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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on May 03, 2007
    ROFLMAO!!!! - XD XD XD - ROFLMAO!!! ZMOG!!! THAT WAS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!! LMAO!!! XD :Sighs: hehehe XD :wipes a tear: LOL... XD Okay okay... hehehe. I Love You.. XD, I have to stop... hehehe, I'm getting a headache from laughing too much, and my throat hurts... Whhoooo.... eh he, okay. :clears throat: ... Wow ... First off, Thanks XD. That was definitely gratifying, Hehehe XD. There's so a reason why I adore you. Oh my oh my, it's like interactive cinema... You Rock Out Loud Lady :D. Holy shit, that was way better than I could have ever pictured it. I didn't think they'd come to blows, well. at least not full out fisticuffs XD, LOL. God I can't even laugh anymore without coughing, XD. whooo, Damn. LOL, Highlights - “Oh, can I suck him off, Sasori? He’s so wild, like a firestorm,” said Deidara. XD XD And Holee Shitt, the list O.O - Damnb-b-b-b XD Something to look forward too, although, maybe not with Naruto and Sasuke, hehehe, eerrr, they may need to stay one on one for a bit, yeah... hehehe. Okay then XD. Oh and you were fully pulling characters out Kishimoto's Ass today, LOL, I had forgotten Aoba existed for a minute. XD. And Yay!! Enter Ibiki (and Baki) stage left. Oh God Itachi the instigator, thou knowst not what thee do'st. God LOL, and everybody jumped in XD, hehehe... I have to go read that again XD.
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  • From ANON - Cindy on May 03, 2007
    You're killing me with this stuff, you know that don't you? What a way to go ... XD
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  • From obsidianazul on May 03, 2007
    This chapter has me cracking up. What the heck is a man tit? lol. The thought of it has me in stitches. I am wondering how I can say to someone "Put that down or I will cut off your man tit".
    I'm with the rest of the gang - I can't wait for Saturday to come
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  • From yaoilover07 on May 03, 2007
    I loved this chapter it was so funny to see Sasuke go crazy like that. Can't wait to see what going to happen when Naryto is Sasukes sub.
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  • From ladywolfTerri on May 03, 2007
    Woot!!!.. Go Naruto! Claim that ass and make Sasuke your little slave! Teach him!.. Mwahahahahahaha

    now I CAN'T wait for the next update!!.. Find out what Naruto does to Sasuke after they leave there.. XD

    and Damn!.. did Sasuke spaz out over Lee!!.. *lmao*..yeah.. he is soooooo good at hiding his feelings.. XD
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 03, 2007
    Oh god Mistress!

    Can we say Denial? This felt slightly rushed put seeing Naruto taking a firm hold of the errent Sasuke was delicious. Thank you.

    If it helps I have been late for work either staying up too late to read this story or sqeesing in a chapter before work if it's been posted over night. No complaints though!
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  • From ANON - Epi on May 03, 2007
    It's the first time I review your fic and I know you read that kind of comments every day but I'm totally in love with it. I don't know how it is possible to write so fast with such quality; you're really great and talented.
    This chapter was so powerful :) looks like Naruto and Sasuke will be sorting things out soon :D
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  • From ANON - korl on May 03, 2007
    Okay that chapter was really really exciting. I love possessive Sasuke. He deserved what happened because of how he treated Naruto when he was going to confess his feelings. Although i kind of understand about him wanting to protect his heart because in real life it could just end up as an infatuation that would leave him with a broken heart.

    I must confess i don't get excited when it's about gaa/shika & neji/?. You know who's really hot, the yondaime. I saw some really hot pictures of him on

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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on May 03, 2007
    I was so happy to see an update!

    Woo-hoo! How exciting! My goodness... the club will never be the same. So, Sasuke *had* to admit he cared, eh? ^_^

    Stupid, stupid Aoba... I hate him, very much. It'a a little unnerving that Itachi is handling Naruto and Sasuke's contract. And Genma teasing... Yay!

