehead on April 30, 2007
    ok..i just had a thought and i just wanted to share it with you. i don't know what you would think about this or how you would even fit it in your story, but the image of itachi being a dom to naruto and sasuke as subs, but then making his two subs fuck each other is like a freaking dream come true. haha. anyway, i just had to share that with you in case you ever feel like playing around with those three. damn it. i think i just made myself all tingly and excited. LOL
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