    You're so awesome. I'd like to gift you with boxes and boxes of sex, but as I don't see how that's actually possible, instead I'll just give you my love. Here it is: *love for you*
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  • From ANON - via on May 03, 2007
    I have been reading fanfiction for years, but i have to say that this one is one of the best i have read yet. You are creative, and well written. You have a lot of chapters, but you havnt filled them with useless information to make it that long. I find myself checking up on it for new chapters, which i normally do not do. I am even thinking of sending this to my husband, who is off on assignment. Please update regularly. i cant wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Lisa on May 03, 2007
    I was hope Sasuke would stay uke.
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  • From Allys on May 03, 2007
    Very Nice XD, I'm loving Gaara's plans for Shika and that this story is like 10 stories all wrapped up into one. It's like a Soap Opera XD, I never did understand why those things were so addictive until now. But OMG, you made me feel real bad for Neji, although I always find it really hard to feel truly bad for Neji, cause he's such a prick XD, but I love him anyway. LOL, hopefully Sai can straighten him out... well not literally XD. I'd love to see what's gonna happen with them, the way you keep saying that Neji really shouldn't be a Dom, makes me wonder if he won't find himself in a sticky situation with some over-turned tables XD. Oh and Hello Temari - She is by Far, my Favourite girl in the Narutoverse XD. Love that woman, oh and are you gonna write that family dinner? Cause that could be really interesting. And LOL, Sakura and Ino showed up O.o, only to be dissed and sent on their way XD, LOL. Sorry, it's really bad of me but I very much enjoyed that, it's not even that hate them really all that much, it was just funny as all ass XD. OMG nad Kanky and Shino O.O That I'm actually uber excited about. I love Kankuro, and there are so few stories with him, and they usually have something to do with Kiba XD, I really like them though, Oh God and Kanky, Kiba, Shino threesome would be hott, LOL, but probably ultimately too random. And zomg, please don't leave me hanging too long with the NaruSasu dilemma that you dropped on us the other day, and then disappeared ;_; LOL, I aint mad at ya, I actually really happy about that, LOL, it was so in character, and I do love my drama, but I can't help but wonder what's going on in Naruto's head. I don't think he believed Sasuke, I mean, maybe for a second, but if he gave any thought to that at all, he would have had to realise, I mean - Come on. I wonder if he's really gonna leave him alone for that long? I mean Sasuke totally deserves to sit and pine, but Naruto doesn't, oh God, I just had a horrible image of Naruto turning up at Uchiha's with a new sub, or Dom O.o, that would be bad, and heart breaking. A new sub would be worse though. Grr, I'm not gonna think about that too much, but oh yeah Yamato taicho hasn't shown up, and LOL Konohamaru, but he may still be too young for this. Okay, I've rambling for a while now, time to wrap this up.

    O.o, now that I really think about this, all this chapter did was make me want you to write more! XD, Way to reel us in Goddess lady set up all these little situations that have me squirming around and checking AFF like 10 times a day just to see if you've updated. Who knew you were such a tease ;D. LOL, Ja mata, update soon ne XD.
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  • From llyoung on May 03, 2007
    Thanks for another chapter. My favorite couple to read about is Gaara and Shika (it was Iruka and Kakashi until Gaara and Shika got together). I would really enjoy reading about their week off and hope you plan to write it. Thanks again for writing.
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  • From ANON - burr on May 03, 2007
    i thought the new chapter was the skipped out narusasu lemon ;___; i'm going to cry now.
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  • From animelovergirl on May 03, 2007
    Hi there! I just stumbled over this fic and I must confess at first I didn't know if I shoul read it since up 'til now I haven't been interested in D/s-fics or any of the stuff. But after the first chapter I was already hooked. Okay, some of the more intense scenes are still something my poor little mind boggles at but the pure hottness alone makes up for that ^_^ Your fic leaves my aching in places I never thought would react to such scenarios. So thank you very much for this new experience -_~ Please continue ASAP (and maybe you can put a nice little dom session with Itach/Neji in there somewhere ^^)

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